Exports current metadata, metadata definitions, or snapshot metadata to a metadata loader file.
mdlExportCommand = ( [ TO ] MDL_FILE "QUOTED_STRING" [ "fileFormatClause" ] [ FROM ] [ "projectClause" ] [ "componentsClause" ] [ ( "classesClause" | ALL_CLASS_DEFINITIONS ) ] [ WITH ] [ "dependeeDepthClause" ] [ "includeGrantsClause" ] [ "includeCMIDefsClause" ] [ "useFieldSeparatorClause" ] [ "controlFileClause" ] [ "includeUserDefsClause" ] [ "supportedLangsClause" ] [ "outputLogClause" ] ) fileFormatClause = FILE_FORMAT ( ZIP | TEXT ) projectClause = PROJECT "QUOTED_STRING" componentsClause = COMPONENTS "(" "componentsList" ")" classesClause = CLASS_DEFINITIONS "(" "QUOTED_STRING" { "," "QUOTED_STRING" } ")" dependeeDepthClause = DEPENDEE_DEPTH ( MAX | "INTEGER_LITERAL" ) includeGrantsClause = INCLUDE_GRANTS includeCMIDefsClause = INCLUDE_CMI_DEFINITIONS useFieldSeparatorClause = [ USE ] FIELD_SEPARATOR "UNQUOTED_STRING" controlFileClause = CONTROL_FILE "QUOTED_STRING" includeUserDefsClause = INCLUDE_USER_DEFINITIONS supportedLangsClause = SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES "(" "supportedLangsList" ")" outputLogClause = OUTPUT LOG [ TO ] "QUOTED_STRING" componentsList = "objectTypeValue" "QUOTED_STRING" { "," "objectTypeValue" "QUOTED_STRING" } supportedLangsList = "QUOTED_STRING" { "," "QUOTED_STRING" } objectTypeValue = "UNQUOTED_STRING"
Specify how many levels of dependent objects should be exported for components specified for export. Use MAX for all dependents, 0 for no dependents, 1 for one level of dependents. The default is 0.
Use to request that related CMI Definitions for CMI Modules be included in the export.
Do not use this option. It is an obsolete option that was used to specify character to be used as the field separator in the old metadata file format.
Do not use this option. Obsolete metadata file field separator for old MDL file format. Use BAR or CARAT. The default is BAR.
Specify a control file with export options not directly supported by OMBEXPORT command.