createExpertCommand = OMBCREATE EXPERT "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( "setPropertiesClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] { "addExpertDetailClauses" } setPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" addExpertDetailClauses = ADD ( "addParameterClause" | "addVariableClause" | "addNestedExpertClause" | "addTaskClause" | "addTransitionClause" ) propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } addParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" [ OF TASK "QUOTED_STRING" ] [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] [ "parameterBindingClause" ] addVariableClause = VARIABLE "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] addNestedExpertClause = NESTED_EXPERT TASK "QUOTED_STRING" SET [ "collectPropertiesClause" SET ] ( REF | REFERENCE ) EXPERT "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] addTaskClause = "TASK_TYPE" TASK "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( "setPropertiesClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] addTransitionClause = TRANSITION "QUOTED_STRING" FROM TASK "QUOTED_STRING" TO "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" ) parameterBindingClause = UNBIND | BIND TO ( "parameterLocator" | "variableLocator" ) collectPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" parameterLocator = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" [ OF TASK "QUOTED_STRING" ] variableLocator = VARIABLE "QUOTED_STRING"
Creates an expert. The following expert parameters will be created by default: 1) EXP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The console context in which this expert is being launched. 2) EXP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of the console context in which this expert is being launched. 3) EXP_OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) EXP_TYPE_TO_CREATE, type: STRING, direction: IN The object type selected to be created when this expert is launched.
Basic properties for EXPERT: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the expert Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the expert Basic properties for TASK: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the task Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the task. This is equivalent to the Goal of task in the expert editor. Name: INSTRUCTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The instruction for the task Name: PREPROCESSING Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: N/A The pre-processing script for the task Name: MAIN Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: N/A The main script for the task Name: POSTPROCESSING Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: N/A The post-processing script for the task Basic propeties for START TASK: Name: PROC_DECL Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The procedure declaration for the expert. Basic properties for TRANSITION: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the transition Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the transition Name: TRANSITION_CONDITION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Condition of the transition Name: TRANSITION_ORDER Type: NUMBER Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: N/A Order of the transition Basic properties for PARAMETER: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the parameter Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the parameter Name: DATATYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN, ARRAY Default: STRING Datatype of the parameter Name: DIRECTION Type: STRING Valid Values: IN, OUT, INOUT Default: IN Direction of the parameter. Direction of custom expert parameter can only be IN or OUT. For some tasks, direction of custom parameter can be IN, OUT or INOUT. Name: VALUE Type: Same as datatype of the parameter Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: N/A The static value of the parameter Basic properties for VARIABLE: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the variable Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the variable Name: DATATYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN, ARRAY Default: STRING Datatype of the variable Name: VALUE Type: Same as datatype of the variable Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: N/A The static value of the variable
Add a task to the expert. Valid task types include: ADVANCED_QUEUE, ALTERNATIVE_SORT_ORDER, ANALYZE_IMPACT, ANALYZE_LINEAGE, BUSINESS_AREA, CATALOG_FOLDER, CHANGE_MANAGER, COMMIT, CONTROLCENTERJOBS, CUBE, CUSTOM_DIALOG, DATA_AUDITOR, DATA_PROFILE, DATA_RULE, DATA_VIEWER, DEPLOY, DERIVATION, DIMENSION, DIMENSION_DRILL_PATH, DRILL_PATH, DRILL_TO_DETAIL, END, EXTERNAL_TABLE, FLAT_FILE, FUNCTION, GENERATION, ITEM_FOLDER, JACL, JAVA, JDBC, JYTHON, LIST_OF_VALUES, LOGICAL_TABLE, MAPPING, MATERIALIZED_VIEW, NESTED_EXPERT, NESTED_KM, OBJECT_SELECTOR, OMB, OS, PLUGGABLE_MAPPING, PRESENTATION_TEMPLATE, PROCEDURE, PROCESS_FLOW, REGISTERED_FUNCTION, RUNTIME_API, SELECT_SOURCE, SELECT_TARGET, SEQUENCE, SOURCE_IMPORT, START, STARTJOB, TABLE, VALIDATION, VIEW, WEB_SERVICE. Definition of each task is as follow: Task type : ADVANCED_QUEUE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter an advanced queue. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : ALTERNATIVE_SORT_ORDER Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter an alternative sort order. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : ANALYZE_IMPACT Group : Service Description: A task to analyze impact of an object. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object for analyzing impact. 4) OBJECT_PATH, type: STRING, direction: IN The path to the object whose impact will be analyzed. Task type : ANALYZE_LINEAGE Group : Service Description: A task to analyze lineage of an object. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object for analyzing lineage. 4) OBJECT_PATH, type: STRING, direction: IN The path to the object whose lineage will be analyzed. Task type : BUSINESS_AREA Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a business area. