retrieveLogicalTableCommand = OMBRETRIEVE LOGICAL_TABLE "QUOTED_STRING" ( "retrieveItemFolderClauseLT" | "retrieveItemFolderItemClauseLT" | "retrieveItemFolderJoinClauseLT" ) retrieveItemFolderClauseLT = GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | "getReferenceIconSetClause" | "getItemFolderSCOClauseLT" ) retrieveItemFolderItemClauseLT = ITEM "QUOTED_STRING" GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | SOURCE_OBJECTS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) DRILL_LEVELS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) LOCAL JOINS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) REMOTE JOINS ) retrieveItemFolderJoinClauseLT = JOIN "QUOTED_STRING" ( "retrieveItemFolderJoinComponentClause" | GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | JOIN_COMPONENTS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) FOREIGN_KEY | ( REF | REFERENCE ) REMOTE LOGICAL_TABLE ) ) getPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" getReferenceIconSetClause = ( REF | REFERENCE ) ICONSET getItemFolderSCOClauseLT = ITEMS | JOINS | SOURCE_OBJECTS | DERIVATION_SOURCE | USING FOREIGN_KEYS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) CATALOG_FOLDERS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) REMOTE JOINS | ( REF | REFERENCE ) ROLE | ( REF | REFERENCE ) LEVEL | DEPENDENTS retrieveItemFolderJoinComponentClause = JOIN_COMPONENT "QUOTED_STRING" GET ( "getPropertiesClause" | ( REF | REFERENCE ) LOCAL ITEM | ( REF | REFERENCE ) REMOTE ITEM ) propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" }
For a logical table, this clause retrieves the following
ITEMS retrieves the items in the logical table.
JOINS retrieves the joins in the logical table.
SOURCE_OBJECTS retrieves the objects the logical table is based on.
DERIVATION_SOURCE retrieves the source object derived into this logical table.
REF USING FOREIGN_KEYS retrieves the foreign keys usages for the logical table.
REF CATALOG_FOLDERS retrieves the catalog folders the logical table belongs to.
REF ROLE retrieves the dimension use reference for the logical table.
REF LEVEL retrieves the level reference for the logical table.
DEPENDENTS retrieves the dependents for the logical table.
For an item, this clause retrieves the following
SOURCE_OBJECT retrieves the object that the item is based on.
In the case of a complex item (i.e. an expression) the list of items referenced by the current item
REF DRILL LEVELS retrieves the list of Drill Levels that reference this Item.
REF LOCAL JOINS retrieves the list of Join Components that reference this Item as their local Item.
REF REMOTE JOINS retrieves the list of Join Components that reference this Item as their remote Item.
For join this clause retrieves the following
JOIN_COMPONENTS retrieves the list of Join Components of this Join.
REF FOREIGN KEY retrieves the foreign key associated with this join.
ombretrieve_logical_table$getItemFolderSCOClauseLT = Retrieves the contents of the logical table.
