13 Auditing Deployments and Executions

Auditing deployment and execution information can provide valuable insights into how your target is being loaded and how you can further optimize mapping and process flow settings and parameters. It also provides immediate feedback on deployment information that enables you to retrieve the deployment history of an object. The Repository Browser in Oracle Warehouse Builder provides the auditing and deployment information.

This chapter contains the following topics:

About Auditing Deployment and Executions

When you deploy and run objects, Oracle Warehouse Builder generates and stores audit information related to the deployments and executions. You can use one of the following methods to view and manage audit information:

  • Control Center Manager

    When you perform deployment or execution using the Control Center Manager, the Control Center Jobs panel displays the results of the deployment or execution. Double-click the row representing a deployment or execution job to display the Job Details window. For execution, the Job Details window displays the number of rows selected, inserted, updated, and deleted.

  • Repository Browser or Heterogeneous Repository Browser

    The sections in this chapter describe how to use the Repository Browser and Heterogeneous Repository Browser to access audit information

  • Public views that expose Oracle Warehouse Builder repository audit metadata

    For more information about the public view, see Oracle Warehouse Builder API and Scripting Reference.

About the Repository Browser

The Repository Browser is a browser-based tool that generates reports from data stored in Oracle Warehouse Builder repositories. Using the Repository Browser, you can view:

  • Detailed information about the design of a workspace. Reports are generated from data stored in the workspaces.

  • Reports that provide access to both high-level and detailed ETL run time information. This information includes the following:

    • Timings for each mapping and process flow

    • Details of activities for each process flow

    • Error details

    • Deployment information to manage separate target environments

As an alternative to using the Repository Browser, you can access the same information through the public views. Start a SQL*Plus session and query the public views. See Oracle Warehouse Builder API and Scripting Reference for a list of public views.

You can use Oracle Warehouse Builder to deploy data to non-Oracle databases such as Microsoft SQL Server and IBM DB2 UDB. However, in these cases, you are not able to view design-time object data and deployment audit data. You can only view reports that contain execution audit data.

For more information about reports that are generated for the Repository Browser in a heterogeneous environment, see "List of Heterogeneous Repository Browser Reports".

About the Heterogeneous Repository Browser (HRAB)

The Heterogeneous Repository Browser (HRAB) is a browser-based tool that generates reports about objects deployed to OC4J servers or heterogeneous databases such as DB2 and SQL Server. Heterogeneous Repository Browser enables you to access auditing information from systems that do not have Oracle Warehouse Builder installed.

Using the Heterogeneous Repository Browser, you can view reports that provide:

  • Execution information about ETL objects deployed to heterogeneous databases such as SQL Server and DB2.

  • Execution information for objects deployed to an OC4J server, such as Web services

Before you access auditing information from heterogeneous databases or OC4J servers, you must create data stores that represent the database or OC4J server. Your administrator creates the data store and assign it to the Repository Browser or OC4J server.

Differences Between Repository Browser and Heterogeneous Repository Browser

  • The Heterogeneous Repository Browser reports provide information about object execution only, not design and deployment.

  • Heterogeneous Repository Browser reports contain only a subset of the information provided by Repository Browser reports.

    For example, Repository Browser reports contain trace information generated while debugging mappings. Heterogeneous Repository Browser reports do not contain this information.

Installing the Heterogeneous Repository Browser on Heterogeneous Databases and OC4J Servers

To enable access auditing information for deployments to heterogeneous databases and OC4J servers (that are not part of an Oracle Warehouse Builder installation), you must install the audit tables and views in the target database.

The scripts to install audit tables are stored in the OWB_HOME/owb/rtasst/jrtaudit directory. This directory contains subdirectories called db2, sqlserver, and oracle. Depending on your target database, select the subdirectory from which to run the installation scripts.

For example, to install audit tables and views on DB2, run the install.sql file located in the OWB_HOME/owb/rtasst/jrtaudit/db2 directory.

Creating Data Stores

Data stores enable you to access auditing information about deployments to heterogeneous databases such as DB2 or SQL Server, and to OC4J servers that are not part of Oracle Warehouse Builder installation.

Your administrator creates the data store in the Heterogeneous Repository Browser of the database (SQL Server or DB2) or the OC4J server. The data store should be named AuditDS.

Data stores can be created using the admin_client.jar command-line utility. The following is an example of creating a data store testDataStore.

java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost oc4jadmin
  -addManagedDataSource -applicationName default -dataSourceName testDataSource 
  -jndiLocation jdbc/testDataSource -connectionPoolName scottConnectionPool

You are prompted to enter the password for the oc4jadmin user. Enter the password and press the Enter key.

Data stores are also created implicitly. If a Code Template (CT) mapping references an object stored in a database location, then, when the CT mapping is deployed, a suitable data source is created.

