retrieveProcessFlowPackageCommand = OMBRETRIEVE PROCESS_FLOW_PACKAGE "QUOTED_STRING" ( "getPropertiesClause" | "getReferenceIconSetClause" ) getPropertiesClause = GET PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" getReferenceIconSetClause = GET ( REF | REFERENCE ) ICONSET propertyNameList = ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | BINDING ) { "," ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | BINDING ) }
Used to get properties (core, user-defined) for process flow packages. Valid properties are shown below:
Basic properties for PROCESS_FLOW_PACKAGE: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: NAME Business name of a Process Flow Package Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of a Process Flow Package