Basic properties for ITEM_FOLDER: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the item folder Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the item folder Name: EXTERNAL_TABLE_NAME Type: STRING(255) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The physical name for the corresponding table or view. This is automatically set if the Folder is associated with a Table Name: VISIBLE Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the item folder should be visible to the user Name: DISTINCT_VALUES Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether to select distinct values from the source. Oracle Business Intelligence Modules (OBIEE) only Name: BRIDGE_TABLE Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether this represents an intermediate table between a fact and dimension. Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE) only Name: FOLDER_TYPE Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: SIMPLE, COMPLEX Default: Empty string The type of item folder Basic properties for ITEM: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the item Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the item Name: ALIGNMENT Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: GENERAL, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT Default: 'GENERAL' The default alignment for displaying the item Name: DISPLAY_CASE Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: GENERAL, LOWER, UPPER, INITCAPPED Default: 'GENERAL' How alphabetic characters should be displayed Name: CASE_STORAGE Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: GENERAL, LOWER, UPPER, MIXED Default: 'GENERAL' How alphabetic characters are stored Name: CONTENT_TYPE Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: No Value or FILE. For datatypes such as BLOB, it may contain a file extension such as DOC, AVI, WAV, JPG Default: Empty string Details on whether the Item contains a file name or should be processed by an external application Name: DEFAULT_AGGREGATE Type: STRING(255) Valid Values (in a Logical Table): NONE, SUM, AVG, COUNT, COUNT DISTINCT, MAX, MIN, FIRST, LAST, MEDIAN, STDDEV and STDDEV_POP Default: 'NONE' Valid Values (in an Item Folder): Detail, AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM Default: 'SUM' when the datatype is Numeric, 'Detail' otherwise Name of the default rollup function for the item
Name: DEFAULT_POSITION Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: MEASURE, TOP OR SIDE, TOP, SIDE, PAGE Default: 'MEASURE' when the datatype is NUMBER or FLOAT, 'TOP OR SIDE' otherwise Default position for the item Name: REPLACE_NULL_WITH Type: STRING(255) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The value to be displayed for null values Name: FORMULA Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The text of the derivation expression for a derived item Name: EXTERNAL_COLUMN_NAME Type: STRING(255) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The external name of the corresponding column. This is automatically set if the Item is is associated with a Column Name: FORMAT_MASK Type: STRING(255) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The display format mask for the item Name: HEADING Type: STRING(255) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The displayed heading text for the item For Logical Table Items for OBI EE Name: DATATYPE Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: BINARY, BIT, CHAR, DATE, DATETIME, DOUBLE, FLOAT, INT, INTERVAL, LONGVARBINARY, LONGVARCHAR, SMALLINT, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TINYINT, UNKNOWN, VARBINARY, VARCHAR Default: 'VARCHAR' For Item Folder Items for Oracle Discoverer Name: DATATYPE Type: STRING(40) Valid Values: BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, BLOB, CHAR, CLOB, DATE, FLOAT, INTEGER, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, LONG, LONG RAW NCHAR, NCLOB, NUMBER, NVARCHAR2, RAW, SYS.ANYDATA, SYS.LCR$_ROW_RECORD, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2, XMLTYPE Default: 'VARCHAR2' The datatype for the item Name: VISIBLE Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the item should be visible to the user Name: MAX_CHAR_FETCHED Type: Number Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The maximum number of characters fetched for an item Name: DEFAULT_WIDTH Type: Number Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The default number of characters to display Name: WORD_WRAP Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether wordwrap is allowed in the display
Basic properties for JOIN: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the join Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the join Name: INCLUDE_UNMATCHED_DETAIL_ROWS Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether detail rows with no related master row should be included in the join Name: INCLUDE_UNMATCHED_MASTER_ROWS Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether master rows with no related detail rows should be included in the join Name: EXTERNAL_KEY_NAME Type: STRING(255) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The external name of the corresponding foreign key. This is automatically set if the Join is is associated with a Foreign Key Name: DETAIL_ALWAYS_HAS_MASTER Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether every detail row must reference a unique master row Name: ONE_TO_ONE Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether a master row only ever has a single detail row Basic properties for JOIN_COMPONENT: Name: JOIN_OPERATOR Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: =, <>, <, <=, > or >= Default: Empty string Business name of the join Basic properties for CONDITION: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the condition Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the condition Name: MATCH_CASE Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the case of alphabetic characters must match exactly Name: FORMULA Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The expression for the condition Name: MANDATORY Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the Condition is optional or mandatory
For join component this clause retrieves the following
REF LOCAL ITEM retrieves the local item used in the join.
REF REMOTE ITEM retrieves the remote item used in the join.
Table 19-7 LOGICAL_TABLE Object
Property | Type | Choices | Min | Max | Default | Description |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Whether the Logical Table represents an intermediate table between a fact table and a dimension table (to resolve many-to-many associations). |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Warehouse Builder generates a set of scripts to create an object only for those objects marked as Deployable = true |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Whether to only select distinct values from the source physical table. |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
The physical name for the corresponding table or view. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Whether this object is visible for use in query definitions. |