13 XML

This chapter describes BS2000 specific topics of XML such as installation, features, and restrictions. For more information refer to Oracle XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide, Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide, Oracle Database XML C API Reference, Oracle Database XML C++ API Reference, and Oracle Database XML Java API Reference.

13.1 Installation of XDK

The Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK) is not part of the Oracle Database Product set. Oracle recommends downloading the latest version of XDK from the Oracle Technical Network at


The Jar files for the XML SQL utility, xsu12.jar and xdb.jar, and the XML Parser, xmlparserv2.jar are already loaded in the database when you have followed the procedures explained in Chapter 4, " Creating and Upgrading a Database."

13.2 Features and Restrictions

The following table provides an overview of which XML features are available for which languages on BS2000.

The meaning of empty fields is: not supported.

N/A means: not applicable.

Availability for

XML Feature Java C C++ PL/SQL
Parser Yes     Yes
XSLT Processor Yes     Yes
Class Generator   N/A   N/A
Transviewer Beans   N/A N/A N/A
XML-SQL Utility Yes N/A N/A Yes
Schema Processor Yes     N/A

When using PL/SQL instead of Java you should consider the following behavior:

  • PL/SQL File input is only possible from POSIX and with ASCII-Data Format.

  • PL/SQL File output is written to POSIX with ASCII-Data Format.

  • For INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations the XML document must not contain <?xml ... encoding=WE8BS2000 ...>.

When using the JAVA-interfaces you must ensure the right charset of the data. For more information, refer to the encoding considerations listed in Chapter 12, "Java in the Database."

If you have an ASCII platform with JDK, then you can also use XML components and operate on the BS2000 Oracle database using a JDBC connection.