Types of Auditing

Auditing information displayed by the Repository Browser can be classified as follows:

  • PL/SQL Run time Auditing

    This refers to the auditing information for the traditional Oracle Warehouse Builder run time auditing of objects deployed using PL/SQL scripts.

    Data objects, mappings, and process flows use PL/SQL deployments.

  • Heterogeneous Run time Auditing

    This refers to auditing information about objects that are deployed to an OC4J server or to a heterogeneous database such as DB2 or SQL Server. Includes auditing from more than ne Control Center Agents (CCA).

    This includes information about code templates, Web services, and Code Template mappings.

Table 13-1 describes the types of auditing available when you deploy Oracle Warehouse Builder objects to different target locations.

Table 13-1 Types of Auditing for Different Deployment Location

Deployment Location PL/SQL Runtime Auditing Heterogeneous Runtime Auditing

Oracle Database, with an Oracle Warehouse Builder installation



Oracle Database, without Oracle Warehouse Builder installation



Heterogeneous database



OC4J server



List of Heterogeneous Repository Browser Reports

The content of the reports generated by Heterogeneous Repository Browser is based on the corresponding reports produced by the Repository Browser. The reports are a subset of the reports produced for an Oracle Database environment. The terms used in the Heterogeneous Repository Browser reports are related to heterogeneous databases. For example, the term Process is replaced by Task and Map by Step.

However, Heterogeneous Repository Browser reports contain lesser information than the Repository Browser reports for an Oracle Database. The following Repository Browser reports are available for the Heterogeneous Repository Browser:

  • Execution Schedule Report

  • Execution Summary Report

  • Map Execution Report

  • Map Start Report

  • Map Run Execution Report

  • Map Run Trace Report

  • Map Run File Report

  • Run Error Diagnostic Report

  • Management Reports

The following functionality is available through Heterogeneous Repository Browser reports:

  • Purge execution audit data for a job

  • Purge error and trace data for a job

Viewing Audit Reports

Audit reports provide information about deployment and ETL jobs. Each time you deploy an object or start a job, the details of these activities are stored in the workspace. You can access this information from the following environments:

  • Control Center Manager

  • Repository Browser

The Repository Browser provides the information in the form of predefined reports. The reports are displayed in your default Web browser. The Repository Browser Listener must be running.

Opening the Repository Browser

To access auditing data for objects deployed to heterogeneous databases or OC4J servers, ensure that you install the required audit tables on the heterogeneous database or OC4J server.

See "Installing the Heterogeneous Repository Browser on Heterogeneous Databases and OC4J Servers" for details about creating the audit tables.

Opening the Repository Browser is a multistep process:

  1. Before you can open the Repository Browser, the Repository Browser Listener must be started as described in "Managing the Repository Browser Listener".

  2. When the Repository Browser Listener is running, you can start the Repository Browser in multiple ways as described in "Accessing the Repository Browser".

  3. The Repository Browser opens to the Login page where you log in to a workspace as described in "Logging in to a Workspace".


To open the Repository Browser, you must have the ACCESS_PUBLICVIEW_BROWSER system privilege. You automatically have this privilege if you are the owner of the workspace to browse. If you are not the owner of the workspace, then contact your database administrator to obtain this privilege.

Managing the Repository Browser Listener

Before you can open the Repository Browser, you must start the Repository Browser Listener.

Starting the Repository Browser Listener in Windows

Open a command prompt window and run startOwbbInst.bat located in the OWB_HOME\owb\bin\win32 directory. You are prompted to set the password for the OC4J administrator. Enter a password and press the Enter key. When you are prompted to confirm the password, enter the same password again.

Stopping the Repository Browser Listener in Windows

Open a command prompt window and run stopOwbbInst.bat located in the OWB_HOME\owb\bin\win32 directory. You are prompted to provide the OC4J administrator password that you set while starting the Repository Browser listener. Type the password and press the Enter key.

Starting the Repository Browser Listener in UNIX

Run ./startOwbbInst.sh located in the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/unix directory. You are prompted to set the password for the OC4J administrator. Enter a password and press the Enter key. When you are prompted to confirm the password, enter the same password again.

Stopping the Repository Browser Listener in UNIX

Run ./stopOWBBInst.sh located in the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/unix directory. You are prompted to provide the OC4J administrator password that you set while starting the Repository Browser listener. Type the password and press the Enter key.

Accessing the Repository Browser

Once the Listener is running, you can start the Repository Browser in any one of the following ways:

  • From the Start menu, select Programs, then the Warehouse Builder folder, and then Warehouse Builder, Repository Browser.

  • From the Tools menu of the Design Center, select Repository Browser.

  • From within any web browser, type the location of the Repository Connection page. For example, if the Repository Browser Listener is running on a computer named owb_server, then typing the following address start the Repository Browser:




Regardless of which approach you take, when you start the Repository Browser, the browser opens the Repository Connection page from which you log in to the Repository Browser.

