What's New in Oracle Data Mining Administration?

This section summarizes the new features in Oracle D­ata Mining.It contains the following topics:

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( Oracle Data Mining

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( New Features in Oracle Data Mining

In Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 2 (, you can import externally-created data mining models when they are presented as valid PMML documents. The model must be of type RegressionModel, either linear regression or binary logistic regression.

PMML is an XML-based standard for representing data mining models.

The IMPORT_MODEL procedure in the DBMS_DATA_MINING package is overloaded with new syntax to support PMML import. When invoked with this syntax, the IMPORT_MODEL procedure will accept a PMML document and translate the information into an Oracle Data Mining model. This includes creating and populating model tables as well as SYS model metadata.

External models imported in this way will be automatically enabled for Exadata scoring offload.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about DBMS_DATA_MINING.IMPORT_MODEL

Oracle Data Mining Concepts for information about scoring in Oracle Exadata

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 New Features in Oracle Data Mining

The following features were introduced in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1 (11.1):

No DMSYS Schema

Oracle Data Mining 11g is more tightly integrated with Oracle Database than it was in previous releases. Data Mining metadata and PL/SQL packages have been migrated from DMSYS to SYS. The DMSYS schema does not exist in Oracle Database 11g fresh installations.

New Database Privilege Required for Creating Models

In addition to the privileges needed for data mining in previous releases, the CREATE MINING MODEL privilege is required for creating models. This privilege should be added to any accounts being upgraded to 11g.

Additional system and object privileges are available for controlling mining activities in 11g.

Enhanced Security

Security features of Oracle Data Mining are significantly enhanced in 11g. Improved security for data mining has several aspects:

  • Previously, Oracle Data Mining used DMSYS as its own repository schema. This necessitated the granting of advanced database privileges to DMSYS, a non-system account. In 11g, the Oracle Data Mining metadata repository is in SYS, where it is accessible only to the system DBA.

  • The SQL auditing system can be used to track operations on mining model objects.

  • New system and object privileges for mining model objects are introduced in 11g.

Mining Models in the Oracle Data Dictionary

New catalog views for Data Mining are introduced in Oracle Database 11g:

  • ALL/DBA/USER_MINING_MODELS provides information about mining models.

  • ALL/DBA/USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES provides information about data columns used to build a mining model.

  • ALL/DBA/USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS provides information about configuration settings for mining models.

The ALL/DBA/USER_OBJECTS catalog view now identifies mining models.

Features Not Available in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1

The following features are not supported in Oracle Data Mining 11g:

  • DMSYS schema.

  • Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is no longer required for adding Oracle Data Mining metadata to a database. Oracle Data Mining is part of Oracle Database metadata in Oracle 11g.

  • Oracle Data Mining Scoring Engine, a separately-installable database option in Oracle 10g, is not available in Oracle 11g. All functionality of the Data Mining Scoring Engine option is offered in the Data Mining option.

  • Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST).

Features Deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g Release 1

The following features are deprecated in Oracle Data Mining 11g:

  • Adaptive Bayes Network classification algorithm

  • DM_USER_MODELS view is replaced by data dictionary views

  • Several PL/SQL procedures have been deprecated.


      Replaced with data dictionary views: USER/ALL/DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS


      Replaced with data dictionary views: USER/ALL/DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS


      Replaced with data dictionary views: USER/ALL/DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES


Oracle recommends that you do not use deprecated features in new applications. Support for deprecated features is for backward compatibility only.