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addNODATA procedure, 4
administrative subprograms
GeoRaster, 5
alpha (opacity) value, 2.3.2
AVERAGE16 resampling method, 4, 4
AVERAGE4 resampling method, 4, 4


band numbers, 1.5
bandBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.3
band reference system (BRS)
description, 1.3
bandBlockNumber attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.3
description, 1.5
BILINEAR resampling method, 4, 4
bitmap masks, 1.8
bitmapmask keyword
for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
blank GeoRaster objects, 1.4.3
BLOB data
raster block data, 2.2.7
block size
calculating optimal, 6
blocking keyword
for importFrom storageParam parameter, 4, 4
for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
blockMBR attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.6
blockSize keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
BMP image format
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
BRS (band reference system)
description, 1.3


calcCompressionRatio function, 4
calcOptimizedBlockSize procedure, 6
calcRasterNominalSize function, 6
calcRasterStorageSize function, 6
description, 1.2.4
cell coordinate system, 1.3
relationship to model coordinate system, 1.3
cell data
querying and updating, 3.11
cellDepth keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
changeCellValue procedure, 4
changeFormatCopy procedure, 4
checkSysdataEntries function, 5
alpha (opacity) value, 2.3.2
getting, 4
getting table, 4
pseudocolor information, 4
SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP object type, 2.3.2
COLUMN_NAME column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.2
columnBlockNumber attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.5
COMPATIBILITY database initialization parameter
requirement if upgrading, 1
compression ratio, 4
decompression of GeoRaster objects, 1.10.3
DEFLATE format, 1.10.2
JPEG format, 1.10.1
keyword for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
LizardTech plug-in, 1.10.4
of GeoRaster objects, 1.10, 3.13
performance considerations, 1.10
quality, 1.4.1, 1.10.1
SecureFiles Compression, 1.10.5
third-party plug-ins, 1.10.4
contrast table
grayscale table, 2.3.3
copy procedure, 4
createBlank function, 4
createDMLTrigger procedure, 6
createTemplate function, 4
cross-schema support with GeoRaster, 1.4.5
CUBIC resampling method, 4, 4


dangling raster blocks
caused by interrupting mosaic operation, 4
finding, 5
data model
GeoRaster, 1.3
of GeoRaster objects, 1.10.3, 3.13
performance considerations, 1.10
DEFLATE compression, 1.10.2
deleteControlPoint procedure, 4
deleteNODATA function, 4
deletePyramid procedure, 4
demo files for GeoRaster
PL/SQL and Java, 1.15
digital image processing
description, 1.2.5
DML trigger
creating, 3.1, 3.1.3, 6


empty blocks
filling, 6
empty GeoRaster objects, 1.4.3
ESRI world files
loading, 4
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
ETL (extract, transform, load) solutions
tools for, 1.14
using Java API to develop, 1.15
evaluateDouble function, 4
exporter tool for GeoRaster, 1.14
GeoRaster objects, 3.15
exportTo procedure, 4
extract, transform, load (ETL) solutions
tools for, 1.14
using Java API to develop, 1.15


fillEmptyBlocks procedure, 6
footprint, 2.1.2
image (supported by GeoRaster), 1.14
vector and raster, 1.1
functional fitting polynomial model
support by GeoRaster, 1.6.1


