Oracle Multimedia enables you to develop either traditional client/server or two-tier applications, or multitier applications. Either method can then deploy Web applications to run on an application server tier, be tightly integrated with Oracle Database, and enable users to access the application from their desktop through a Web browser.
Using a complete development framework supported by class library interfaces, you can create production quality Oracle Multimedia applications for use in a production environment where users can interact with the application through either the standalone client interface or a Web browser. For Web applications, which are based on standards such as TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML, XML, and XHTML, this capability is facilitated by rapid developments in the underlying technology. As key software components become more tightly integrated, developers' tasks to design, create, and manage Web applications become faster, easier, and simpler to implement.
Using either the object type interface or the relational interface, Oracle Multimedia provides Internet support for Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database and authoring tools so you can quickly develop Web-based applications to upload to the database, retrieve from it, and manipulate multimedia data for delivery to Web browsers.
This chapter includes these sections:
See these chapters for more sample applications:
Chapter | Sample Application |
Chapter 3 | Describes the Oracle Multimedia Photo Album sample Web application, which is implemented using PL/SQL, Java servlets, and JavaServer Pages (JSP). This sample application demonstrates how to apply the steps described in Section 2.3 and Section 2.5 in a real Web application to upload and retrieve media data stored in a database. |
Chapter 4 | Describes the Oracle Multimedia Code Wizard application, which lets you create PL/SQL stored procedures for the PL/SQL Gateway for uploading and retrieving media data stored in a database using Oracle Multimedia object types. |
Chapter 5 | Describes the Oracle Multimedia Java API sample application, which is implemented using Java, JDBC, and Oracle Multimedia Java classes. This sample application demonstrates how to apply the steps described in Section 2.4 in a real Java application to upload and retrieve media data stored in a database. |
Oracle Multimedia supports application development by providing these tools and capabilities, which are briefly described in the following subsections:
Oracle Multimedia provides these Java class libraries, which enable access (insert, update, and retrieve) and manipulation (process) of multimedia data stored in the database:
Oracle Multimedia Java API class library
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) classes in the Oracle Multimedia Java API class library
Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API class library
Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library
And, Oracle Multimedia provides these specialized Java class libraries:
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java API class library
Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API class library
Oracle Multimedia also integrates with the Oracle Multimedia/Oracle Application Development Framework Business Components (ADF Business Components) integration package, and with C++ and traditional 3GLs through modern class library interfaces. Class libraries provide access to multimedia data stored in the database in several ways.
Oracle Multimedia Java API Class Library
Using the Java database connectivity (JDBC) interface, the Oracle Multimedia Java API class library enables you to use Java proxy classes for Oracle Multimedia database objects to quickly develop Java applications for use on any tier (client, application server, or database) to manipulate and modify audio, image, and video data, or heterogeneous media data stored in a database. Oracle Multimedia Java API makes it possible for JDBC result sets to include both traditional relational data and Oracle Multimedia columns of object type media data, to easily select and operate on the result set, to access object attributes, and to invoke object methods. Section 1.10.1 for general information, and Section 2.4 for a description of how to use Java and JDBC to develop media-rich Java client applications using this Java class library.
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Java API Reference for reference information about this Java class library
Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide for more information about using JDBC
The Oracle Multimedia Java API class library includes several Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) classes. The Oracle Multimedia Java API describes three types of stream objects, which provide interfaces to BLOB and BFILE data, that can be used by JAI. These classes enable a JAI application to read and write image data stored in a database using Oracle Multimedia OrdImage objects, or in BLOBs or BFILEs. See Section 1.10.4 for general information.
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Java API Reference for reference information about the JAI classes in this Java class library
Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API Class Library
The Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API class library supports Web technologies, enabling you to quickly develop Java applications using Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP). See Section 1.10.3 for general information. Section 2.5 describes how to develop media-rich Java-based Web applications using this Java class library. Section 3.2 includes an example of a Java servlet application, and Section 3.3 includes an example of a JSP application.
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API Reference for reference information about this Java class library
Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library
The Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library is an extension of the Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API class library. This Java class library provides JSP tags that simplify retrieving and uploading media data from and to Oracle Database in multimedia JSP Web applications.
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library Guide for complete information about this Java class libraryOracle Multimedia DICOM Java API Class Library
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java API is a specialized class library that enables users to write Java applications using the Oracle Multimedia object designed to store Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data. See Section 1.6.4 for general information.
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java API Reference for reference information about this Java class library
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide for more information about Oracle Multimedia DICOM features and enhancements
Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API Class Library
Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API is a specialized class library that enables users to write Java applications for extracting DICOM metadata outside of Oracle Database before the data is loaded into the database.
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API Reference for reference information about this Java class library
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide for more information about the Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API feature
Oracle Multimedia/Oracle Application Development Framework Business Components Integration Package
The Oracle Multimedia/Oracle Application Development Framework Business Components (ADF Business Components) integration package includes the Oracle Multimedia domain classes and a set of utilities for use with Oracle JDeveloper. Oracle JDeveloper is a Java-integrated development environment (IDE) tool that supports the application framework (ADF Business Components), enabling you to build multitier, component-based Internet applications. See Section 1.10.3 for general information.
