Component on which snapshot is to be created should already exist. This command can be executed for any component regardless of current context.
parseCreateCommand = OMBCREATE "createSnapshotCommand" createSnapshotCommand = ( SNAPSHOT "QUOTED_STRING" [ WITH DEPENDEE_DEPTH ( MAX | "INTEGER_LITERAL" ) ] [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] "addSnapshotFCOClauses" ) setPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" addSnapshotFCOClauses = ( ADD "objectClause" )+ propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } objectClause = "UNQUOTED_STRING" "QUOTED_STRING" [ CASCADE | NO CASCADE ] propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" )
Use this optional clause to include in the snapshot all dependees for each component in the command.
Optional clause to set the properties of a snapshot. This includes the description and the type of the snapshot.
Basic properties for SNAPSHOT: Name: TYPE Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: FULL,SIGNATURE Default: FULL This is the type of snapshot Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the snapshot
Values for the corresponding properties. Default values of properties for DESCRIPTION is null and valid values for TYPE are FULL or SIGNATURE