A Installing Java Access Bridge

Java Access Bridge enables the use of a screen reader with Oracle components. Java Access Bridge enables assistive technologies to read Java-based interfaces, such as Oracle Universal Installer and Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control, on Windows platform.

Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 is the latest version of Java Access Bridge that includes updated APIs to support 64-bit systems and includes packages to support 32-bit Windows systems. Uninstall all previous versions of Java Access Bridge before installing the latest version.

Java Access Bridge is supported on Windows Server 2008 x64, Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows Server 2012 x64, and Windows Server 2012 R2 for 64-bit database installations. For a list of supported system configurations, including supported versions of Microsoft Windows and Java SE, see section "Supported System Configurations" available at the following link location:


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, Oracle Universal Installer uses Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 contained on the Oracle Database installation media. JRE enables the use of Java Access Bridge during installation. By default, Java Access Bridge is disabled. To enable Java Access Bridge, run the following command (where JRE_HOME is the directory of your JRE):

JRE_HOME\bin\jabswitch -enable

For earlier releases, set up Java Access Bridge with JRE 1.5. To do so, stop your assistive technology, then from the installation media root, go to the install directory and double-click the access_setup.bat file before the installation. After running the batch file, restart your assistive technology program.

See "Setting Up Java Access Bridge" for information about installing and configuring Java Access Bridge after you install Oracle components.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, Java Access Bridge is supported on Windows x64.

A.1 Setting Up Java Access Bridge

This section describes how to install and configure Java Access Bridge for Windows after installing Oracle components.

To set up Java Access Bridge 2.0.2 on a Windows 32-bit and 64-bit operating system:

  1. Go to Java Standard Edition (Java SE) Downloads page to download the latest build of JDK 7:


  2. Install JDK 7.


    You must have administrator privileges to install JDK on Windows.
  3. Press the Windows key+U on Windows Vista and later to open the Ease of Access Center, and select Use the computer without a display.

    Press the Windows key+U on Windows XP to open the Utility Manager.

    See Also:

    Refer to Micrsoft documentation for accessibility options in Windows operating system.
  4. Select the Enable Accessbridge check box. Click Save.

  5. Download Java Access Bridge 2.0.2:


    Download the accessbridge-2_0_2-fcs-bin-b06.zip file, after accepting the Oracle license agreement.


    Java Access Bridge 2.0.1 is supported on Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( to

    Download Java Access Bridge 2.0.1:


    Select the accessbridge-2_0_1-manual_install.zip file and extract its files on your system where you plan to install Java Access Bridge.

  6. Extract accessbridge-2.0.2 to a directory on your system where you plan to install Java Access Bridge. For example, name the directory as follows:

  7. Open the command prompt and navigate to the directory depending on the type of installation (database, client, or companion) you performed by typing the DRIVE_LETTER:

    To access the files in Disk1 directory, type the following:

    DRIVE_LETTER:\>cd Disk1
  8. Run the following command once you are in the Disk1 directory:

    setup.exe -jreLoc path-to-jdk7\jre

    Oracle Universal Installer starts and JAWS is able to read all prompts and controls on the screen.

  9. Once you click the Install button, you must open Windows Explorer to see the directory where the database is installed (DRIVE_LETTER:\app\user name\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1), until the JDK folder is created. Once the JDK folder is created, depending upon the Windows operating system, copy the files listed in Table A-1 or Table A-2 from the Java Access Bridge source location to the JDK destination folder. Copying these files will enable accessibility for both Oracle Database Configuration Assistant and Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.

    Table A-1 Copy Files to JDK Directory on Windows 32-Bit

    Copy To













    Table A-2 Copy Files to JDK Directory on Windows 64-Bit

    Copy To













A.2 Configuring Oracle Components to Use Java Access Bridge

To configure Oracle components to use Java Access Bridge after completing the installation, set the system variable ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH to point to the installed Java Access Bridge files:

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel, and then System to display the Windows System control panel.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. Click the Environment Variables button.

  4. Click the New button under the System Variable list. The New System Variable dialog box appears.

  5. In the Variable Name field, enter ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH.

  6. In the Variable Value field, enter the full path to the jaccess.jar and access-bridge.jar.

    Use a semicolon to separate the two paths. Do not use quotes or character spaces. For example, if JRE 1.5 is installed in the default location, the setting is:

  7. Click OK.