Editing Column Attributes

You define user interface defaults for a specific column by editing column attributes.

To edit column attributes:

  1. Navigate to the Table Defaults page:

    1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

    2. Select an application.

    3. On the Application, click Shared Components.

    4. Under User Interface, select User Interface Defaults.

      The User Interface Defaults page appears.

    5. Select a specific table or view by selecting the name.

      The Table Defaults page appears.

    The following information displays at the top of the Table Defaults page:

    • Table/View Name identifies the name of the selected table or view.

    • Report Region Title and Form Region Title become the default title for all report or form regions. These names are modified versions of Table/View Name in which the first letter is capitalized and any underscores are replaced with spaces.

    Column-level User Interface Defaults appear next. By default, a short report displays.

  2. To view a complete report, click Detailed Report.

  3. To edit select attributes for all displayed columns:

    1. Click Grid Edit.

    2. Edit the appropriate attributes and click Apply Changes.

  4. To edit a specific column, select the column name.

    The column defaults appear. Column defaults are divided into two pages:

    • Column Definition

    • List of Values

    The topics that follow describe how to edit specific attributes on these pages.

About the Column Definition

Column Definition is the default page that displays when you edit column attributes. The top of the page displays the selected schema, table or view name, and column name. Click View Database Column Definition to view details about a specific column.

Label Default

This attribute is used in report and forms. Use Label to specify default label text for items in a form and the heading for columns in reports.

Report Defaults

Available attributes include:

  • Display - Indicates if the column displays in a report. The default is Yes.

  • Display Sequence - Specifies the display sequence of items in a report. The default value is based on the column ID, which is based on the order of the columns in the table.

  • Display As - Specifies how the column should be displayed in a report.

  • Mask - Indicates if a mask should be applied against the data. This attribute is not applicable for character- based items.

  • Alignment - Specifies report alignment (left, center, or right). If the column is a number, the default is Right. Otherwise, the default is Left.

  • Searchable - Indicates whether the column should be searchable in reports. If the column is VARCHAR2 or CHAR, the default is Yes. If not, the default is No.

  • Group By - Indicates whether the column should be used for Group By and then the sequence of the grouping. The default is Yes.

  • Aggregate By - Indicates whether the column should be used for aggregation in reports and charts.

Tabular Form Default

Use Display As to specify how an item should display in a tabular form.

Form Defaults

Available attributes include:

  • Display - Indicates if the column displays in a form. The default is Yes.

  • Display Sequence - Specifies the sequence of items in a form. The default is based on the column ID, which is based on the order of the columns in the table.

  • Display As - Indicates how items in a form display. The default selection is Text Field.

  • Mask - Indicates if a mask should be applied against the data in a form. Not used for character-based items.

  • Default Value - Specifies the default value associated with this column.

  • Width - Specifies the display width.

  • maxWidth - Specifies the maximum string length a user is allowed to enter in this item.

  • Height - Specifies the display height of an item.

  • Required - Used to generate a validation in which the resulting item must not be null. If resulting item is not null, select Yes.

  • Help Text - Becomes Item help. By default, this text is pulled from the column hint (if applicable).

About List of Values

You access the List of Values page by clicking the List of Values tab. The top of the page displays the selected schema, table or view name, and column name. Click View Database Column Definition to view details about a specific column.

Use the List of Values Type list to specify if the selected column will include a static or dynamic list of values. Once you select the type, you are prompted to enter either display value and return value pairs, or a list of values query.

About the Database Column Definition Report

You can view details about a specific column by accessing the Column Definition report. The Column Definition report displays the schema, table name, column name, data type, data length, and nullable as well as any check constraints, primary and unique keys, and foreign keys that reference the column. A link to this report appears on both the Column Definition and List of Values pages.

To view the Column Definition report:

  1. Navigate to the Table Defaults page:

    1. On the Workspace home page, click the Application Builder icon.

    2. Select an application.

    3. On the Application, click Shared Components.

    4. Under User Interface, select User Interface Defaults.

      The User Interface Defaults page appears.

    5. Select a specific table or view by selecting the name.

    The Table Defaults page appears.

  2. Select the column name.

  3. Under Schema and Table, click the View Database Column Definition link.