About the Application Builder Home Page

The Application Builder home page displays all installed applications.

Description of app_bldr_home.gif follows
Description of the illustration app_bldr_home.gif

You can customize the appearance of the Application Builder home page using the navigation bar at the top of the page. Available controls include:

  • Application. Use the Application field to search for an application. Enter a case insensitive query for the application name or application ID and click Go. To view all applications, leave the field blank and click Go.

  • Group. Use the Group field to search for an application group. Select an application group and click Go. See "Creating Applications Groups".

  • View. Use this control to display information about the applications in your workspace. Make a selection from the list and click Go. Available options include:

    • Icons (the default) displays each application as a large icon identified by the application name.

    • Details displays each application as a line in a report. Each line includes the application ID, the application name, when the application was last updated, the page count, and who last updated the application.

    • By Group displays applications by application group.

  • Display. Determines how many applications display on the page. To change the display, make a selection from the list and click Go.

The following buttons appear to the right of the navigation bar:

About the Tasks List

A Tasks list displays on the right side of the Application Builder home page.

Description of appbldr_task_list.gif follows
Description of the illustration appbldr_task_list.gif

The Tasks list contains the following links:

About the Recent List

The Recent list contains links to recently viewed applications.

Configuring Developer Preferences

Many pages in Application Builder include a navigation bar at the top of the page. You can use the controls in the navigation bar to customize the appearance of the page. Most navigation bars include a View and Display list. You can control the default display for both lists on the Developer Preferences page.

To edit developer preferences:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

  2. From the Tasks list, click Developer Preferences.

  3. From Set View Mode, select one of the following:

    • Icons (the default) displays the items on the page as a large icon.

    • Details displays the items on the page as a line in a report.

  4. From Report Rows, select the number items to display.

  5. Click Apply Changes.