alterApplicationServerModuleCommand = OMBALTER ( APPLICATION_SERVER_MODULE "QUOTED_STRING" ( "renameClause" [ "alterPropertiesOrReferenceClause" ] | "alterPropertiesOrReferenceClause" ) ) renameClause = RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" alterPropertiesOrReferenceClause = SET ( "setPropertiesClause" [ SET "setReferenceClause" [ UNSET "unsetReferenceClause" ] | UNSET "unsetReferenceClause" [ SET "setReferenceClause" ] ] | "setReferenceClause" [ UNSET "unsetReferenceClause" ] ) | UNSET "unsetReferenceClause" [ SET "setReferenceClause" ] setPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setReferenceClause = ( "setReferenceLocationClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) unsetReferenceClause = ( "unsetReferenceLocationClause" [ UNSET "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" ) propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } setReferenceLocationClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) LOCATION "QUOTED_STRING" setReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" unsetReferenceLocationClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) LOCATION "QUOTED_STRING" unsetReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" )
Alter the properties or reference (location or iconset) of the application server module.
Specify the ref location for the application server module as the new configuration default.