255 Oracle Multimedia ORDVideo TYPE

The Oracle Multimedia ORDVideo object type supports the storage and management of video data.

Digitized video consists of the video data (digitized bits) and the attributes that describe and characterize the video data. Video applications sometimes associate application-specific information, such as the description of the video training tape, date recorded, instructor's name, producer's name, and so on, within the video data.

The video data can have different formats, compression types, frame rates, frame sizes, frame resolutions, playing times, compression types, number of colors, and bit rates depending upon how the video data was digitally recorded. Oracle Multimedia ORDVideo can store and retrieve video data of any data format. Oracle Multimedia ORDVideo can extract metadata from video data of a variety of popular video formats. Oracle Multimedia ORDVideo can also extract application attributes and store them in the comments attribute of the object in XML form.

Documentation of ORDVideo

For a complete description of this type within the context of Oracle Multimedia, see ORDVideo in the Oracle Multimedia Reference.