Can be in any context; the name is a name of the connector's owning location and a new connector name separated by slash.
createConnectorCommand = OMBCREATE ( CONNECTOR "QUOTED_STRING" SET [ "setPropertiesClause" SET ] "setReferenceToLocationClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) setPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setReferenceToLocationClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) LOCATION "QUOTED_STRING" setReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" )
Create a new connector. Connector name is specified as parent location name and a connector name separated by a slash as follows: 'LOCATION_NAME/NEW_CONNECTOR_NAME'.
Properties for CONNECTOR: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the connector. Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the connector. Name: DATABASE_LINK_NAME Type: STRING(30) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Database Link name.