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : CATALOG_FOLDER Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a catalog folder. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : CHANGE_MANAGER Group : Service Description: A task to invoke the change manager. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : COMMIT Group : Service Description: A task to perform commit in the design repository. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : CONTROLCENTERJOBS Group : Service Description: A task to launch the Control Center Job Monitor. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) CONTROL_CENTER_NAME, type: STRING, direction: IN The Control Center to use. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. Task type : CUBE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a cube. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : CUSTOM_DIALOG Group : UI Description: A task to show a custom dialog for user interaction. Built-in parameters: 1) GUI_RETURN_VALUE, type: ARRAY, direction: OUT The return value of type ARRAY that stores the name and return value pair for each UI component. 2) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 3) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : DATA_AUDITOR Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a data auditor. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : DATA_PROFILE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a data profile. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : DATA_RULE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a data rule. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : DATA_VIEWER Group : Service Description: A task to launch the data viewer. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of the OWB FCO, such as TABLE. 4) OBJECT_NAME, type: STRING, direction: IN The name of the OWB FCO. 5) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. Task type : DEPLOY Group : Service Description: A task to launch the Control Center deployment monitor. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) ACTION_PLAN_NAME, type: STRING, direction: IN The deployment action plan to use. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. Task type : DERIVATION Group : Service Description: A task to run derivation service. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object to derive. 4) OBJECT_PATH, type: STRING, direction: IN The path to the object to be derived. Task type : DIMENSION Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a dimension. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : DIMENSION_DRILL_PATH Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a dimension drill path. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : DRILL_PATH Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a drill path. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : DRILL_TO_DETAIL Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a drill to detail. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : END Group : FlowControl Description: A task that marks the end of the flow. Built-in parameters: Task type : EXTERNAL_TABLE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter an external table. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : FLAT_FILE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a file. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : FUNCTION Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a function. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : GENERATION Group : Service Description: A task to invoke the generation dialog. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object to generate. 4) OBJECT_PATH, type: STRING, direction: IN The path to the object to be generated. 5) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. Task type : ITEM_FOLDER Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter an item folder. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : JACL Group : Runtime Description: A task to execute Jacl code. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : JAVA Group : Integration Description: A task to execute a Java program. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) CLASS_URL, type: STRING, direction: IN The URL specification of the Jar file. An example for a local jar file xyz.jar can be specified as file:/xyz.jar 4) CLASS_NAME, type: STRING, direction: IN The class to load. This includes the package as well in dotted notation. For example, oracle.owb.Test 5) METHOD_NAME, type: STRING, direction: IN The static method to execute. 6) ARGUMENT_LIST, type: STRING, direction: IN The argument list to be passed into the static method. Task type : JDBC Group : Runtime Description: A task to connect to a database and execute SQL DDL and DML statements. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : JYTHON Group : Runtime Description: A task to execute Jython code. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : LIST_OF_VALUES Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a list of values. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : LOGICAL_TABLE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter an item folder. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : MAPPING Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a mapping. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : MATERIALIZED_VIEW Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a materialized view. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : NESTED_EXPERT Group : FlowControl Description: A task that references another expert. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : NESTED_KM Group : FlowControl Description: A task that references another knowledge module. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : OBJECT_SELECTOR Group : UI Description: A task that shows a dialog for user to select an object. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 4) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object for selection. Task type : OMB Group : Integration Description: A task to launch a generic OMB script. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : OS Group : Runtime Description: A task to execute an OS call. