This view lists information about all data files registered in the recovery catalog. It corresponds to the V$DATAFILE view. A data file is shown as dropped if its tablespace was dropped.

Column Data Type Description
DB_KEY NUMBER The primary key for this database in the recovery catalog. Use this column to join with almost any other catalog view.
DBINC_KEY NUMBER The primary key for the incarnation of the target database. Use this column to join with RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION.
DB_NAME VARCHAR2(8) The DB_NAME of the database incarnation to which this record belongs.
TS# NUMBER The number of the tablespace to which the data file belongs. The TS# may exist multiple times in the same incarnation if the tablespace is dropped and re-created.
TABLESPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) The tablespace name. The name may exist multiple times in the same incarnation if the tablespace is dropped and re-created.
FILE# NUMBER The absolute file number of the data file. The same data file number may exist multiple times in the same incarnation if the data file is dropped and re-created.
CREATION_CHANGE# NUMBER The SCN at data file creation.
CREATION_TIME DATE The time of data file creation.
DROP_CHANGE# NUMBER The SCN recorded when the data file was dropped. If a new data file with the same file number is discovered, then the DROP_CHANGE# is set to CREATION_CHANGE# for the data file; otherwise the value is set to RC_CHECKPOINT.CKP_SCN.
DROP_TIME DATE The time when the data file was dropped. If a new data file with the same file number is discovered, then the DROP_TIME is set to CREATION_TIME for the data file; otherwise the value is set to RC_CHECKPOINT.CKP_TIME.
BYTES NUMBER The size of the data file in bytes.
BLOCKS NUMBER The size of the data file in blocks.
BLOCK_SIZE NUMBER The size of the data blocks in bytes.
NAME VARCHAR2(1024) The data file name.
STOP_CHANGE# NUMBER For offline or read-only data files, the SCN value such that no changes in the redo stream at an equal or greater SCN apply to this file.
STOP_TIME DATE For offline normal or read-only data files, the time beyond which there are no changes in the redo stream that apply to this data file.
READ_ONLY NUMBER 1 if the file is read-only; otherwise 0.
RFILE# NUMBER The relative file number of this data file within its tablespace.
INCLUDED_IN_DATABASE_BACKUP VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether this tablespace is included in whole database backups: YES or NO. The NO value occurs only if CONFIGURE EXCLUDE was run on the tablespace that owns this data file.
AUX_NAME VARCHAR2(1024) Indicates the auxiliary name for the data file as set by CONFIGURE AUXNAME.
ENCRYPT_IN_BACKUP VARCHAR2(3) YES if this data file has been configured to be transparently encrypted when backed up; otherwise NULL.
SITE_KEY NUMBER Primary key of the Data Guard database associated with this file. Each database in a Data Guard environment has a unique SITE_KEY value. You can use SITE_KEY in a join with the RC_SITE view to obtain the DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the database.
DB_UNIQUE_NAME VARCHAR2(512) The DB_UNIQUE_NAME of the database incarnation to which this record belongs. All databases in a Data Guard environment share the same DBID but different DB_UNIQUE_NAME values. The value in this column is null when the database name is not known for a specific file. For example, rows for databases managed by versions of RMAN before Oracle Database 11g are null.
FOREIGN_DBID NUMBER Foreign DBID from which this data file came from. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
FOREIGN_CREATION_CHANGE# NUMBER Creation SCN of a foreign data file. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
FOREIGN_CREATION_TIME DATE Creation time of a foreign data file. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
PLUGGED_READONLY VARCHAR2(3) YES if this is a transported read-only foreign file; otherwise NO.
PLUGIN_CHANGE# NUMBER SCN at which the foreign data file was transported into the database. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
PLUGIN_RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER The SCN of the RESETLOGS operation for the incarnation into which this foreign file was transported. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.
PLUGIN_RESETLOGS_TIME DATE The time of the RESETLOGS operation for the incarnation into which this foreign file was transported. The value is 0 if this file is not a foreign database file.