The LD command adds the description to the current object definition. The description consists of text that you specify to describe the object. You can assign a description to any type of definition.


The current object definition is the definition of the object that has been most recently defined or considered during the current session. To make an object definition the current definition, use a CONSIDER statement.


LD [text]



The text of the description you want to assign to the definition. When text is omitted, any existing description for the current definition is deleted.

You can create a multiline description by using a hyphen as a continuation character. However, you cannot create a description with an initial blank line with an LD statement.


Example 10-13 Adding a Description to the Definition of a Variable

This example changes the description associated with the variable units. First, execute the CONSIDER statement to make units the current definition. Then use a LD statement to assign a new description. The units variable has the following definition.

DEFINE units VARIABLE INTEGER <month product district>
LD Actual Unit Shipments

The statements

ld Actual Unit Shipments for Each Division

produce the following definition for units.

DEFINE units VARIABLE INTEGER <month product district>
LD Actual Unit Shipments for Each Division