chap7_loadimg_009.gif shows a Web page with the title, Employees: Administration. Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the header and the body of the page. Then there is a table of three rows of eight columns. The first row contains the column headings:
no heading, Employee ID, Employee Name, Hiredate, Salary, Commission (%), Remuneration, Photograph.
The data rows contain the following data:
unchecked radio button, 200, J. Whalen, 17-Sep-87, 4,400.00, 0, 52,800.00, Employee photo (text).
unchecked radio button, 209, G. Stokol, 11-Sep-05, 8,000.00, 0, 96,000.00, Employee photo (image).
Under the data, there are four buttons labelled, Modify, Delete, Insert new employee, and Return to Departments.
Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the body of the page and the footer. The footer shows the date, 2005-10-11, and the time, 12:27:16 on the left side, and Any Co. on the right side.