Logging in to a Workspace

To log in to a workspace, specify the connection information for the workspace that you would like to access. If you do not know the connection information, then contact your database administrator.

You can connect to the Control Center either as the workspace owner or as a workspace user. When you connect as the workspace owner, you can purge audit details, validate locations, unregister locations, change service node settings, view user data values, and start or stop execution jobs. When you connect as a workspace user with administrative privileges, you can purge audit details, unregister locations, change service node settings, view user data values related to your execution jobs, and start or stop your execution jobs.

Once you log in to the Repository Browser, you can view any of the following reports:

  • Deployment

  • Execution

  • Management


If you log in to a heterogeneous database or an OC4J server using a data store, you can only view Execution reports.

Depending on the location of the auditing information, see the following sections:

If you have access to multiple workspace, the Repository Browser displays a list containing these workspaces. Select the workspace to which you want to connect.

Select Design Center to display the "Repository Navigator" that provides access to reports about object design. Select Control Center to display the "Control Center Reports" page that lists all the types of reports available through the Repository Browser.

Connecting to an Oracle Database

User Name: Provide the name of the workspace owner or workspace user used to connect to the workspace.

Password: Provide the password of the user specified in the User Name field.

Select the host address, port number, and service name: Choose this option to connect to the workspace by providing the host name, port number, and service name of the Oracle Database that contains the workspace.

Select the net service name: Choose this option to connect to the workspace by providing the net service name associated with the Oracle Database that contains Oracle Warehouse Builder repository.

Connecting to a Heterogeneous Database or OC4J Server

Oracle Warehouse Builder enables you to access auditing information about deployments to heterogeneous databases (such as SQL Server and DB2) and to external OC4J servers. You use a data store to connect to the heterogeneous database or OC4J server. Contact your database administrator for the user credentials to be used for the data store and provide these in the User Name and Password fields.

Design Reports

The Repository Browser provides reports about the design of Oracle Warehouse Builder workspaces. These reports include object summary reports, lineage reports, and impact analysis.

Following are the list of design reports provided by the Repository Browser:

Repository Navigator

Use the Repository Navigator page to search the metadata of a workspace and to access metadata main properties, lineage, impact analysis, and a list of related reports and Control Center reports for the workspace. The Repository Navigator contains the following sections: "Search", "All", and "Related Links".


Search by the object type, or name, or both.

  • To search by object type, select the type of object to search from the Search By Type list. The search result is a list of all objects of this type.

  • To search by name, enter the name of the object in the Search field. You can search for just the first character of the name, in which case the search result is a list of objects whose names begin with that character.

Click Go to start your search.

The Repository Browser displays the results of the search in a new page called the Workspace Objects Search page. You can also search for new objects from this page.


Contains a navigator tree for the workspace.

Table 13-2 describes the use of the columns.

Table 13-2 Column Description for the Table in the All Section

Column Head Description:


Click an icon in this column to change the focus of the tree.


The name of an item in the tree.

Click the plus (+) or minus (-) sign next to an item in the tree to expand or collapse the tree.

Click the Name of the object to open the "Object Properties" page for that object.


Click an icon in this column to open the "Object Reports" page for the related item.

The reports listed in the Objects Report page depend on the object for which the reports are displayed. For example, clicking the Reports link for a workspace displays summary reports regarding the workspace, connectors, the Control Center, and locations. Clicking the Reports link for a project displays the Detailed Project Report and "Summary Reports".


Click an icon in this column to open the "Object Lineage" page for the related item.


Click an icon in this column to open the "Object Impact" page for the related item.

Related Links

Click Control Center: Reports to open the Control Center Reports page from which you can select a deployment, execution, or management report.


Click Refresh to refresh your view of the workspace.

The tree collapses when you refresh the data. If you had navigated to or focused to a specific area before refreshing, then you can navigate to or focus on the desired node in the tree.

Object Properties

The Object Properties page displays the properties of the object that you selected in the "Repository Navigator". The properties include the object name, business name, validation status, creation timestamp, update timestamp, and the name of the user who created and updated the object.

From this page you can go to the "Object Reports", "Object Lineage", or "Object Impact" pages by clicking on the corresponding link on the left side of the page.

Object Reports

The Object Reports page provides access to the predefined Design Center reports for the object that you selected in the "Repository Navigator". Use these reports to examine your metadata.

Click a Report name to display a report.

The following types of reports are available:

Summary Reports

The type of information displayed in a summary report is determined by the object selected. For example, a Table Summary Report lists all tables in the module. A Materialized View Summary Report lists all materialized views in the module. Header information that identifies the module is also displayed. Selecting the name of an item displays the detailed report for that item.

Summary reports are available for the following objects:

Advanced queue
Control Center
Data Profile
External Table
Flat File
Materialized view
Nested table
Object Type
Pluggable mapping
Process flow
Table function

Detailed Reports

The type of information displayed in a detailed report is determined by the object selected. Detailed reports provide comprehensive information about an item. For example, a Detailed Table Report lists information about the table columns, keys, foreign keys, and physical configuration parameters.

