retrieveDrillPathCommand = OMBRETRIEVE DRILL_PATH "QUOTED_STRING" "retrieveDrillPathClauseDetails" retrieveDrillPathClauseDetails = ( "retrieveDrillLevelClause" | GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | "getReferenceIconSetClause" | DRILL_LEVELS | DEFAULT_ROOT DRILL_LEVEL | ROOT DRILL_LEVELS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) HIERARCHY | ( REF | REFERENCE ) DIMENSION | ( REF | REFERENCE ) ROLE | DEPENDENTS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) CATALOG_FOLDERS ) ) retrieveDrillLevelClause = DRILL_LEVEL "QUOTED_STRING" ( "retrieveDrillLevelKeyClause" | GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | ( REF | REFERENCE ) ITEMS | USING JOINS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) LEVEL | CHILDREN | PARENTS | DRILL_LEVEL_KEYS ) ) getPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" getReferenceIconSetClause = ( REF | REFERENCE ) ICONSET retrieveDrillLevelKeyClause = DRILL_LEVEL_KEY "QUOTED_STRING" ( GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | ( REF | REFERENCE ) ITEMS ) ) propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" }
For drill level this clause retrieves the following
REF ITEMS retrieves the list of Items referenced by this Drill Level.
REF USING JOINS retrieves the list of Joins used to join the Item Folder containing Items in this Drill Level to the Item Folder containing Items in the parent Drill Level.
REF LEVEL retrieves the dimensional Level corresponding to the Drill Level.
CHILDREN retrieves the child Drill Levels.
Basic properties for DRILL_PATH: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the drill path Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the drill path Name: TIMEDIMENSION Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the drill path represents a time dimension. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Basic properties for DRILL_LEVEL: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the drill level Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the drill level Name: DEFAULT_ROOT_LEVEL Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the level is a default root. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Name: GRAND_TOTAL_LEVEL Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the level is a grand total level. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Name: SUPPORTS_ROLLUP Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the level supports rollup to a higher level of aggregation. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Basic properties for DRILL_LEVEL_KEY (Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE): Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the drill level key Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the drill level key Name: PRIMARYKEY Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the level key is the primary key for the drill level. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Name: CHRONOLOGICALKEY Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the level key is the chronological key for a time dimension. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Name: USE_FOR_DRILLDOWN Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the level key is used for drill down. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only