generateBlockMBR function, 4
generatePyramid procedure, 4
generateSpatialExtent function, 4
generateStatistics procedure, 4
raster data used by, 1.2.6
geographic information systems (GIS)
raster-based, 1.2.3
raster data used by, 1.2.6
geometadata, 2.1.5
raster data used by, 1.2.6
GeoRaster BRS, 1.3
GeoRaster data model, 1.3
GeoRaster management, 1.11
GeoRaster objects
blank, 1.4.3
changing format, 4
changing physical storage, 3.8
compressing, 3.13
copying, 3.9, 4
copying and changing format, 4
copying and scaling, 4
creating, 3.2
creating blank, 4
creating template, 4
decompressing, 3.13
empty, 1.4.3
exporting, 1.14, 3.15
georeferencing, 3.5
indexing spatial extent geometry, 3.7
initializing, 4
loading, 1.14, 3.3
optimizing physical storage, 3.8
physical storage, 1.4
changing, 3.8
optimizing, 3.8
processing, 3.12
definition, 1.7
querying and updating cell data, 3.11
querying and updating metadata, 3.10
registering, 3.2
reprojecting, 4
scaling, 4
transferring between databases, 3.21
transforming coordinate information, 3.5
updating before committing, 3.16
validating, 3.4
viewing, 1.14, 3.14
GeoRaster SRS, 1.3
GeoRaster tables
column with GeoRaster object, 2.4.2
creating, 3.1
cross-schema support, 1.4.5
definition, 1.4
metadata column, 2.4.3
name, 2.4.1
other related tables, 2.4.6
raster data table, 2.4.4
raster ID, 2.4.5
GeoRaster tools, 1.14
GeoRaster TRS, 1.3
GeoRaster XML schema table, 2.5
georaster_tools.jar file, 1.14, 1.14.2
georeference procedure, 4
cell coordinate and model coordinate transformation, 1.6.3
description, 1.6
functional fitting model details and formulas, 1.6.1
methods for performing, 3.5
GeoTIFF files
loading libraries using sdoldgtf.sql script, 3.5
GeoTIFF image format
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
getBandDimSize function, 4
getBeginDateTime function, 4
getBinFunction function, 4
getBinTable function, 4
getBinType function, 4
getBitmapMask procedure, 4
getBitmapMaskSubset procedure, 4
getBitmapMaskValue procedure, 4
getBlankCellValue function, 4
getBlockingType function, 4
getBlockSize function, 4
getCellCoordinate function, 4
getCellDepth function, 4
getCellValue function, 4
getColorMap function, 4
getColorMapTable function, 4
getCompressionType function, 4
getControlPoint function, 4
getDefaultBlue function, 4
getDefaultColorLayer function, 4
getDefaultGreen function, 4
getDefaultRed function, 4
getEndDateTime function, 4
getGCPGeorefMethod function, 4
getGCPGeorefModel function, 4
getGeoreferenceType function, 4
getGrayScale function, 4
getGrayScaleTable function, 4
getHistogram function, 4
getHistogramTable function, 4
getID function, 4
getInterleavingType function, 4
getLayerDimension function, 4
getLayerID function, 4
getLayerOrdinate function, 4
getModelCoordinate function, 4
getModelCoordLocation function, 4
getModelSRID function, 4
getNODATA function, 4
getPyramidMaxLevel function, 4
getPyramidType function, 4
getRasterBlockLocator procedure, 4
getRasterBlocks function, 4
getRasterData procedure, 4
getRasterSubset procedure, 4
getScaling function, 4
getSourceInfo procedure, 4
getSpatialDimNumber function, 4
getSpatialDimSizes function, 4
getSpatialResolutions function, 4
getSpectralResolution function, 4
getSpectralUnit function, 4
getSRS function, 4
getStatistics function, 4
getTotalLayerNumber function, 4
getULTCoordinate function, 4
getVAT function, 4
getVersion function, 4
GIF image format
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
checking for, 4
returning mapping table, 4
returning mappings, 4
SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE object type, 2.3.3
setting mapping table, 4
setting mappings for a layer, 4
grayscale table, 2.3.3
user trigger names cannot start with, 1.11
gridded data, 1.1
ground control points (GCPs)
adding to a GeoRaster object, 4
georeferencing using GCPs, 1.6.2
SDO_GEOR_GCP object type, 2.3.6
SDO_GEOR_GCP_ COLLECTION collection type, 2.3.7
SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE object type, 2.3.8
ground coordinate system, 1.3


hasBitmapMask function, 4
hasGrayScale function, 4
hasNODATAMask function, 4
hasPseudoColor function, 4
histogram table
getting, 4
setting, 4
getting, 4
SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM object type, 2.3.1


image formats
supported by GeoRaster, 1.14
importFrom procedure, 4
GeoRaster data, 3.7
init function, 4
GeoRaster objects, 4
interleaving, 1.5
getting type, 4
keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
interpolationMethod keyword, 4
interpolationMethod parameter, 4
isBlank function, 4
isOrthoRectified function, 4
isRDTNameUnique function, 5
isRectified function, 4
isSpatialReferenced function, 4
isUpgradeNeeded function, 5