See Also:
Oracle Database 2 Day + Java Developer's Guide for more information about Oracle JDeveloper and ADF Business Components
Oracle Multimedia uses the PL/SQL Gateway (mod_plsql) feature of the Oracle HTTP Server and the PL/SQL Web Toolkit features of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database to listen for browser requests, to execute stored PL/SQL procedures in the database using Oracle Net and Oracle Call Interface (OCI), and to generate an HTML page containing data and code for the response returned to the Web browser for display. As a Web application developer, you can write PL/SQL servlets and PL/SQL server pages (PSP) that invoke PL/SQL procedures stored in the database through an Oracle Net connection and OCI. See Section 2.3 for a description of how to use PL/SQL Gateway and PL/SQL Web Toolkit to develop PL/SQL Web applications. See Section 3.1 for an example of an application that uses the PL/SQL Gateway and PL/SQL Web Toolkit for Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database.
See Also:
Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide for more information about developing PL/SQL Web applications
Oracle Multimedia integrates Oracle development tools with tightly integrated components to enable you to quickly and easily develop applications that provide access to (insert, update, and retrieve) and manipulation (process) of multimedia data stored in the database for delivery to Web browsers and client applications. These development tools include:
Oracle Portal
Oracle JDeveloper
Oracle Designer
Oracle Content Management SDK
Oracle Portal is a simple browser-based environment for building and deploying enterprise information portlets (EIPs). An enterprise portal provides access to portlets, which are summarized versions of applications and Web content situated in defined regions of the Web page. Oracle Portal portlets execute PL/SQL stored procedures residing in the database, which in turn generate an HTTP response in the form of a generated HTML page. Oracle Portal contains two predefined components: Forms and Reports, which both support rich media content being uploaded or downloaded between the database and the portal framework form or report. See Section 1.10.3 for general information.
See Also:
Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Portal in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Online Documentation Library for more information about this tool
Oracle JDeveloper is an IDE tool, which is written 100% in Java, that supports the application framework (Oracle Application Development Framework Business Components). An Oracle Multimedia/ADF Business Components integration package includes the Oracle Multimedia domain classes and a set of utilities. The domain classes are wrappers of Oracle Multimedia Java API and inherit all the underlying multimedia retrieval, upload, and manipulation methods. The domain classes support the ADF Business Components APIs and provide built-in integrated multimedia capabilities, while the utility classes support the retrieval, rendering, and uploading of multimedia content. See Section 1.10.3 for general information.
See Also:
Oracle Fusion Middleware Extension SDK Reference for Oracle JDeveloper in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Online Documentation Library for more information about this tool
Oracle Designer is a tool used to manage software configuration management for controlling the evolution of an application from identification of components, through initiation, evaluation, authorization, development, and implementation. Oracle Designer can generate C++ classes that enable applications running on the client, on Oracle Fusion Middleware, or on Oracle Database to call Oracle Multimedia methods.
Oracle Content Management SDK enables you to create custom file system applications using XML and Java that use the features and capabilities of the database and a variety of Web-based interfaces, such as Java servlets and JSP pages, or executing SQL or calling stored PL/SQL procedures for execution in the transaction context of the database.
Oracle Multimedia integrates with third-party streaming media servers to enable dynamic and direct delivery of multimedia data stored in the database to a media player client. These third-party streaming servers include:
Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for RealNetworks Server
Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for Microsoft Windows Media Services
You can download these plug-ins from the Oracle Multimedia Software section of the Oracle Technology Network Web site at
Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for RealNetworks Server
Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for RealNetworks Server is a data source plug-in that enables a RealNetworks server to stream media data directly from Oracle Database to a media player client. The plug-in is installed with RealNetworks Server, and configured and managed using the administration tool of the streaming server. See Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for RealNetworks Streaming Servers Readme.
See Also:
for more information about streaming servers from RealNetworks
Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for Microsoft Windows Media Services
Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for Microsoft Windows Media Services enables Microsoft Windows Media servers to stream multimedia content to a client directly from Oracle Database. This plug-in is installed on Windows 2003 Server, and configured with Windows Media Services. See Oracle Multimedia Plug-in for Microsoft Windows Media Services Readme.
PL/SQL is a completely portable, high-performance transaction processing language that combines the data manipulation power of SQL with the data processing power of procedural languages.
This section briefly describes how to manipulate Oracle Multimedia database objects with the PL/SQL Application Programming Interface (API). The following Oracle Multimedia object types are available for storing media in the database:
The examples in this section use the sample schemas, which may be installed when you install Oracle.
The following subsections describe how to use various components of the PL/SQL development environment:
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Reference for details about the Oracle Multimedia object types and available methods in the PL/SQL API
Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about how the sample schemas were created and how you can use them
To access files with PL/SQL, you must create a directory object in the database that points to a directory that is accessible by the database server. For example, the following command creates the MEDIA_DIR
directory in the sample schema:
CREATE DIRECTORY MEDIA_DIR AS 'c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\demo\schema\product_media';
To retrieve media data from the database to a file, you must grant the write permission on the specified directory to the appropriate user. For example:
To upload media data from a file to the database, you must grant the read permission on the specified directory to the appropriate user. For example:
Performing any of these prohibited actions could cause internal errors and security violations in the database management system.These users, under which Oracle-supplied Oracle Multimedia data types are installed, are created during database installation, and might change in future releases:
Do not connect to or modify any of these users or their contents (which are supplied by Oracle Multimedia and reserved by Oracle), with this exception:
You can add user-defined packages to the user ORDPLUGINS
(see Chapter 7).
You can include media attributes (for example: height, width, and MIME type) in standard SQL queries by using accessor methods (for example: getHeight, getWidth, and getMimeType). Example 2-1, Example 2-2, and Example 2-3 show how to use these accessor methods to query one or more object attributes for image, audio, and video objects, respectively.