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : PLUGGABLE_MAPPING Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a pluggable mapping. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : PRESENTATION_TEMPLATE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a presentation template. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : PROCEDURE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a procedure. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : PROCESS_FLOW Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a process flow. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : REGISTERED_FUNCTION Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a registered function. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : RUNTIME_API Group : Runtime Description: A task to execute a runtime API call. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. Task type : SELECT_SOURCE Group : UI Description: A task that allows users to pick a metadata source. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 4) MODULE_NAME, type: STRING, direction: OUT The name of the module. 5) LOCATION_NAME, type: STRING, direction: OUT The name of the location for this connection. 6) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The type of object selected as the source. 7) SOURCE_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: INOUT The type of the source, e.g. file or database. Task type : SELECT_TARGET Group : UI Description: A task that allows users to pick a target. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 4) MODULE_NAME, type: STRING, direction: OUT The name of the module. 5) LOCATION_NAME, type: STRING, direction: OUT The name of the location for this connection. 6) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The type of object selected as the target. 7) SOURCE_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: INOUT The type of the source, e.g. file or database. Task type : SEQUENCE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a sequence. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : SOURCE_IMPORT Group : Service Description: A task to invoke the import wizard. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 4) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object to import. 5) IMPORT_MODE, type: STRING, direction: IN The mode for import. Select FULL_MODE for importing multiple objects, or MINIMAL_MODE for single import. Task type : START Group : FlowControl Description: A task that marks the beginning of the flow. Built-in parameters: Task type : STARTJOB Group : Service Description: A task to launch the start job monitor. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object to be started. 4) OBJECT_PATH, type: STRING, direction: IN The context path of the object to be started. 5) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. Task type : TABLE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a table. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : VALIDATION Group : Service Description: A task to invoke the validation dialog. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OBJECT_TYPE, type: STRING, direction: IN The type of object to validate. 4) OBJECT_PATH, type: STRING, direction: IN The path to the object to be validated. 5) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. Task type : VIEW Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a view. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT. Task type : WEB_SERVICE Group : MML Description: A task to create or alter a web service. Built-in parameters: 1) EXIT_CODE, type: NUMBER, direction: OUT The exit code represents the exit status on the execution of a task. An exit code of 0 means the task executed successfully, 1 for error, and -1 for cancel. 2) RETURN_VALUE, type: STRING, direction: OUT The return value from the execution of a task. 3) OPERATION, type: STRING, direction: IN The operation to be performed. It is either CREATE or EDIT. 4) PARENT_CONTEXT, type: STRING, direction: IN The parent context for executing this task. 5) OBJECT_TO_EDIT, type: STRING, direction: IN The OWB object to be edited for this OWB object task, when the OPERATION is specified as EDIT.
Bind or unbind two parameters. Note that this is setting the binding attribute of the parameter object and is not necessarily the same as the direction of data flow. The parameter to be set should be the one whose binding attribute is modified via the Object Inspector in the expert editor.
Property | Type | Choices | Min | Max | Default | Description |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Sets whether the task assistant should be automatically closed after the expert has been run. |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Close all open windows when this expert is run. |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Shows the finish dialog upon completion of expert. |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
Enter additional comments for the generated code. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
none |
none |
none |
empty string |
The display string when this expert is added as a menu item. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Only allow this expert to be run when it is attached to a menu item. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Revert to saved metadata if error occurs when the expert is run. |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Sets whether the expert should be run as a standalone in expert assistant mode or not. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Save all metadata before running the expert. |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Sets whether busy dialog should be shown when OMB or Java tasks are executed in non-standalone mode. |
true, false |
none |
none |
false |
Sets whether the log window should be shown when running the expert. |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Sets whether the progress graph dialog should be shown when running the expert. |
true, false |
none |
none |
true |
Sets whether the task assistant should be shown when running the expert. |