Java demo files for GeoRaster, 1.15
Java virtual machine (JVM)
use of by GeoRaster, 1
JPEG compression, 1.10.1
JPEG image format
loading (GeoRaster loader tool only), 4
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
JPEG-B compression mode, 1.10.1
JPEG-F compression mode, 1.10.1


layer numbers, 1.5
layerInfo element, 1.5
description, 1.5
dimension, 4
ID, 4
metadata stored in layerInfo elements, 1.5
ordinate, 4
listDanglingRasterData function, 5
listGeoRasterColumns function, 5
listGeoRasterObjects function, 5
listGeoRasterTables function, 5
listRDT function, 5
listRegisteredRDT function, 5
listUnregieteredRDT function, 5
plug-in for MrSID and JPEG 2000 compression, 1.10.4
loader tool for GeoRaster, 1.14
GeoRaster data, 3.3
lookup table
grayscale table, 2.3.3
lossiness, 1.4.1, 1.10.1


maintainSysdataEntries function, 5
makeRDTNamesUnique procedure, 6
management of GeoRaster objects, 1.11
managing with GeoRaster, 1.2.4
bitmap, 1.8
MBR (minimum bounding rectangle)
blockMBR attribute, 2.2.6
mergeLayers procedure, 4
GeoRaster, 2.1.5
XML schema, A
metadata attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.5
minimum bounding rectangle (MBR)
blockMBR attribute, 2.2.6
model coordinate system, 1.3
relationship to cell coordinate system, 1.3
model space, 1.3
mosaic procedure, 4
LizardTech plug-in for compression, 1.10.4


naming considerations
Spatial table and column names, 1.4
Nearest Neighbor (NN) interpolation method, 4
Nearest Neighbor (NN) resampling method, 4
NN (Nearest Neighbor) interpolation method, 4
NN (Nearest Neighbor) resampling method, 4
nodata cells
adding, 4
deleting, 4
getting value for, 4
nominal size
raster, 6


object layer, 1.5
alpha value, 2.3.2
Oracle Label Security (OLS)
using GeoRaster with, 4
Oracle SecureFiles
using with GeoRaster, 3.1.2
orthorectification, 1.6
checking for, 4
setting, 4
See also rectification


padding, 1.4
palette table, 2.3.2
description, 1.2.2
physical storage
GeoRaster objects, 1.4
PL/SQL demo files for GeoRaster, 1.15
PNG image format
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
checking for, 4
pseudocolor table, 2.3.2
pyramid keyword for storageParam, 1.4.1
pyramid levels
definition, 1.7
pyramidLevel attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.2.2
pyramid type, 1.7
pyramidLevel attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.2
pyramidParams parameter, 4
pyramids, 1.7
deleting data for, 4
formulas for determining, 1.7
generating data for, 4
illustration of, 1.7
pyramid parameters, 4
returning level number of top pyramid, 4


keyword for storageParam parameter, 1.4.1


nominal size, 6
storage size, 6
raster block data, 2.2.7
raster data
introduction, 1.1
raster data table (RDT)
creating, 3.1
cross-schema support, 1.4.5
definition, 1.4
making names unique, 6
object table of type SDO_RASTER, 2.2
rasterDataTable attribute, 2.1.3
RDT_TABLE_NAME column, 2.4.4
renaming, 6
raster ID, 2.1.4, 2.2.1
raster space, 1.3
raster type, 2.1.1
RASTER_ID column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.5
rasterBlock attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.7
rasterDataTable attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.3
rasterID attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.4
rasterID attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.1
rasterType attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.1
RDT_TABLE_NAME column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.4
for GeoRaster tools, 1.14.1
for Spatial, GeoRaster, and topology and network data models, 1.16
rectification, 1.6
checking for, 4
setting, 4
See also orthorectification
registerGeoRasterColumns procedure, 5
registerGeoRasterObjects procedure, 5
registering a GeoRaster object, 3.2
remote sensing
description, 1.2.1
renameRDT procedure, 6
reproject procedure, 4
reprojecting GeoRaster objects, 3.12
resampleParam parameter, 4, 4
resampling method, 4
spectral, 4
rLevel keyword, 4
rowBlockNumber attribute of SDO_RASTER, 2.2.4