Detailed reports are available for the following objects:

Advanced Queue
Alternative Sort Order
Application Server
Business Area
Configuration Template
Customer Application
Data Profile
Data Rule
Dimension Drill Path
Drill Path
Drill to Detail
Expert Module
Expert Task
External Table
File Module
Item Folder
Control Code Template
Function Code Template
Code Template Folder
Integration Code Template
Journal Code Template
Load Code Template
Oracle Target Code Template
Code Template Task
List of Values
Mapping Module
Materialized View
Nested Table
Object Type
Oracle Business Intelligence Module
Oracle Discoverer Module
Peoplesoft Application
Pluggable Mapping
Process Flow Module
Process Flow
RDB Module
Registered Function
SQL Server
Siebel Application
Source Module
Sybase Module
Table Function
Target Module
Teradata Module
Web Service Package

Implementation Reports

Implementation Reports can be run on dimensions and cubes. They provide information about how physical objects are used to implement logical objects.

Impact Analysis Reports

Impact Analysis Reports list all items belonging to the subject of the report. The name of the mapping and the name of the item that it is mapped to are also displayed. The report provides a one-step impact analysis for all items related to the selected item.

For example, if you want a list of all the columns in a table that are used as sources in any mappings, use this report.

For more information about Impact Analysis Reports, see "Object Impact".

Lineage Reports

Lineage Reports list items that are used as targets in a mapping. For more information about lineage reports, see "Object Lineage".

Object Lineage

The Object Lineage page displays the lineage diagram for the object that you selected in "Repository Navigator". A Lineage Diagram graphically displays all the objects and transformations that are used to form the subject of the Diagram.

Lineage can be performed at either the object level or the item level. At the object level, the diagram can contain tables, views, materialized views, dimensions, cubes, records, and operators. At the item level the diagram can contain columns, measures, fields, operator parameters, and level attributes. The Lineage Diagram is displayed with the subject on the right side of the screen.

From the Object Lineage page you can go to the "Object Properties", "Object Reports", or "Object Impact" pages by clicking on the corresponding link on the left side of the page.

Object Impact

The Object Impact page displays the Impact Analysis diagram for the object that you selected in the "Repository Navigator". The Impact Analysis diagram is a graphical representation of the objects on which the definition of the selected object depends. It represents the potential impact of a change in the definition of the selected object. The subject is displayed on the left side of the screen.

From this page you can go to the "Object Reports", "Object Properties", or "Object Lineage" pages by clicking on the corresponding link on the left side of the page.

Lineage and Impact Analysis diagrams are created based on a Dependency Index. For the data displayed in the diagram to be current, the index must be refreshed.

When you click Impact Analysis for an object, the impact_objectID.jpeg file, where objectID represents the object ID of the selected object, is generated and displayed on the Browser page. Similarly, when you click Lineage for an object, the lineage_objectID.jpeg file is generated. For both lineage and impact analysis, in addition to the .jpeg file, an .svg file with the same name is generated. If you use these files, then they are available in the following locations:On UNIX, these files are stored in the folder OWB_HOME/owb/j2ee/applications/owbb/generated_images/.

On Windows, these files are stored in the folder OWB_HOME\owb\j2ee\applications\owbb\generated_images\

Control Center Reports

The Control Center section of the Repository Browser provides the following types of reports: "Deployment Reports", "Execution Reports", and "Management Reports".


You can access the Design "Object Reports" from any Control Center reports by clicking the Design Repository: Navigator link on the report page.

Deployment Reports

Top-level deployment reports are:

  • "Deployment Schedule Report"s that show basic attributes and display a node tree giving details of all deployments in time order

  • "Object Summary Report"s that show basic attributes, and list deployed objects (processes, maps and data objects) in type, name order with details of their latest deployment

  • Locations Reports that show all the locations into which objects have been deployed

From these top-level deployment reports, you can access "Deployment Error Detail Report"s and "Deployment Report"s that supply details about the deployment of a specific process flow, mapping, or data object.

Execution Reports

Top-level execution reports are:

  • "Execution Schedule Report"s that show basic attributes and display a node tree giving details of all Process Runs (and top-level Map Runs) in time order

  • "Execution Summary Report"s that show basic attributes and lists run processes (and top-level maps) in type, name order

From these top-level execution reports, you can access other reports that enable you to:

  • Monitor jobs using "Execution Report"s (sometimes called Execution Detail Reports) that show the execution job details of a given Process Run or Map Run; "Execution Job Report"s that show details of logical errors for a given target detected during the execution of Map Runs; and "Job Error Diagnostic Report"s that show basic details of run time errors and target details, and, when possible, list source and target column details.