Example 2-1 Image Query (Height, Width, and MimeType Attributes)
SELECT t.product_id id, t.product_photo.getHeight() height, t.product_photo.getWidth() width, t.product_photo.getMimeType() mimetype FROM pm.online_media t;
To download media from the database into a file on the file system, call the export method of the Oracle Multimedia object. The following code example exports the image in the row with product_id 3117
to a file named 3117.jpg
in the directory MEDIA_DIR
. This code example highlights in bold the PL/SQL statements where this export operation takes place.
DECLARE img ORDImage; ctx RAW(64) := NULL; BEGIN SELECT product_photo INTO img FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id = 3117; img.export(ctx, 'FILE', 'MEDIA_DIR', '3117.jpg'); END; /
Media upload means importing media data from the file system into the database tablespaces. The following series of steps is typical:
Insert a new row into the table, creating new objects by using the init method of the Oracle Multimedia object type.
Call the import method of the Oracle Multimedia object to bring the data from the file system into the database.
Call the setProperties method of the Oracle Multimedia object to determine and populate the attributes of the object.
Update the table so that the Oracle Multimedia object in the table contains the attribute values extracted in the previous step.
The PL/SQL code that implements these steps for inserting a new row in the PM.ONLINE_MEDIA
table is shown in this example:
DECLARE img ORDImage; aud ORDAudio; vid ORDVideo; ctx RAW(64) := NULL; BEGIN -- Insert a new row into the pm.online_media table. DELETE FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id = 3003; INSERT INTO pm.online_media (product_id, product_photo, product_audio, product_video) VALUES (3003, ORDImage.init('FILE', 'MEDIA_DIR', 'laptop.jpg'), ORDAudio.init('FILE', 'MEDIA_DIR', 'laptop.mpa'), ORDVideo.init('FILE', 'MEDIA_DIR', 'laptop.rm')) RETURNING product_photo, product_audio, product_video INTO img, aud, vid; -- Bring the media into the database and populate the attributes. img.import(ctx); -- ORDImage.import also calls ORDImage.setProperties. aud.import(ctx); aud.setProperties(ctx); vid.import(ctx); vid.setProperties(ctx); -- Update the table with the properties we have extracted. UPDATE pm.online_media SET product_photo = img, product_audio = aud, product_video = vid WHERE product_id = 3003; COMMIT; END; /
Possible errors that can occur during run time should always be handled in your application. This practice enables the program to continue its operation even when it encounters a run-time error. This practice also enables users to know what went wrong during program operation. Proper error handling practices ensure that, whenever possible, you are always able to recover from an error while running an application. In addition, proper error handling provides you with the information you need so you always know what went wrong.
This section demonstrates proper error handling practices using code examples. These examples show how to handle some common Oracle Multimedia errors and other types of errors in PL/SQL programs. These examples are extracted from the PL/SQL sample applications that are described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. (See Oracle Multimedia Reference for more examples.)
When handling exceptions, PL/SQL uses exception blocks. For example, in PL/SQL, the exception can appear as:
BEGIN <some program logic> EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN <some exception logic> END;
When you design, code, and debug your application, you are aware of the places in your program where processing might stop due to a failure to anticipate an error. Those are the places in your program where you must add exception handling blocks to handle the potential errors.
The examples in this section describe exception handling in the Oracle Multimedia PL/SQL Web Toolkit Photo Album sample application.
The following subsections provide additional details and examples of exception handling in PL/SQL:
Handling the Setting of Properties for Unknown Image Formats in PL/SQL
Handling Image Processing for Unknown Image Formats in PL/SQL
See Also:
Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information about handling PL/SQL exceptions
If your program tries to set the properties of an uploaded image (it reads the image data to get the values of the object attributes so it can store them in the appropriate attribute fields) and the image format is not recognized, then the setProperties( ) method fails. To catch this exception and work around this potential problem, the application uses the following exception block:
BEGIN new_image.setProperties(); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN new_image.contentLength := upload_size; new_image.mimeType := upload_mime_type; END;
In this example, this exception handler sets the MIME type and length of the image based on the values from the upload table described at the beginning of the insert_new_photo
procedure. The browser sets a MIME type header when the file is uploaded. The application reads this header to set the ORDImage field.
If your program tries to process an image in cases when the image format is unknown, the processCopy( ) method always fails. To work around this potential problem, the application uses the following exception block:
BEGIN new_image.processCopy( 'maxScale=50,50', new_thumb); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN new_thumb.deleteContent(); new_thumb.contentLength := 0; END;
In this example from the Oracle Multimedia PL/SQL Web Toolkit Photo Album application, when the image format is unknown and a thumbnail image cannot be created, this exception handler deletes the content of the thumbnail image and sets its length to zero.
SQL developers who are familiar with the database can develop Web applications that exclusively use Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database using the PL/SQL development environment. With the PL/SQL development environment, developers can come quickly up to speed to develop PL/SQL-based Web applications.
Developing Web applications using PL/SQL consists of developing one or more PL/SQL packages consisting of sets of stored procedures that interact with Web browsers through HTTP. Stored procedures can be executed in several ways:
From a hypertext link that calls a stored procedure when it is selected
By clicking Submit on an HTML form to denote the completion of a task such as filling out a form supplied on the HTML page
By passing parameters to a stored procedure based on user choices from a list
Information in the stored procedure, such as tagged HTML text, is displayed in the Web browser as a Web page. These dynamic Web pages are generated by the database and are based on the database contents and the input parameters passed in to the stored procedure. Using PL/SQL stored procedures is especially efficient and powerful for generating dynamic Web page content.
