RC_BACKUP_COPY_SUMMARY contains summary information about all AVAILABLE control file and data file copies for each database.

This view is primarily intended to be used internally by Enterprise Manager.

Column Data Type Description
DB_NAME VARCHAR2(8) The DB_NAME of the database incarnation to which this record belongs.
DB_KEY NUMBER The primary key for this database in the recovery catalog. Use this column to join with almost any other catalog view.
NUM_COPIES NUMBER Total number of image copy backups.
NUM_DISTINCT_COPIES NUMBER Number of distinct image copy backups.
MIN_CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# NUMBER Minimum checkpoint SCN among all image copy backups described in this view.
MAX_CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# NUMBER Maximum checkpoint SCN among all image copy backups described in this view.
MIN_CHECKPOINT_TIME DATE Earliest checkpoint time among all copies described in this view.
MAX_CHECKPOINT_TIME DATE Latest checkpoint time among all copies described in this view.
OUTPUT_BYTES NUMBER Sum of sizes of all data file and control file copies.
OUTPUT_BYTES_DISPLAY VARCHAR2(4000) Same value as OUTPUT_BYTES, but converted to a user-displayable format, for example, 798.01M or 5.25G.