The DBMS_STREAMS_MESSAGING package, one of a set of Oracle Streams packages, provides interfaces to enqueue messages into and dequeue messages from a ANYDATA queue.

This chapter contains the following topics:


This section contains topics which relate to using the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.


This package provides interfaces to enqueue messages into and dequeue messages from a ANYDATA queue.


Currently, messaging clients cannot dequeue buffered messages. In addition, the DBMS_STREAMS_MESSAGING package cannot be used to enqueue messages into or dequeue messages from a buffered queue. However, you can use the DBMS_AQ package to enqueue and dequeue buffered messages.

See Also:

Security Model

Security on this package can be controlled in either of the following ways:

  • Granting EXECUTE on this package to selected users or roles.

  • Granting EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to selected users or roles.

If subprograms in the package are run from within a stored procedure, then the user who runs the subprograms must be granted EXECUTE privilege on the package directly. It cannot be granted through a role.

To ensure that the user who runs the subprograms in this package has the necessary privileges, configure an Oracle Streams administrator and connect as the Oracle Streams administrator when using this package.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for information about configuring an Oracle Streams administrator

Summary of DBMS_STREAMS_MESSAGING Subprograms

Table 149-1 DBMS_STREAMS_MESSAGING Package Subprograms

Subprogram Description

DEQUEUE Procedure

Uses the specified Oracle Streams messaging client to dequeue a message from the specified queue

ENQUEUE Procedure

The current user enqueues a message into the specified queue


The subprograms in this package do not commit.

DEQUEUE Procedure

This procedure uses the specified Oracle Streams messaging client to dequeue a message from the specified queue.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains the msgid OUT parameter, and the other does not.


   queue_name    IN   VARCHAR2,    
   streams_name  IN   VARCHAR2,    
   payload       OUT  ANYDATA,   
   dequeue_mode  IN   VARCHAR2        DEFAULT 'REMOVE',
   navigation    IN   VARCHAR2        DEFAULT 'NEXT MESSAGE',
   msgid         OUT  RAW);

   queue_name    IN   VARCHAR2,    
   streams_name  IN   VARCHAR2,    
   payload       OUT  ANYDATA,   
   dequeue_mode  IN   VARCHAR2        DEFAULT 'REMOVE',
   navigation    IN   VARCHAR2        DEFAULT 'NEXT MESSAGE',


Table 149-2 DEQUEUE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the local queue from which messages will be dequeued, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be a secure queue of ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The name of the Oracle Streams messaging client. For example, if the user strmadmin is the messaging client, then specify strmadmin.

If NULL and a relevant messaging client for the queue exists, then the procedure uses the relevant messaging client. If NULL and multiple relevant messaging clients for the queue exist, then the procedure raises an error.


The payload that is dequeued


Specify one of the following settings:

REMOVE: Read the message and delete it. This setting is the default. The message can be retained in the queue table based on the retention properties.

LOCKED: Read and obtain a write lock on the message. The lock lasts for the duration of the transaction. This setting is equivalent to a select for update statement.

BROWSE: Read the message without acquiring any lock on the message. This specification is equivalent to a select statement.


The position of the message that will be retrieved. First, the position is determined. Second, the search criterion is applied. Finally, the message is retrieved.

Specify one of the following settings:

NEXT MESSAGE: Retrieve the next message that is available and matches the search criteria. If the previous message belongs to a message group, then retrieve the next available message that matches the search criteria and belongs to the message group. This setting is the default.

NEXT TRANSACTION: Skip the remainder of the current message group (if any) and retrieve the first message of the next message group. This setting can only be used if message grouping is enabled for the current queue.

FIRST MESSAGE: Retrieves the first message which is available and matches the search criteria. This setting resets the position to the beginning of the queue.

Note: Each message group contains the messages in a single transaction.

See Also: Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide for more information about dequeue options



If FOREVER, then the dequeue call is blocked without a time out until a message is available in the queue.

If NO_WAIT, then a wait time of zero seconds is used. In this case, the dequeue will return immediately even if there are no messages in the queue.


The message identifier of the message that is dequeued


Table 149-3 DEQUEUE Procedure Exceptions

Exception Description


Dequeue has reached the end of the messages in the current transaction. Specify this exception in the following way:


Every dequeue procedure should include an exception handler that handles this exception.


There are no more messages in the queue for the dequeue operation. Specify this exception in the following way:


A dequeue procedure that specifies NO_WAIT for the wait parameter should include an exception handler that handles this exception.

ENQUEUE Procedure

This procedure enables the current user to enqueue a message into the specified queue.

This procedure is overloaded. One version of this procedure contains the msgid OUT parameter, and the other does not.


   queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,  
   payload     IN   ANYDATA,  
   msgid       OUT  RAW);

   queue_name  IN   VARCHAR2,  
   payload     IN   ANYDATA);


Table 149-4 ENQUEUE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the local queue into which messages will be enqueued, specified as [schema_name.]queue_name. The current database must contain the queue, and the queue must be a secure queue of ANYDATA type.

For example, to specify a queue named streams_queue in the strmadmin schema, enter strmadmin.streams_queue for this parameter. If the schema is not specified, then the current user is the default.


The payload that is enqueued


The message identifier of the message that is enqueued

Usage Notes

To successfully enqueue messages into a queue, the current user must be mapped to a unique Advanced Queuing agent with the same name as the current user. You can run the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.SET_UP_QUEUE procedure and specify a user as the queue user to grant the necessary privileges to the user to perform enqueues. The Advanced Queuing agent is created automatically when you run SET_UP_QUEUE and specify a queue user.