createListOfValuesCommand = OMBCREATE LIST_OF_VALUES "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClauseforLOVandD2D" ] [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] [ "addListOfValuesClause" ] { "addListOfValuesReferenceClause" } setPropertiesClauseforLOVandD2D = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameListforLOVandD2D" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" addListOfValuesClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) DEFINING ITEM "QUOTED_STRING" OF ITEM_FOLDER "QUOTED_STRING" addListOfValuesReferenceClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) ITEM "QUOTED_STRING" OF ITEM_FOLDER "QUOTED_STRING" propertyNameListforLOVandD2D = ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | DRILL_TO_DETAIL ) { "," ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | DRILL_TO_DETAIL ) } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" )
Used to set properties (core, logical, physical, user-defined) for a list of values. Valid properties are shown below:
Basic properties for LIST_OF_VALUES: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the list of values Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the list of values Name: DRILL_TO_DETAIL Type: Boolean Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether the list of values enables drilling between the item folders containing the items that use the list of values Name: RETRIEVE_VALUES_GROUP_SIZE Type: Number Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: '100' The number of rows to be fetched from the database at a time Name: CACHE_VALUES Type: Boolean Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the list of values should be cached in memory Name: REQUIRE_SEARCH Type: Boolean Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'N' Whether search criteria should be requested Name: SHOW_IN_NAVIGATOR Type: Boolean Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the values should be shown in the item navigator Name: SORTED_DISTINCT Type: Boolean Valid Values: Y,N Default: 'Y' Whether the values should be displayed sorted with duplicates hidden