chap1_phpapp_001.gif shows six text boxes in two columns of three. The boxes represent the files in the tutorial application. They contain a description of the file they represent. Arrow-headed lines connect the boxes.

From the top, the boxes in the left column are:


A starter page that provides a form handler (controller) to manage page requests.

The user interface logic: an include file that contains the PHP code to display HTML forms and database data in HTML tables. A line points to anyco.php. Another line points to style.css. A third broken line points to anyco_im.php.


A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file to manage HTML display.

From the top, the boxes in the right column are:

An include file that defines default database connection information. This includes the user name, password and database connection identifier. A line points to anyco.php.

The model logic: an include file that contains the database logic to create database connections, and to execute queries and data manipulation statements. A line points to anyco.php.


A PHP script referenced in an <img> tag to get an image from a database column for a specified employee and send it to the browser for display.