There are two ways of generating HTML output from PL/SQL:
Using function calls to generate each HTML tag for output using the PL/SQL Web Toolkit package that is part of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database and whose owa
packages are loaded into a common schema so that all users can access it
Embedding PL/SQL code in Web pages (PL/SQL server pages)
Use Oracle Multimedia when media data such as images, audio, video, or combinations of all three are to be uploaded into and retrieved from database tables using the Oracle Multimedia object types and their respective sets of methods.
Media upload procedures first perform a SQL INSERT operation to insert a row of data in the media table, which also initializes instances of the respective Oracle Multimedia object columns with an empty BLOB. Next, a SQL SELECT FOR UPDATE operation selects the object columns for update. Finally, a SQL UPDATE operation updates the media objects in their respective columns. Oracle Multimedia methods are called to perform these tasks:
Initialize the object columns with an empty BLOB.
Set attributes to indicate media data is stored internally in a BLOB.
Get values of the object attributes and store them in the object attributes.
When exceptions occur, determine the length of the BLOB content and its MIME type.
Media retrieval operations involve these tasks:
Retrieving the object from the database into a local object
Checking the cache validity of the object based on its updated time versus that of the HTTP header time
Determining where the media object is located: in the database, in a BFILE, or at a URL location; then, getting the media, and downloading it for display on an HTML page
Oracle Multimedia methods are called to get the time that the media object was last updated, to determine if the media is stored locally in the database, in a BFILE, or at a URL location, to get the MIME type of the media object, and finally to retrieve the media data.
The following subsection describes how to use some Web components of the PL/SQL development environment:
Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database install Oracle HTTP Server powered by the Apache HTTP server that contains the PL/SQL Gateway to communicate directly with a client Web browser.
Oracle HTTP Server serves mainly the static HTML files, images, and so on, that a Web application uses, and is usually located in the file system where Oracle HTTP Server is installed. Oracle HTTP Server contains modules or plug-ins that extend its functions. One of these modules supplied by Oracle is the mod_plsql module, also known as the PL/SQL Gateway. The PL/SQL Gateway serves data dynamically from the database to Web browsers by calling PL/SQL stored procedures. The PL/SQL Gateway receives requests from a Web browser in the form of PL/SQL servlets or PL/SQL server pages that are mapped to PL/SQL stored procedure calls. PL/SQL stored procedures retrieve data from the database and generate an HTTP response containing the data and code from the PL/SQL Web Toolkit to display the generated Web page in a Web browser. The PL/SQL Web Toolkit contains a set of packages called htp
, htf
, and owa
packages that can be used in the stored procedures to get information about the request, construct HTML tags, and return header information to the client Web browser.
Figure 2-1 shows these main components of the PL/SQL development environment, Oracle HTTP Server (a component of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Database), the Web browser, and the database. The following information describes how a client Web browser request is turned into a Web page response from the execution of the PL/SQL procedure:
A client Web browser sends a PL/SQL server page or servlet request to Oracle HTTP Server.
Oracle HTTP Server routes the request to the PL/SQL Gateway (mod_plsql).
The PL/SQL Gateway forwards the request to the database using configuration information stored in the database access descriptor (DAD) and connects to the database.
The PL/SQL Gateway prepares the call parameters and invokes the PL/SQL package and the PL/SQL stored procedure in the application.
The PL/SQL procedure generates an HTML page using data from the database and special packages in the PL/SQL Web Toolkit accessed from the database. The PL/SQL Web Toolkit contains a set of packages called htp
, htf
, and owa
packages that are used in the stored procedures to get information about the request, construct HTML tags, and return header information back to the client Web browser as the response returned to the PL/SQL Gateway.
The PL/SQL Gateway sends the response to Oracle HTTP Server.
Oracle HTTP Server sends the response to the client Web browser for display as a formatted Web page.
Figure 2-1 Components of the PL/SQL Development Environment
Usually, the returned formatted Web page has one or more additional links, and each link, when selected, sends another request to the database through the PL/SQL Gateway to execute one or more stored procedures. The generated response displays data on the client Web page usually with additional links, which, when selected, execute more stored procedures that return the generated response for display as yet another formatted Web page, and so on. This is how the PL/SQL application in the PL/SQL development environment is designed to work.
Web application developers who use the PL/SQL development environment, create a PL/SQL package specification and body that describe procedures and functions that comprise the application. The package specification defines the procedures and functions used by the application, and the package body is the implementation of each procedure and function. All packages are compiled and stored in the database to perform specific operations for accessing data in the database and formatting HTML output for Web page presentation. To invoke these stored PL/SQL procedures, Web application developers use the request/response PL/SQL servlets and PL/SQL server pages (PSP) to enable Web browser clients to send requests and get back responses using HTTP.
Oracle HTTP Server maps a URL entered in a browser to a specific PL/SQL procedure stored in the database. It does this by storing specific configuration information in a DAD for each stored procedure. Thus, each DAD contains the database connection information that the Web server requires to translate the URL entered into a database connection to call the stored procedure.
Oracle HTTP Server listens for a request, routes the request to the PL/SQL Gateway, which forwards it to the database. Configuration information values stored in a DAD determine the database alias to use, the connection string to use for remote access, the procedure to use for uploading or downloading documents, and the user name and password information to enable access to the database. From the Web browser, the user specifies the URL that invokes the PL/SQL Gateway. The URL has a defined format for specifying all the required and optional parameters, including the location of the DAD and the name of the PL/SQL stored procedure to run, as shown in Example 2-4.