  • Display diagnostics using "Error Table Execution Report"s that show details of logical errors for a given target detected during the execution of Map Run; "Trace Report"s that show details of source and target values plus data errors detected during the execution of Map Runs; and "Job File Report"s that show basic Process or Map attributes, list log and data files associated with the Process or Map Run, and display the contents of the selected file.

  • Rerun jobs using "Job Start Report"s that show Process or Map identification properties (including that latest deployment and latest execution dates), list all execution parameters for the Process as specified by the latest deployment, and assign parameter default values from the latest deployment specification.

Management Reports

The main Repository Browser management report is the "Service Node Report" that enables you to manage service node information for the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) system.

Also, from a "Locations Report" (a top-level deployment report) you can access the "Location Validation Report" that shows basic Location attributes, current Control Center connection details, and current Location connection details.

Deployment Reports

Top-level deployment reports are "Deployment Schedule Report", "Object Summary Report", and "Locations Report". From these top-level deployment reports, you can access "Deployment Error Detail Report"s and "Deployment Report"s that supply details about the deployment of a specific process, map, or data object.

Deployment Schedule Report

The Deployment Schedule report is a top-level Control Center report that shows basic attributes and displays a node tree giving details of all deployments in time order.

Use Deployment Schedule reports to view run details, and access Data Object, Map, and Process Deployment reports.

The Deployment Schedule Report contains a node tree with the columns displayed in Table 13-3.

Table 13-3 Deployment Schedule Report Contents

Column Name Description


Click to select this node in the deployment tree. This functionality is used with the purge facility on the Deployment Schedule Report.


Click the icon in this column to change the focus of the tree to this node.


A tree that represents all of the items in this deployment report. To expand a node, click its plus icon (+). To collapse a node, click its minus icon (-).

Click a location name to display the "Location Deployment Schedule Report". Click an object name to display the "Deployment Report" for the object.


A number that identifies a deployment run


The type of item

Obj Status

The status of the object


The date of deployment

Dep Status

The status of the deployment. These include the following:

  • Complete: Indicates that the deployment is complete.

  • Busy: Indicates that the deployment is in progress.

  • Ready: Indicates that the job has just started or is about to end.

Note: If the deployment status shows a Ready status for a very long time, use the script deactivate_deployment.sql located in the OWB_HOME/owb/rtp/sql folder to deactivate the status of the deployment.

Related Information

Other related information including a link to a related "Deployment Error Detail Report", if appropriate

With a Deployment Schedule Report, you can also:

  • Expand deployments to show run details.

  • Filter deployments based on date range.

  • Set a date range for which you want to view deployments.

  • Refresh reports to show deployment details.

  • If you have sufficient privileges, you can purge selected deployment audit details.

Location Deployment Schedule Report

A Location Deployment Schedule Report is similar in appearance to a "Deployment Schedule Report" except that it only shows the deployments for a specific location and does not offer you the opportunity to purge audit details.

Expand the node tree for the location to view the objects deployed to the location. Click an object name to display the "Deployment Report" for the object. For objects whose deployment failed, use the link in the Related Information column to access the "Deployment Error Detail Report".

Locations Report

This deployment report shows all Locations into which objects have been deployed.

Within this report, you can:

  • Sort Locations on name and latest deployment time.

  • If you have sufficient privileges, you can unregister selected Locations.

  • If you have sufficient privileges and a link appears in the Validation column, you can open a related "Location Validation Report" to test and update connection details for a Location.

The Locations Report contains the following three sections: "Control Center Connection", "Logical Details", and "Physical Details".

Control Center Connection This section displays the service description for the Control Center.

Logical Details This section displays details for all locations such as name, type, service description, date of the last deployment to this location, and the user name used for deployment. Click a location name to display the "Object Summary Report" for that location.

To unregister locations, select the locations by clicking the Select column to the right of the locations and then click Unregister Selected Locations.

Physical Details This section contains a node tree that displays the host name, port, and service name associated with the Control Center, and the list of locations belonging to the Control Center.

Object Summary Report

An Object Summary Report shows basic attributes and lists deployed objects (process flows, mappings, and data objects) in type/name order with details of their latest deployment.

Click an object name to display the "Deployment Report" for the selected object. Click a location name to display the "Location Object Summary Report" for the location.

Within this report, you can:

  • Sort execution runs on name, type, location, latest deployment time, object status

  • Filter objects on type and status

Location Object Summary Report

A Location Object Summary Report lists all the objects (process flows, mappings, and data objects) deployed to the selected location. The details provided include the object name, object type, latest deployment date, and object status.

This report is similar to an Object Summary Report except that it also includes a Location parameters section. The Location Parameters section displays location details such as host name, port number, service name, schema name, FTP user name, and database link name. When you have sufficient privileges, you can update the Web Server Base setting, if applicable.

Click an object name to display the "Deployment Report" for the selected object.

Deployment Report

This deployment report supplies details about the deployment of a specific process flow, mapping, or data object.

