Defines a new platform enabling a flexible mechanism to easily integrate disparate systems. The extensible platform capabilities plus code templates make for an extensible framework to extend the integration capabilities of the product.
The platform definition constitutes a number of properties (including how to connect, naming lengths and restrictions), platform data types (including the syntax for creation etc.) and their mapping to and from the generic type set. You can query the generic type set by performing the following;
These are the types you will map to and from the platform definition. You can also specify a custom import definition as an alternative to using the metadata available from the driver.
createPlatformCommand = OMBCREATE ( PLATFORM "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ( { "addPlatformTypeClause" } ) ( { "addFromPlatformTypeMapClause" } ) ( { "addToPlatformTypeMapClause" } ) [ SET "setMIVForPlatformClause" ] ) setPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" addPlatformTypeClause = ADD ( PLATFORM_TYPE "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ) addFromPlatformTypeMapClause = ADD ( FROM_PLATFORM_TYPEMAP "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ) addToPlatformTypeMapClause = ADD ( TO_PLATFORM_TYPEMAP "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ) setMIVForPlatformClause = ( ( REF | REFERENCE ) CMI_DEFINITION "QUOTED_STRING" ) propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" )
Set the characteristics of the platform, this includes the driver class for connecting to the system and default connection string.
Basic properties for PLATFORM: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the platform Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the platform
Properties for PLATFORM: Name: COL_ALIAS_WORD Type: STRING Column alias word. Name: DATE_FCT Type: STRING The function allowing the date and time to be returned - for example in Oracle this would by SYSDATE and DB2 UDB would be CURRENT TIMESTAMP Name: DATE_MASK Type: STRING The syntax to be used to describe the Date datatype in DDL, for example in Oracle may be DATE in DB2 UDB TIMESTAMP. Name: DDLNULL Type: STRING The word used to describe a column that can contain empty (null) values. For example in Oracle NULL is used. Name: DEFAULT_MAX_NAME_LEN Type: INTEGER The default max length name of a relational access item (ie. a table). Name: DEFAULT_NAME_LEN_SEMANTICS Type: STRING The name length semantics to be used (CHARACTER or BYTE). Name: DELETE_IN_OVERRIDE Type: BOOLEAN Delete in override property Name: DRIVER_CLASS Type: STRING The driver class name, all locations created for this platform will be created using this driver class. Name: ENCLOSURE_CHAR Type: STRING The character used to delimit names ie. single quote, double quote etc. Name: ESCAPE_CHAR Type: STRING Escape character. Name: ILLEGAL_CHARS Type: STRING The list of illegal characters that can be in a name. Name: ILLEGAL_LEADING_CHARS Type: STRING The list of illegal characters that a name can start with. Name: LOCAL_OBJECT_MASK Type: STRING This determines how an object is named when you are connected to the location the object is based on. For Oracle this should be %SCHEMA.%OBJECT The list of tags available for the mask include; %CATALOG to represent the physical catalog name %SCHEMA to represent the schema name %OBJECT to represent the object name Name: NUMERIC_MASK Type: STRING The syntax to be used to describe the Numerical datatype in DDL, the tags %L (data length) and %P (precision) can be used. Name: REMOTE_OBJECT_MASK Type: STRING This determines how an object is named when you are not connected to the location the object is based on. For Oracle this should be %SCHEMA.%OBJECT The list of tags available for the mask include; %CATALOG to represent the physical catalog name %SCHEMA to represent the schema name %OBJECT to represent the object name %DSERVER to represent the data server Name: RESERVED_WORDS Type: STRING The list of reserved words which cannot be used for names of objects. Name: SEEDED Type: BOOLEAN A flag to indicate if the platform was seeded. Name: SPECIAL_MAX_NAME_LEN Type: STRING Name length for secondary objects such as column, index (the value has the following format INDEX=18:COLUMN=30:PACKAGE=18) Name: SPECIAL_NAME_LEN_SEMANTICS Type: STRING SpecialNameLenSemantics Name: TAB_ALIAS_WORD Type: STRING The element designed to separate a table name from its alias in a SQL FROM clause. This element may be left incomplete. Name: URI_TEMPLATE Type: STRING A sample template URI for accessing the platform. Name: VARCHAR_MASK Type: STRING The syntax to be used to describe the String datatype in DDL, the tags %L (data length) and %P (precision) can be used.
Properties for PLATFORM_TYPE: Name: IS_DEFAULT Type: BOOLEAN Is this the default datatype for the platform. Name: P1 Type: STRING Parameter from the following list (leave blank if not applicable); size: for length precision: for numbers scale: for numbers Name: P1DEFAULT Type: STRING Default value for P1; leave blank if not applicable Name: P1MAX Type: STRING Maximum value for P1; leave blank if not applicable Name: P1MIN Type: STRING Minimum value for P1; leave blank if not applicable Name: P1TYPE Type: STRING Parameter type from the following supported list (Leave blank if not applicable): range Name: SEEDED Type: BOOLEAN Seeded indicator for the platform types which are pre-seeded. Name: SYNTAX Type: STRING DDL Syntax for columns of this data type, can use %size %precision %scale. For example CHAR(%size) is the syntax for defining a data type of CHAR which has a particular length