Example 2-4 URL Format to Invoke mod_plsql in a Web Browser
protocol://hostname[:port number]/DAD-name/[[!][schema name.] [package name.]procedure_name[?query_string]]
See Also:
Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for mod_plsql in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Online Documentation Library for a detailed description of each parameter and the available options
To use the Oracle Multimedia Photo Album sample application and the PL/SQL Web Toolkit described in Section 3.1, the URL can be simplified to the format shown in Example 2-5.
Example 2-5 URL Format to Invoke mod_plsql for the Photo Album Application
When the URL is entered in the Web browser, it includes the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), the name of the hosting Web server, and the port number to which it is listening to handle requests. Next, the specified virtual path includes /pls/<DAD-name>
to indicate that the Web server is configured to invoke mod_plsql, and the location of the DAD on the Web server.
In Example 2-4, the last five parameters include the exclamation point (!) character, schema name, package name, procedure name, and query string. From the syntax, the exclamation point, schema name, package name, and query string parameters are optional; only the procedure name is required.
The exclamation point indicates that flexible parameter passing is being used. The schema name, if omitted, is resolved based on the user name. The package name, if omitted, means the procedure is standalone. The query string parameters are for the stored procedure and follow a special format. Of these five parameters, the procedure name must be specified in both the DAD and the URL. The other four parameters are specified in either the DAD or the URL, or not at all, depending on the application.
The URL displays the home page for the specified DAD. When the URL is entered in the address field of the Web browser page, it invokes either the specified DAD location only, or the specified DAD location along with the procedure name, or the specified DAD location along with the schema.package.procedure
name. The response is returned as an HTML page. The HTML page contains the requested data and any other specified code for display in the client's Web browser. The Code Wizard described in Chapter 4 demonstrates how this operation works. For example, to invoke the Code Wizard administration URL, enter the following URL shown in that chapter:
The virtual path includes pls
to indicate that the Web server is configured to invoke mod_plsql, followed by the name of the DAD used for the Code Wizard administrator, ordcwadmin
When the HTML page is displayed, it resolves to the following URL for the Code Wizard administrator:
represents the package.procedure
name, which is specified as the default home page in the ordcwadmin
When the PL/SQL Gateway is invoked, it uses the stateless model and does not permit a transaction to span across multiple HTTP requests. In this stateless model, applications typically can create a session to maintain state by using one of these techniques: HTTP cookies, a hidden HTML field as an HTML form element of the HTML Form package, or storage of vital information in database tables for query.
See Also:
Oracle Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide for more information about PL/SQL Web applications
Developers who are familiar with Java and Java database connectivity (JDBC) can write media-rich Java applications using Oracle Multimedia Java API. The classes in Oracle Multimedia Java API are the Java proxy classes for Oracle Multimedia database objects. These Java classes provide access to Oracle Multimedia database objects through JDBC in a Java application.
The Java classes in Oracle Multimedia Java API are included in the*
package. These Java classes are named similarly to the Oracle Multimedia database objects, and in compliance with the standard Java naming convention:
Developers who write medical imaging applications can use Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java API and Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API. In Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java API, the OrdDicom class provides access to Oracle Multimedia DICOM database objects in a Java application. The classes in Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API enable developers to write Java applications for extracting DICOM metadata outside of Oracle Database.
The examples in this section use the sample schemas, which may be installed when you install Oracle.
The following subsections describe how to use various components of the Java development environment with JDBC:
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Java API Reference for details about the available classes and methods in this Java API
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java API Reference for details about the available classes and methods in this Java API
Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java API Reference for details about the available classes and methods in this Java API
Oracle Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide for more information about Oracle Multimedia DICOM features and enhancements
Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about how the sample schemas were created and how you can use them
Before you can begin using any of the Java APIs provided by Oracle Multimedia, you must set up your environment to compile and run Java programs.
Follow these steps:
Specify the environment variable CLASSPATH, and ensure that this variable includes the appropriate Oracle Java archive (JAR) files for the Oracle Multimedia features and any other features that you intend to use.
For each Oracle JAR file, Table 2-1 lists the name of the file and its contents, the Oracle Multimedia and other features that require it, and details about the JDK version, the platform, and the path name under the <ORACLE_HOME>
directory where you can obtain it.
Table 2-1 Java Archive Files for Oracle Multimedia
Oracle JAR File and Contents | Required By | JDK Version, Platform, and Location |
Name: Description: Oracle Multimedia Java proxy classes |
All Oracle Multimedia features |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle JDBC library |
All Oracle Multimedia features |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle XDB Java classes library |
DICOM feature Oracle Multimedia metadata extraction |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle XML Parser library |
DICOM feature Oracle Multimedia metadata extraction Mid-Tier Java API feature |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle Multimedia Mid-Tier Java classes |
Mid-Tier Java API feature |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java library |
Mid-Tier Java API feature |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle Multimedia DICOM Java proxy classes |
DICOM feature |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java HTTP classes |
Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) applications |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: Oracle Multimedia JSP Tag Library (Optional) |
JavaServer Pages (JSP) applications |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Name: Description: NLS Character Set Conversion library (Optional) |
NLS character set conversion requiredFoot 1 |
JDK 5 or later, on Linux and UNIX:
JDK 5 or later, on Windows:
Footnote 1 If NLS character set conversion is required between the client application and the database, you must include the orai18n.jar
file in the CLASSPATH variable. If NLS character set conversion is required, but the appropriate library is not specified, character-based attributes of Oracle Multimedia object types may be returned as hexadecimal-encoded strings. See Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide for more information about NLS character set conversion.
