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List of Examples
1-1 Predict Attrition for Customer Segments
1-2 Predict Customer Attrition and Transform Missing Income Values
1-3 Generate a Customer Profile
3-1 Sample Case Table
3-3 Model Attributes Derived from a Nested Column
3-4 Model Details for an Attribute Importance Model
3-5 Product Sales per Region in Multi-Record Case Format
3-6 Product Sales per Region in Single-Record Case Format
3-7 Model Attributes Derived From SALES_PER_REGION
3-8 Convert to a Nested Column
5-1 Create a Settings Table
6-1 Real-Time Query with Prediction Probability
6-2 Anomaly Detection with DBMS_DATA_MINING.APPLY
7-1 Oracle JDM Extension Method getObjectNames
7-2 Creation of a Physical Dataset
7-3 Creation of a Classification Settings with Decision Tree Algorithm
7-4 Building Mining Task Workflows
7-5 Building a Model
7-6 Retrieve Model Details
7-7 Testing a Model
7-8 Applying a Model
7-9 Creating a Cost Matrix
7-10 Creating Prior Probabilities
7-11 Simple Expression Transformation
7-12 Complex Sequence Transformations
7-13 Predictive Analytics
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