When the item is a Process Flow, this report shows basic process flow attributes and lists all deployments of the process flows and its subprocesses in time order. When the item is a Mapping, this report shows basic mapping attributes and lists all deployments in time order. When the item is a Data Object, this report shows basic data object attributes and lists all deployments of the data object and its second-class objects in time order.

Click the link in the Deployment Message section to view details of errors that occurred during deployment.

Within this report you can:

  • Sort deployments on deployment time

  • Filter deployments on deployment status

Deployment Error Detail Report

A Deployment Error Detail Report shows details of a specific deployment error and lists all the messages for the deployment error.

Within this report, you can:

  • Sort the error messages by message number

  • Filter the error messages by severity

Execution Reports

The top-level execution reports are "Execution Schedule Report"s and "Execution Summary Report"s.

From these top-level execution reports, you can access "Error Table Execution Report"s, "Job Error Diagnostic Report"s, "Trace Report"s, "Execution Job Report"s, "Job File Report"s, "Job Start Report"s, and "Execution Report"s.

Execution Schedule Report

This execution report shows basic attributes and displays a node tree giving details of all Process Flow executions and top-level Mapping executions in time order. The details for each execution include the name, job ID, type, location name, execution date, and execution status.

Click an object name to display the "Execution Report" for the object. The Related Information column provides a link to the "Execution Job Report". If you have sufficient privileges, then you can purge execution audit details for objects, by selecting the objects and clicking Purge Selected Audit Details.

Within this report, you can:

  • Focus on details for one Process Run.

  • Expand the Process Run to show activity run details.

  • Filter Process Runs on execution name, execution status and date range (for example, to display only runs with "busy" status).

  • Use the Calendar icon for date picker available to set the start and end of date range.

  • Refresh the report to show execution run details.

  • If you have sufficient privileges, you can purge selected Process Run execution audit details.

Execution Summary Report

This execution report lists all the Process Flow and Mapping executions in type, name order. You can access the "Execution Job Report" by clicking the link in the Related Information column.

Within the Execution Summary Report, you can:

  • Sort execution runs on name, type, latest execution time, and execution status

  • Filter Processes (and Maps) on type and execution status

Execution Report

An execution report (sometimes called an Execution Detail Report) shows all of the execution run details of a given Process, a given Map, or all of the Map Runs for which a given Data Object is a source or target.

When the Execution Report is for a Process or Map, the report shows basic Process or Map attributes and lists the Process or Map Runs in time order.

Click the Start link at the top of this page to display the "Job Start Report".

Within an Execution Report, you can:

  • Sort the Process or Map Runs on execution start time

  • Hide or show a Process or Map Run to show activity run details

  • Filter Process or Map Runs on execution status and execution severity

Error Table Execution Report

This execution report shows details of logical errors for a given target detected during the execution of Map Runs.

Within this report, you can:

  • Sort logical errors on map type, map name, execution start time, rule type, and rule usage.

  • Filter logical errors on map name, rule type and rule usage.

  • If you have sufficient privileges, you can use the Purge Error Table to remove selected logical errors.

Execution Job Report

An Execution Job Report shows detailed information about the execution of either a Process Run or a Map Run.

Execution Job reports contain the following sections: Execution Details, Execution Parameters, Step Details, Error Messages, Logical Errors, and Audit Details.

Execution Job Report for a Process Run

When the Execution Job Report is for a Process Run, it shows basic Process Run execution details, lists execution parameters, lists activity (Map and Subprocess) details in time order, and lists error messages.

Within an Execution Job Report for a Process Run, you can:

  • Hide or show activity details to show Map Run details

  • Refresh the report to show execution run details

  • Terminate the Process Run

Execution Job Report for a Map Run

When the Execution Job Report is for a Map Run, it shows basic Map Run execution details, including source and target Data Objects, lists execution parameters, lists map step details in time order, lists error messages, lists logical error details, and displays the contents of the SQL Loader log file (if applicable).

Within an Execution Job Report for a Map Run, you can:

  • Hide or show map step details, including source and target Data Objects

  • Refresh the report to show execution run details

  • Sort logical errors on error table, map step, rule type, rule usage

  • Terminate the Map Run

  • If your role has sufficient privileges, you can purge Error and Trace audit details for the Map Run and purge the Error Table to remove selected logical errors

Trace Report

This execution report, also called the Map Run Trace Report, shows details of source and target values plus data errors detected during the execution of Map Runs.

Within this report, you can:

  • Sort files on rowkey, table name.

  • Filter diagnostic trace on execution severity and source or target.


Trace diagnostics are available when the Map Run is run with a particular setting of the Audit Level run time parameter. Use this trace facility only if required, because it can generate a large volume of audit data.

Job File Report

This execution report shows basic Process Flow or Mapping attributes, lists log and data files created by external processes during the Process Flow or Map execution, and displays the contents of the selected file.