If you are using the JDBC OCI driver, specify the location of the JDBC OCI shared library in one of these variables:LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Linux or UNIX)
PATH (for Windows)
Depending on your platform, store the JDBC OCI shared library at one of these locations under the <ORACLE_HOME>
on Linux and UNIX)<ORACLE_HOME>
(for ocijdbc11.dll
on Windows)Because this library path is shared, it may have been specified previously to enable the use of other client applications, such as SQL*Plus.
Add one or more of the following import statements to the Java program:
Along with the standard JDBC classes included in the java.sql
package, you must also import the Oracle JDBC extension class oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
, as follows:
import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet;
Based on the type of media to be handled in the Java application, you might also have to add one or more of following import statements:
import; import; import; import;
Oracle Multimedia objects can be retrieved into Java applications as Java proxy objects to the Oracle Multimedia database objects with the same names: OrdAudio, OrdDoc, OrdImage, and OrdVideo. After the JDBC connection is established, follow these steps to retrieve Oracle Multimedia Java objects:
Create the JDBC statement to select Oracle Multimedia objects from the database:
String query = "select product_photo, product_audio,"+ " product_video, product_testimonials from" + " pm.online_media where product_id=3117"; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
Execute the query and obtain the result set:
OracleResultSet rset = (OracleResultSet)pstmt.executeQuery();
Retrieve the Oracle Multimedia Java object from the result set:
if ( ) { OrdImage imgProxy = (OrdImage)rset.getORAData( "product_photo", OrdImage.getORADataFactory()); OrdAudio audProxy = (OrdAudio)rset.getORAData( "product_audio", OrdAudio.getORADataFactory()); OrdVideo vidProxy = (OrdVideo)rset.getORAData( "product_video", OrdVideo.getORADataFactory()); OrdDoc docProxy = (OrdDoc)rset.getORAData( "product_testimonials", OrdDoc.getORADataFactory()); }
In Oracle Multimedia release 8i and release 9i, the getCustomDatum method is used to retrieve the Oracle Multimedia Java objects. In Oracle JDBC release 10g, the getCustomDatum method was deprecated and replaced by the getORAData method.In your Java program environment, be sure to use the same version for both the Oracle Multimedia Java Client library (ordim.jar
) and the Oracle JDBC library.
Retrieve the media attributes. Media attributes can be retrieved directly from Oracle Multimedia Java objects. For example:
int height = imgProxy.getHeight(); int width = imgProxy.getWidth(); String audFormat = audProxy.getFormat(); String vidMimetype = vidProxy.getMimeType();
Follow these steps to upload media data into Oracle Multimedia database objects in a Java application:
Enter this statement to enable the JDBC connection object to set the autocommit flag to false
Retrieve Oracle Multimedia Java objects from the database for updating. You can load media data into existing Oracle Multimedia objects in a table or into nonexisting Oracle Multimedia objects by creating a new row in a table.
The following example includes a query you can use to load media data into existing Oracle Multimedia objects in a table.
//"for update" is required in the query string //since we will update the row later. String query1 = "select product_photo," + " product_audio, product_video," + " product_testimonials from" + " pm.online_media where product_id=3106" + " for update"; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query1); OracleResultSet rset = (OracleResultSet)pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( ) { OrdImage imgProxy = (OrdImage)rset.getORAData( "product_photo", OrdImage.getORADataFactory()); OrdAudio audProxy = (OrdAudio)rset.getORAData( "product_audio", OrdAudio.getORADataFactory()); OrdVideo vidProxy = (OrdVideo)rset.getORAData( "product_video", OrdVideo.getORADataFactory()); OrdDoc docProxy = (OrdDoc)rset.getORAData( "product_testimonials", OrdDoc.getORADataFactory()); } rset.close(); pstmt.close();
The following example includes a query you can use to load media data into nonexisting Oracle Multimedia objects by creating a new row.
This code segment assumes that there is no row withproduct_id=3106
in the pm.online_media
table.String query2 = "begin insert into pm.online_media " + " (product_id, product_photo, product_audio," + " product_video, product_testimonials) values" + " (3106, ordimage.init()," + " ordaudio.init(), ordvideo.init()," + " orddoc.init()) returning product_photo," + " product_audio, product_video," + " product_testimonials into ?, ?, ?, ?;end;"; OracleCallableStatement cstmt = (OracleCallableStatement) conn.prepareCall(query2); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, OrdImage._SQL_TYPECODE, OrdImage._SQL_NAME); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, OrdAudio._SQL_TYPECODE, OrdAudio._SQL_NAME); cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, OrdVideo._SQL_TYPECODE, OrdVideo._SQL_NAME); cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, OrdDoc._SQL_TYPECODE, OrdDoc._SQL_NAME); cstmt.execute(); OrdImage imgProxy = (OrdImage)cstmt.getORAData(1, OrdImage.getORADataFactory()); OrdAudio audProxy = (OrdAudio)cstmt.getORAData(2, OrdAudio.getORADataFactory()); OrdVideo vidProxy = (OrdVideo)cstmt.getORAData(3, OrdVideo.getORADataFactory()); OrdDoc docProxy = (OrdDoc)cstmt.getORAData(4, OrdDoc.getORADataFactory()); cstmt.close();
Load the media data from a file to the Oracle Multimedia Java objects by calling the loadDataFromFile method:
String imageFileName = "laptop.jpg"; String audioFileName = "laptop.mpa"; String videoFileName = "laptop.rm"; String docFileName = "laptop.jpg"; imgProxy.loadDataFromFile(imageFileName); audProxy.loadDataFromFile(audioFileName); vidProxy.loadDataFromFile(videoFileName); docProxy.loadDataFromFile(docFileName);
Set the properties of the Oracle Multimedia objects by populating the Java object fields with media attributes (optional):
imgProxy.setProperties(); audProxy.setProperties(new byte[1][64]); vidProxy.setProperties(new byte[1][64]); docProxy.setProperties(new byte[1][64], true);
The setProperties method tries to recognize the format of the media and populate the objects field with media information such as image height, image width, format, MIME type, and so on. If the media format is not recognized, the java.sql.SQLException error is thrown.Update the database table with Oracle Multimedia Java objects that have data already loaded:
String query3 = "update pm.online_media set" + " product_photo=?, product_audio=?," + " product_video=?, product_testimonials=?" + " where product_id=3106"; OraclePreparedStatement pstmt = (OraclePreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement(query3); pstmt.setORAData(1, imgProxy); pstmt.setORAData(2, audProxy); pstmt.setORAData(3, vidProxy); pstmt.setORAData(4, docProxy); pstmt.execute(); pstmt.close();
Commit the transaction:
Possible errors that can occur during run time should always be handled in your application. This practice enables the program to continue its operation even when it encounters a run-time error. This practice also enables users to know what went wrong during program operation. Proper error handling practices ensure that, whenever possible, you are always able to recover from an error while running an application. In addition, proper error handling provides you with the information you need so you always know what went wrong.
