Class definition to be redefined should already exist. This command can be executed for any class definition regardless of current context. User must have CREATE_EXTENSIONMODEL system privilege, and user has to connect in single user mode.
The valid types to define user defined properties are: INTEGER, STRING, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DATE, TIMESTAMP, BOOLEAN, LONG, FILE, URL
parseRedefineClassCommand = OMBREDEFINE CLASS_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" [ ( ON | OF ) "modelClause" ] ( ( "setClassDefinitionPropertiesClause" | "setClassDefinitionIconSetClause" | "unsetClassDefinitionIconSetClause" ) [ "modifySubDefinitionsClause" ] | "modifySubDefinitionsClause" ) modelClause = ( MODEL "QUOTED_STRING" | PLATFORM "QUOTED_STRING" | CONFIGURATION_TEMPLATE "QUOTED_STRING" ( ON | OF ) PLATFORM "QUOTED_STRING" ) setClassDefinitionPropertiesClause = SET PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setClassDefinitionIconSetClause = SET REF ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" unsetClassDefinitionIconSetClause = UNSET REF ICONSET modifySubDefinitionsClause = ( "addPropertyDefinitionClause" | "modifyPropertyDefinitionClause" | "deletePropertyDefinitionClause" | "addPropertyGroupDefinitionClause" | "modifyPropertyGroupDefinitionClause" | "deletePropertyGroupDefinitionClause" | "addChildTypeClause" | "deleteChildTypeClause" )+ propertyNameList = "propertyNameClause" { "," "propertyNameClause" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } addPropertyDefinitionClause = ( ADD [ ( ( CONFIGURATION | PHYSICAL_CONFIGURATION ) | LOGICAL | USER_DEFINED ) ] PROPERTY_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" "setPropertyDefinitionPropertiesClause" ) modifyPropertyDefinitionClause = ( MODIFY PROPERTY_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" ( RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" | "setPropertyDefinitionPropertiesClause" ) ) deletePropertyDefinitionClause = ( DELETE PROPERTY_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" ) addPropertyGroupDefinitionClause = ADD PROPERTY_GROUP_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" "setPropertyGroupDefinitionPropertiesClause" modifyPropertyGroupDefinitionClause = ( MODIFY PROPERTY_GROUP_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" ( RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" | "setPropertyGroupDefinitionPropertiesClause" ) ) deletePropertyGroupDefinitionClause = ( DELETE PROPERTY_GROUP_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" ) addChildTypeClause = ( ADD CHILD_TYPE "QUOTED_STRING" ) deleteChildTypeClause = ( DELETE CHILD_TYPE "QUOTED_STRING" ) propertyNameClause = ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" ) propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" ) setPropertyDefinitionPropertiesClause = SET PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setPropertyGroupDefinitionPropertiesClause = SET PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")"