Within a Job File Report, you can:

  • Sort files on file type, creation time.

  • View the contents of any selected file.

Job Start Report

This execution report shows Process Flow or executable Map identification properties, (including latest deployment and latest execution dates), lists all execution parameters for the Process or executable Map as specified by the latest deployment, and assigns parameter default values from the latest deployment specification.

Within a Job Start Report, you can:

  • Sort execution parameters on name, category

  • Change values of any input parameter where permitted

  • Change the default Execution Name as necessary

  • Reset all parameter settings to their default values

  • Apply basic validation to parameter values

  • Start the Process or Map Run, so that it is scheduled for execution immediately

  • Navigate to the Deployment Report for latest deployment details of Process or Map

  • Navigate to the Execution Run Report for the latest execution of current Process or Map

Job Error Diagnostic Report

This execution report (also called the Run Error Diagnostic Report) displays diagnostic information gathered for a given run time error during a process flow or mapping execution. It also shows run time error details, target details, and lists source and target column details, where possible. Some column values are displayed only if your role has the appropriate privilege.

Within this report, you can sort column details on source or target category, source or target name, rowkey, and column name.

Management Reports

The top-level management report is the "Service Node Report". From this report you can open a "Location Validation Report".

Service Node Report

This management report displays and enables you to manage service node information for the Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) system. Specifically, it performs the following functions:

  • Shows the basic attributes

  • Lists details and status of all service nodes currently used in the Oracle RAC system, generated from the underlying system tables

  • Lists service nodes available to the Oracle RAC system that are currently not in use

  • Shows the net service name to be used to access the run time repository

Within a Service Node Report, you can:

  • Sort service nodes on instance number, instance name, or run time version

  • Update an instance number when the node is not enabled or active

  • Set or unset an enabled setting. (You can never change an active setting as it is maintained by the Oracle RAC system.

  • Remove selected service nodes that are not enabled or active from being used by the Oracle RAC system

  • Add a node to the service, from the list of available nodes

  • Set the run time repository net service name

  • Refresh report to show service node details

(You can add, remove or update node details only if you have sufficient privileges.)

Location Validation Report

This management report shows basic Location attributes such as name and type, current Control Center connection details, and current Location connection details.

Within a Location Validation Report, you can:

  • Test the Location connection by clicking Test Connection

  • Update Location connection details by clicking Update Details

Common Repository Browser Tasks

The following scenarios are examples of some typical actions performed using the Repository Browser:

Identifying Recently-Run Processes

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" to see the latest Process runs.

  2. Filter the displayed information by using the execution name, execution status, and date range, as required.

  3. Note any Process runs that are reported as having errors or not having completed.

  4. Expand the tree structure for any Process run identified in Step 3 to see details of its activities (that is, any of its subprocesses and maps).

Identifying Why a Process Run Failed

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" and note the Process run that is marked as having errors.

  2. Click the Run Execution Report link, which opens a "Execution Report" that provides details of the Process run.

  3. Note any Map runs that are reported as having errors or not having completed.

  4. Click the Run Execution Report link, which opens an "Execution Report" that provides details of any Map run identified in Step 3.

  5. For any process-level or map-level error messages, click the Run Error Diagnostic Report link, which opens a "Job Error Diagnostic Report" that displays more details of the error, including source data values.

Comparing Process Runs

  1. Open the "Execution Summary Report" to see a list of all Processes.

  2. Click the Process name to see its "Execution Report".

  3. Compare the results of previous runs, using the hide/show feature to reveal further details as required.

Discovering Why a Map Run Gave Unexpected Results

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" and note the Process Run that contains the required Map Run.

  2. Click the Run Execution Report link that opens an "Execution Report" that provides details of the Process Run.

  3. Click the Run Execution Report link that opens an "Execution Report" that provides details of the Map Run.

  4. If the Map Run had the Audit Level run time parameter set to Complete, select the Trace tab link to see its "Trace Report".

  5. Filter trace lines by error and source or target as required, and note any unexpected source or target actions.

  6. For error messages, click the Run Error Diagnostic Report link that opens a "Job Error Diagnostic Report" that displays more details of the error, including source data values.

  7. Click Purge Error and Trace Lines to remove all details or errors and trace for this Map Run, if they are no longer required.

    If purging, a confirmation screen is shown, requesting that the action be confirmed.

Identifying Recently-Made Deployments

  1. Open the "Deployment Schedule Report" to see the latest deployments.

  2. Filter the displayed information by using the date range, as required.

    Note any deployments that are reported as having errors or not having completed.

  3. Expand the tree structure for any deployment to see details of its components (that is, units and deployed objects).

  4. For error messages, click the Deployment Error Detail Report link to display the related "Deployment Error Detail Report".