This section demonstrates proper error handling practices using code examples. These examples show how to handle some common Oracle Multimedia errors and other types of errors in Java programs. These examples are extracted from the Java sample applications that are described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5. (See Oracle Multimedia Reference for more examples.)
When handling exceptions, Java uses the try/catch block. For example, in Java, the exception can appear as:
try { //<some program logic>) } catch (exceptionName a) { //Exception logic } finally { //Execute logic if try block is executed even if an exception is caught }
When you design, code, and debug your application, you are aware of the places in your program where processing might stop due to a failure to anticipate an error. Those are the places in your program where you must add exception handling blocks to handle the potential errors.
The examples in this section describe exception handling using the try/catch block. These examples are included in the Oracle Multimedia Java API sample application, the Oracle Multimedia Java Servlet Photo Album application, and the Oracle Multimedia JavaServer Pages Photo Album application.
The following subsections provide additional details and examples of exception handling in Java:
See Also:
Oracle Database Java Developer's Guide for more information about handling Java exceptions
Oracle Database JDBC Developer's Guide for more information about handling Java exceptions using JDBC
The IMUtil
class of the Oracle Multimedia Java API sample application contains utility methods for common image functions. One of these methods is the setProperties( ) method. The static method takes an OrdImage object as an input parameter and calls the setProperties( ) method on the object.
static boolean setProperties(OrdImage img) { try { img.setProperties(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } }
If an exception is thrown, the setProperties( ) method returns false to indicate failure; otherwise it returns true. See Chapter 5 for a full description of the Oracle Multimedia Java API sample application, and for more information about using the setProperties( ) method in a Java application.
In the insertNewPhoto( ) method in both the PhotoAlbumServlet
class of the Oracle Multimedia Java Servlet Photo Album application and in the PhotoAlbumBean
class of the Oracle Multimedia JavaServer Pages Photo Album application, a new photograph is inserted into the photo album, creating a thumbnail image at the same time. If the application tries to process an image in cases when the image format is unknown, then when the application calls the processCopy( ) method, the application always fails. To work around this potential problem, the application uses the following try
block and catch
block to catch any SQL exceptions:
try { image.processCopy( "maxScale=50,50", thumb ); } catch ( SQLException e ) { thumb.deleteContent(); thumb.setContentLength( 0 ); }
In this example, when the image format is unknown and a thumbnail image cannot be created, the application catches the SQL exception and calls the deleteContent( ) method to delete the content of the thumbnail image, and then calls the setContentLength( ) method to set its length to zero.
On the Java platform, a Web application is a dynamic extension of a Web server. A Java-based Web application is composed of Java servlets, JSP pages, or both. Java servlets are Java classes that dynamically process HTTP requests and construct HTTP responses. JSP pages are text-based documents that execute as servlets, but enable a more natural approach to creating static content.
Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API is based on Oracle Multimedia Java API. The classes in Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API facilitate the retrieval and uploading of media data from and to Oracle Database in a Java-based Web application.
The Java classes in Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API are included in the*
package. The classes are as follows:
The OrdHttpResponseHandler class facilitates the retrieval of the media data from Oracle Database and its delivery to an HTTP client from a Java servlet. The OrdHttpJspResponseHandler class provides the same features for JSP pages. The OrdHttpUploadFormData, OrdHttpUploadFile, OrdMultipartFilter, and OrdMultipartWrapper classes facilitate the uploading of media data from a Web client to Oracle Database.
Before you can begin using Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API, you must set up your environment with the appropriate Java libraries, as described in Step 1, Section 2.4.1.
The following subsections describe how to use various components of the Java development environment for Web applications:
See Also:
Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API Reference for details about the available classes and methods in this Java API
In general, displaying a Web page that contains images in a Web browser requires two HTTP round trips.
In the first trip, the Web browser makes an HTTP request to the URL of the Web page that contains the images. The Web server responds with the Web page text content and the URLs for the media content. The URL is the src
attribute of the <img>
tag in the Web page.
In the second trip, the Web browser makes another HTTP request to the URL in the <img>
tag to get the image binary data, and then displays the image in the browser.
In a Java-based Web application, sending media data from the database to an HTTP client (Web browser) requires the proper media URL (generated in the first HTTP response); and the proper media delivery component (a servlet or JSP for the second HTTP response).
