Tracing your session can be a very effective way to debug an application. From a database perspective, each page request is a single database session. If you enable SQL tracing, then Oracle Application Express creates a temporary file you can then analyze using the TKPROF utility.
You enable SQL tracing in Oracle Application Express by using f?p
syntax to set the argument p_trace=YES
. For example, to trace the display of page 1 in application 100, you would use the syntax:
To use the TKPROF utility:
Log in to SQL*Plus as a privileged user.
Execute the following statement:
show parameter USER_DUMP_DEST
Navigate to the directory in which the trace file is created.
Run the TKPROF utility from the operating system prompt using the following syntax:
tkprof filename1 filename2 [waits=yes|no] [sort=option] [print=n] [aggregate=yes|no] [insert=filename3] [sys=yes|no] [table=schema.table] [explain=user/password] [record=filename4] [width=n]
The input and output files are the only required arguments.
To view online Help, invoke TKPROF without arguments.
See Also:
"Using Application Tracing Tools" in Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide for information about using the TKPROF program