Identifying the Data Objects That Are Deployed to a Specific Location

  1. Open the "Locations Report" to see the registered Locations.

  2. Click the Location name link to see its "Object Summary Report".

  3. Filter the displayed information by using object type and object status, as required.

  4. Click the Name link for a Data Object to see its "Deployment Report".

    Details are shown for all deployments of this Data Object and its second-class Data Objects.

Identifying the Map Runs that Use a Specific Deployed Data Object

  1. Open the "Object Summary Report" to see a list of all deployed objects.

  2. Filter the information shown by using object type and object status as required.

  3. In the Name column, click the link representing an object to view the "Deployment Report" for this object.

  4. In the Available Reports section at the top right, click Execution to display the "Execution Report" for the object. This report contains a summary of how and when the object was used in a Map Run.

  5. In the Execution Details section of the Execution report, select Execution Job Report to display the "Execution Job Report" that contains details of the mapping or process flow execution.

Discovering the Default Deployment Time Settings of a Deployed Process

  1. Open the Object Summary Report to see all deployed Processes.

  2. In the Name column, click a process flow to display its "Deployment Report".

  3. In the Available Reports section, click Start to display the "Job Start Report" for the process.

    The execution parameters have the default deployment time settings.

  4. In the Execution Parameters section, change any of the input parameter values, as required.

  5. Click Start Execution to run the new process run.

Rerunning a Process

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" to see list of all Process Runs.

  2. In the Execution Details section, click the mapping or process flow name in the Name column to display the "Execution Report" for the selected object.

  3. In the Available Reports section, click Start to display the "Job Start Report" for the selected object.

    The execution parameters have the default deployment-time settings.

  4. Change any of the input parameter values, as required.

  5. Click Start Execution to run a new Process Run.

Monitoring a Process Run

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" to see the executing Process Runs.

  2. If necessary, use the Execution Status filter to display only currently executing Process Runs.

  3. Click Refresh as required, to follow the progress of the Process Runs.

  4. In the Name column, click a process flow name to the display the "Execution Report" containing the details of a given Process Run.

  5. Click Refresh as required, to follow the progress of the Process Run.

  6. For Process Runs known to the Workflow system, click the Related information link to switch across to the Oracle Workflow Monitor and follow its progress in a graphical display. Use the browser's Back button to return to the current report page.

Terminating a Process Run

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" to see the executing Process Runs.

  2. In the Name column, click a process flow name to display the "Execution Report" for the process run.

  3. Click Stop to terminate the given Process Run.

  4. Click Refresh as required, to follow the progress of the Process Run as its execution is terminated.

Removing the Execution Audit Details for a Process

  1. Open the "Execution Schedule Report" to see the latest Process Runs.

  2. Filter the displayed information by using an execution name.

  3. Select all the executions that are to be removed, and click Purge Selected Audit Details.

    A confirmation screen is shown, requesting you to confirm the action.

Removing Old Deployment Audit details

  1. Open the "Deployment Schedule Report" to see the latest deployments.

  2. Filter the displayed information by using the date range.

  3. Select all the deployments that are to be removed, and click Purge Selected Audit Details.

    A confirmation screen is shown, requesting you to confirm the action.

Viewing Error Tables Created as a Result of Data Auditor Execution

  1. Grant privileges to the Repository Browser on the error table.

    See "Granting Privileges on Error Tables".

  2. Open the "Execution Summary Report" or "Execution Schedule Report" to see a list of all the Processes.

  3. Click the link in the Related Information column corresponding to the process flow that contained the data auditor to display the "Execution Job Report" for the process flow.

  4. Click the link in the Related Information column corresponding to the data auditor activity to display the "Execution Job Report" for the activity.

  5. Data that violated the data auditor constraints is listed in the Logical Errors table. Click the link in the Error Table column to display the Execution Report for the error table.

If you have sufficient privileges, you can use the Execution Report for an error table to purge data from that error table.

Unregistering a Location

  1. Open the "Locations Report" to see the registered Locations.

  2. Select the Location that is to be unregistered, and click Unregister Selected Locations.

    A confirmation screen is shown, requesting you to confirm the action.

Updating Location Connection Details for a Changed Database Environment

  1. Open the "Locations Report" to see the Locations.

  2. Select the location that is to be validated by clicking the Select column to the right of that location. Click the link in the Validation column corresponding to the selected location.

    The "Location Validation Report" is displayed, showing the connection details of the Location and the Control Center

  3. Change the service description values, as necessary, and click Update Details.

  4. In the Location Status section, click Get Status to validate the current connection settings for the Location.

    The results of Location connection tests are not maintained beyond the current session.

Updating Service Node Details in a Changing Oracle RAC Environment

  1. Open the "Service Node Report" to see the settings that currently describe the Oracle RAC system.

  2. Update details and usage of the Service Nodes, then click Update Node Details for the requested changes to be made.

  3. Add or remove Service Nodes, as required.

  4. Click Refresh to see the current settings of the Oracle RAC system.

  5. Set the Net Service Name by which the Control Center may be accessed, as necessary.