252 Oracle Multimedia ORDDoc TYPE

The Oracle Multimedia ORDDoc object type supports the storage and management of heterogeneous media data including image, audio, and video.

Heterogeneous media data can have different formats depending upon the application generating the media data. Oracle Multimedia can store and retrieve media data of any data format. Oracle Multimedia ORDDoc data type can be used in applications that require you to store different types of heterogeneous media data in the same column so you can build a common metadata index on all the different types of media data. Using this index, you can search across all the different types of heterogeneous media data. However, you cannot use this same search technique if the different types of heterogeneous media data are stored in different types of objects in different columns of relational tables.

Documentation of ORDDoc

For a complete description of this type within the context of Oracle Multimedia, see ORDDoc in the Oracle Multimedia Reference.