The following subsections provide additional details and examples of this process:
When media data is stored as static files on the Web server, the media URL is the relative or absolute path to the media files on the file system. When media data is stored in a database, the media URL is generally composed of a media delivery component (a servlet or JSP) and the parameters for the media delivery component. The media delivery component is the target for the second HTTP request to retrieve the media data. The parameters for the media delivery component are used by the media delivery component to query and locate the media data in the database. For example:
<img src="OrdGetMedia.jsp?id=1"/>
where OrdGetMedia.jsp
in the media URL "OrdGetMedia.jsp?id=1"
is the media delivery component, and id=1
is the parameter to the media delivery component.
Because media data is stored in the database as Oracle Multimedia objects, the media delivery component must dynamically retrieve the media data as Java objects (see Section 2.4.2), based on certain query conditions. Then, you can use either the OrdHttpResponseHandler or the OrdHttpJspResponsehandler class in Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API to deliver the data to the HTTP client (Web browser).
The following example demonstrates the use of a Java servlet as the media delivery component, and highlights in bold the SQL statements and significant areas in the code where this operation takes place.
import; protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, { // obtain object // imgProxy follows the Section "Media Retrieval in Java" . . . // deliver the image data to the browser OrdHttpResponseHandler handler = new OrdHttpResponseHandler( request, response); handler.sendImage(imgProxy); . . . }
The following example demonstrates the use of a JSP page as the media delivery component, and highlights in bold the SQL statements and significant areas in the code where this operation takes place.
<%@ page import="" %> <jsp:useBean id = "handler" scope="page" class = "" /> <% // obtain object // imgProxy follows the Section "Media Retrieval in Java" . . . // deliver the image data to the browser handler.setPageContext( pageContext ); handler.sendImage(imgProxy); return; %>
The HTML form enables you to input and upload data from a Web browser to a Web server for processing. The following HTML code segment is an example of the HTML form that uploads a file. This code example highlights in bold the SQL statements and areas in the code where this operation takes place.
<form action="uploadAction.jsp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> id: <input type="text" name="id"/> description: <input type="text" name="description"/> Photo: <input type="file" name="photo"/> </form>
Referring to the preceding code example, setting the value of the enctype
attribute in the <form>
tag to "multipart/form-data
" specifies multipart/form-data format encoding of the uploaded data. The value of the action
attribute in the <form>
tag represents the name of the JSP that handles the uploaded data.
To handle the uploaded data in a JSP or servlet, follow these steps:
Decode the uploaded file. Because this file is encoded in multipart/form-data format, the data must be decoded before further processing can proceed. You can use the OrdHttpUploadFormData class to decode the encoded HTTP request data and obtain the uploaded file as an instance of the OrdHttpUploadFile object. You can use this class explicitly or implicitly to get the decoded uploaded file.
The following example demonstrates how to use the OrdHttpUploadFormData class explicitly to get the uploaded file, and highlights in bold the SQL statements and significant areas in the code where this operation takes place. Use this method within the servlet or JSP that handles the upload HTTP request.
// // Import OrdHttpUploadFormData and OrdHttpUploadFile class: // In a servlet: // import; // import; // In a JSP: // <%@ page import="" %> // <%@ page import="" %> // // // Following code snippets should be within <% %> if in a JSP. // // Create an OrdHttpUploadFormData object and use it to parse // the multipart/form-data message. // OrdHttpUploadFormData formData = new OrdHttpUploadFormData( request ); formData.parseFormData(); // // Get the description, location, and photo. // String id = formData.getParameter( "id" ); String description = formData.getParameter( "description" ); OrdHttpUploadFile photo = formData.getFileParameter( "photo" ); // // Process the uploaded file. // ... // // Release the resources. // formData.release();
To avoid instantiating and releasing the OrdHttpUploadFormData class explicitly in each JSP or servlet that handles the uploaded data, you can use the OrdHttpUploadFormData class implicitly by configuring the Web application with the OrdMultipartFilter class. Using the OrdMultipartFilter class ensures that any HTTP request that is encoded in multipart/form-data format is decoded and passed along to the JSP or servlet that further processes the request.
The following substeps and accompanying examples describe how to use the OrdHttpUploadFormData class implicitly to get the uploaded file. These code examples highlight in bold the SQL statements and significant areas in the code where this operation takes place.
Configure the filter by adding this code to the web.xml
file in your Web application:
<filter> <filter-name>OrdMultipartFilter</filter-name> <filter-class> </filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>OrdMultipartFilter</filter-name> <servlet-name>*.jsp</servlet-name> </filter-mapping>
Obtain the form data and the uploaded file in the JSP or servlet after the filter is configured:
// // Get the id, description, and photo. // String id = request.getParameter( "id" ); String description = request.getParameter( "description" ); photoFile = request.getFileParameter("photo");
where request
is the HttpServletRequest object passed to the JSP or servlet.
Save the uploaded file to the database. After the OrdHttpUploadFile object is obtained by explicitly or implicitly using the OrdHttpUploadFormData class, the uploaded file is ready to be loaded into an Oracle Multimedia object in the database, using this statement:
where photoFile
is the OrdHttpUploadFile object andimgProxy
is an OrdImage object obtained in Step 1 in Section 2.4.3.
The loadImage method implicitly calls the setProperties method to populate the object fields.
After the data is loaded into the Oracle Multimedia Java object, you can update the corresponding Oracle Multimedia object in the database table by following Steps 4 and 5 in Section 2.4.3.