B Object Editors

This appendix provides information about the Graphical Navigator and object editors in Oracle Warehouse Builder.

This appendix contains the following topics:

The Graphical Navigator and Editors

In design mode, Oracle Warehouse Builder provides the Graphical Navigator from which you can start object and document editors. Objects from the component palette and tree panel can be dropped onto this navigator. The Oracle Warehouse Builder object editors also support keyboard navigation, including tabbing and shortcuts.

When you double-click an object such as a table, a document panel opens containing one or more viewers and editors that are specific to that object type. These editors appear as tabs at the bottom of the document window. When you select an object, a property inspector and menu options are available for that object, and you can include related objects. Additionally, you can drag and drop appropriate objects from the Navigator tree to the Graphical canvas and then relate these objects with rubber bands.

See Also:

"Using the Graphical Navigator" in Oracle Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide.

Data Object and Document Editors

This sections provides a list of the various editors in Oracle Warehouse Builder:

Cube Editor Tabs

  • Cube Name. Contains fields for the name and description for the cube.

  • Cube Storage. Supports the specification of the storage type (ROLAP or MOLAP) and associated details. Changing the storage type from ROLAP to MOLAP, or vice versa, affects the Cube Dimensions Editor, Cube Measures Editor and Cube Aggregation Editor.

  • Cube Dimensions. Supports the specification of the cube's dimension references. For a MOLAP cube, the panel has an additional Advanced button, which allows sparsity, partitioning, and indexing to be specified.

  • Cube Measures. Supports the specification of the cube's measures. For a MOLAP cube, the panel has an additional Generate Calculated Measures button, which may be used to specify which calculations to generate for each measure.

  • Cube Aggregation. Supports the specification of aggregation options for the cube. The options presented depend on whether the storage type is ROLAP or MOLAP.

  • Physical Binding. For cubes, a physical binding tab graphically shows the object and the objects it is bound to. From here, you can open additional editors for the cube objects. Double clicking a cube and selecting Physical Bindings opens a graphical view of the cube with links to the bound objects. A property inspector shows the properties for the selected cube. (Operations on this tab are only available if the manual binding property has been set.)

  • Cube Data Viewer. Invokes the Data Viewer for the cube.

Dimension Editor Tabs

  • Dimension Name. Contains fields for the name and description for the dimension. It also supports specification of any dimension roles. For a time dimension, it supports additional fields specifying the start year and number of years supported by the time dimension.

  • Dimension Storage. Supports the specification of the storage type (ROLAP or MOLAP) and associated details.

  • Dimension Attributes. supports the specification of the Dimension's Attributes. The panel has an additional field to specify the Sequence to be used to populate Dimension keys.

  • Dimension Levels. Supports the specification of the Dimension's Levels, including the Level Attributes available at each Level.

  • Dimension Hierarchies. Supports the specification of the Dimension's Hierarchies, including the Levels available in each Hierarchy. The panel for a Time Dimension displays additional “Fiscal Settings” and “Create Map” buttons.

  • Dimension SCD. The Dimension SCD Editor supports the specification of Slowly Changing Dimensions. This panel is not present for Time Dimensions. (Also, Oracle Warehouse Builder 11.1 does not allow these details to be updated for MOLAP Dimensions.)

  • Physical Binding. For dimensions, the physical binding tab graphically shows the object and the objects it is bound to.

  • Dimension Data Viewer. Invokes the Data Viewer for the Dimension.

Table Editor

These tabs are available for table objects.

  • Table Name

  • Table Columns

  • Table Constraints

  • Table Indexes

  • Table Partitions

  • Table Attribute Sets

  • Table Data Rules

Data Viewer

These tabs in the Data Viewer are available for viewing objects.

  • Structure Panel.

  • View Name.

  • View Columns

  • View Query

  • View Constraints

  • View Attribute Sets

  • View Data Rules

  • View Data Viewer

See Also:

"Using the Data Viewer to View Data Stored in Data Objects" in Oracle Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide.

Materialized View Editor

These editor tabs are available for materialized view objects.

  • Structure Panel.

  • Materialized View Name Editor.

  • Materialized View Columns Editor

  • Materialized View Query Editor

  • Materialized View Constraints Editor

  • Materialized Indexes Editor

  • Materialized View Partitions Editor

  • Materialized View Attribute Sets Editor

  • Materialized View Data Rules Editor

  • Materialized View Data Viewer Editor

See Also:

"Configuring Materialized Views" in Oracle Warehouse Builder Data Modeling, ETL, and Data Quality Guide.

Object Type Editor

Contains these tabs:

  • Structure Panel.

  • Object Type Name Editor

  • Object Type Columns Editor

VArray Editor

Contains these tabs:

  • Structure Panel. Displays the VArray structure with its objects.

  • VARRAY Name Editor

  • VARRAY Details Editor

Nested Table Editors

  • Structure Panel. Displays the nested table structure with its objects.

  • Nested Table Name Editor

  • Nested Table Details Editor

Create Business Area Wizard and Business Area Editor

Contains these tabs:

  • Structure Panel. Displays the business area structure with its objects: business name and item folders.

  • Contents Editor. Shows the item folders that are in the business area.

  • Business Area Name Editor.

  • Business Area Item Folders Editor.

Item Folder Editor

Contains these tabs:

  • Structure Panel. Displays the item folder name and its contained items.

  • Composition Editor. Displays the objects that are used in the construction of the Item Folder

  • Item Folder Name Editor

  • Item Folder Source Items Editor

  • Item Folder Items Editor

  • Item Folder Joins Editor

  • Item Folder Conditions Editor

See Also:

"Editing an Item Folder" in Oracle Warehouse Builder Sources and Targets Guide.