Use the following set of commands to display information about all listener processes:
$! $! To identify and report on any active SQL*Net listener processes $! on this OpenVMS Server (used as part of 11g pre-installation $! check activities) $! $ found_any = 0 $ say = "write sys$output" $! $ say " " $ say " Collecting system information - please wait..." $! $! First, get a list of all disk on this system $! $ pipe show dev d/mount > sys$scratch:lsnrchk_devices.tmp $! $ close/nolog flsnr $ open/read flsnr sys$scratch:lsnrchk_devices.tmp $! $! Skip the records we know we don't need $! $ read flsnr record $ read flsnr record $ read flsnr record $! $! Loop on each disk we found $! $ loop: $ read flsnr/end=done_it record $ dev = f$element(0," ", record) $! $! Look for any processes accessing tnslsnr.exe $! $ pipe show device/files 'dev' | search/nowarn - $ sys$input tnslsnr > sys$scratch:lsnr_chk1.tmp $! If we found something, check the process(es) returned $! $ if $status .eqs. "%X10000001" $ then $ close/nolog tmmp $ open/read tmmp sys$scratch:lsnr_chk1.tmp $loop1: $ read/end=done_it_1 tmmp record $ if record .nes. "" $ then $ record = f$edit(record,"COMPRESS,TRIM,UPCASE") $! Skip records $ if f$locate(".COM;",record) .ne. f$length(record) then goto loop1 $ proc = f$element(1," ",record) $! $! The following check ensures we skip records that we don't want $! (for example, records that reflect that we have a installed image) $! $ if proc .nes. "" .and. f$locate(".EXE",proc) .eq. f$length(proc) $ then $ img = f$getjpi("''proc'","IMAGNAME") $ lsnr_loc = f$extract(0,f$locate(".]",img),img) $ lsnr_loc = f$extract(0,f$locate(".NETCONFIG]",lsnr_loc),lsnr_loc) $ lsnr_loc = lsnr_loc + ".NETWORK.ADMIN]" $ prcnm = f$getjpi("''proc'","PRCNAM") $! $! Display the result $! $ if found_any .eq. 0 $ then $ say " " $ say " The following listener(s) need to be checked :" $ say " " $ say " If they use the IPC Protocol with (key = EXTPROC) and/or " $ say " the TCP Protocol with (Port = 1521) then they need to " $ say " be shutdown when installing Oracle Database 11g" $ say " " $ endif $ say "==============" $ say " Listener process name : ''prcnm'" $ say " VMS pid : ''proc' $ say " Probable LISTENER.ORA location : ''lsnr_loc'" $ found_any = found_any + 1 $ endif $ goto loop1 $ endif $ done_it_1: $ close/nolog sys$scratch:lsnr_chk1.tmp $ endif $ goto loop $! $ done_it: $ close/nolog flsnr $! Remove all work files $! $ delete/noconfirm sys$scratch:lsnrchk_devices.tmp;* $ delete/noconfirm sys$scratch:lsnr_chk1.tmp;* $! $ if found_any .eq. 0 $ then $ say " " $ say " No active SQL*Net Listeners detected on this node" $ say " " $ else $ say "==============" $ say " " $ endif $! $ say " End of processing" $ say " " $ exit