scaleCopy procedure, 4
schemaValidate function, 4
SDO_GEOR package
addNODATA, 4
calcCompressionRatio, 4
changeCellValue, 4
changeFormatCopy, 4
copy, 4
createBlank, 4
createTemplate, 4
deleteControlPoint, 4
deleteNODATA, 4
deletePyramid, 4
evaluateDouble, 4
exportTo, 4
fillEmptyBlocks, 6
generateBlockMBR, 4
generatePyramid, 4
generateSpatialExtent, 4
generateStatistics, 4
georeference, 4
getBandDimSize, 4
getBeginDateTime, 4
getBinFunction, 4
getBinTable, 4
getBinType, 4
getBitmapMask, 4
getBitmapMaskSubset, 4
getBitmapMaskValue, 4
getBlankCellValue, 4
getBlockingType, 4
getBlockSize, 4
getCellCoordinate, 4
getCellDepth, 4
getCellValue, 4
getColorMap, 4
getColorMapTable, 4
getCompressionType, 4
getControlPoint, 4
getDefaultBlue, 4
getDefaultColorLayer, 4
getDefaultGreen, 4
getDefaultRed, 4
getEndDateTime, 4
getGCPGeorefMethod, 4
getGCPGeorefModel, 4
getGeoreferenceType, 4
getGrayScale, 4
getGrayScaleTable, 4
getHistogram, 4
getHistogramTable, 4
getID, 4
getInterleavingType, 4
getLayerDimension, 4
getLayerID, 4
getLayerOrdinate, 4
getModelCoordinate, 4
getModelCoordLocation, 4
getModelSRID, 4
getNODATA, 4
getPyramidMaxLevel, 4
getPyramidType, 4
getRasterBlockLocator, 4
getRasterBlocks, 4
getRasterData, 4
getRasterSubset, 4
getScaling, 4
getSourceInfo, 4
getSpatialDimNumber, 4
getSpatialDimSizes, 4
getSpatialResolutions, 4
getSpectralResolution, 4
getSpectralUnit, 4
getSRS, 4
getStatistics, 4
getTotalLayerNumber, 4
getULTCoordinate, 4
getVAT, 4
getVersion, 4
hasBitmapMask, 4
hasGrayScale, 4
hasNODATAMask, 4
hasPseudoColor, 4
importFrom, 4
init, 4
isBlank, 4
isOrthoRectified, 4
isRectified, 4
isSpatialReferenced, 4
mergeLayers layers
merging, 4
mosaic, 4
reference information, 4
reproject, 4
scaleCopy, 4
schemaValidate, 4
setBeginDateTime, 4
setBinFunction, 4
setBinTable, 4
setBitmapMask, 4
setBlankCellValue, 4
setColorMap, 4
setColorMapTable, 4
setControlPoint, 4
setDefaultBlue, 4
setDefaultColorLayer, 4
setDefaultGreen, 4
setDefaultRed, 4
setEndDateTime, 4
setGCPGeorefMethod, 4
setGCPGeorefModel, 4
setGrayScale, 4
setGrayScaleTable, 4
setHistogramTable, 4
setID, 4
setLayerID, 4
setLayerOrdinate, 4
setModelCoordLocation, 4
setModelSRID, 4
setOrthoRectified, 4
setRasterType, 4
setRectified, 4
setScaling, 4
setSourceInfo, 4, 4
setSpatialReferenced, 4
setSpatialResolutions, 4
setSpectralResolution, 4
setSpectralUnit, 4
setSRS, 4
setStatistics, 4
setULTCoordinate, 4
setVAT, 4
setVersion, 4
subset, 4
updateRaster, 4
validateBlockMBR, 4
validateGeoRaster, 4
checkSysdataEntries, 5
isRDTNameUnique, 5
isUpgradeNeeded, 5
listDanglingRasterData, 5
listGeoRasterColumns, 5
listGeoRasterObjects, 5
listGeoRasterTables, 5
listRDT, 5
listRegisteredRDT, 5
listUnregisteredRDT, 5
maintainSysdataEntries, 5
reference information, 5
registerGeoRasterColumns, 5
registerGeoRasterObjects, 5
upgradeGeoRaster, 5
SDO_GEOR_COLORMAP object type, 2.3.2
SDO_GEOR_GCP object type, 2.3.6
SDO_GEOR_GCP_ COLLECTION collection type, 2.3.7
SDO_GEOR_GCPGEOREFTYPE object type, 2.3.8
SDO_GEOR_GRAYSCALE object type, 2.3.3
SDO_GEOR_HISTOGRAM object type, 2.3.1
SDO_GEOR_SRS constructor, 2.3.5
SDO_GEOR_SRS object type, 2.3.5
SDO_GEOR_UTL package
calcOptimizedBlockSize, 6
calcRasterNominalSize, 6
calcRasterStorageSize, 6
createDMLTrigger, 6
makeRDTNamesUnique, 6
reference information, 6
renameRDT, 6
SDO_GEORASTER object type, 2.1
metadata attribute, 2.1.5
rasterDataTable attribute, 2.1.3
rasterID attribute, 2.1.4
rasterType attribute, 2.1.1
spatialExtent attribute, 2.1.2
SDO_RASTER object type, 2.2
bandBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.3
blockMBR attribute, 2.2.6
columnBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.5
pyramidLevel attribute, 2.2.2
rasterBlock attribute, 2.2.7
rasterID attribute, 2.2.1
rowBlockNumber attribute, 2.2.4
SDO_RASTERSET collection type, 2.3.4
sdoldgtf.sql script, 3.5
using Oracle SecureFiles with GeoRaster, 3.1.2
SecureFiles Compression, 1.10.5
setBeginDateTime procedure, 4
setBinFunction procedure, 4
setBinTable procedure, 4
setBitmapMask procedure, 4
setBlankCellValue procedure, 4
setColorMap procedure, 4
setColorMapTable procedure, 4
setControlPoint procedure, 4
setDefaultBlue procedure, 4
setDefaultColorLayer procedure, 4
setDefaultGreen procedure, 4
setDefaultRed procedure, 4
setEndDateTime procedure, 4
setGCPGeorefMethod procedure, 4
setGCPGeorefModel procedure, 4
setGrayScale procedure, 4
setGrayScaleTable procedure, 4
setHistogramTable procedure, 4
setID procedure, 4
setLayerID procedure, 4
setLayerOrdinate procedure, 4
setModelCoordLocation procedure, 4
setModelSRID procedure, 4
setOrthoRectified procedure, 4
setRasterType procedure, 4
setRectified procedure, 4
setScaling procedure, 4
setSourceInfo procedure, 4, 4
setSpatialReferenced procedure, 4
setSpatialResolutions procedure, 4
setSpectralResolution procedure, 4
setSpectralUnit procedure, 4
setSRS procedure, 4
setStatistics procedure, 4
setULTCoordinate procedure, 4
setVAT procedure, 4
setVersion procedure, 4
source information
adding, 4
getting, 4
setting, replacing, or deleting, 4
spatial extent, 2.1.2
generating and setting, 3.6
spatial reference system (SRS)
description, 1.3
spatial resolution values
getting, 4
setting, 4
spatialExtent attribute of SDO_GEORASTER, 2.1.2
generating and setting, 3.6
spectral resolution
getting, 4
setting, 4
spectral unit
getting, 4
setting, 4
sRGB ColorSpace, 2.3.2
SRID 999999 (unknown CRS), 3.3
SRS (spatial reference system)
description, 1.3
storage parameters, 1.4.1
storage size
raster, 6
storageParam parameter, 1.4.1
subset procedure, 4


TABLE_NAME column (in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view), 2.4.1
developing GeoRaster applications, 3.17
temporal reference system (TRS)
description, 1.3
raster layers, 1.5
TIFF image format
support by GeoRaster, 1.14
GeoRaster data between databases, 3.21
GeoRaster coordinate information, 3.5
transportable tablespaces
using with GeoRaster data, 3.22
creating GeoRaster DML trigger, 3.1, 3.1.3, 6
TRS (temporal reference system)
description, 1.3


definition, 1.3
unknown CRS coordinate reference system, 3.3
updateRaster procedure, 4
before committing GeoRaster objects, 3.16
upgradeGeoRaster function, 5
upgrading from previous release
requirements, 1
utility subprograms
GeoRaster, 6


validateBlockMBR function, 4
validateGeoRaster function, 4
GeoRaster objects, 3.4
value attribute table (VAT)
description, 1.2.3
getting name of, 4
setting name of, 4
vector data
description, 1.1
viewer tool for GeoRaster, 1.14


Workspace Manager
using GeoRaster with, 4
world files (ESRI)
loading, 4
support by GeoRaster, 1.14


use of by GeoRaster, 1
XML DB Repository
must be installed if upgrading, 1
XML schema for GeoRaster metadata, A
XML schema table for GeoRaster, 2.5


ZLIB format
storing compressed data in, 1.10.2