12 XStream Static Data Dictionary Views

This chapter describes the static data dictionary views related to XStream.

This chapter contains these topics:


ALL_APPLY displays information about the apply processes that dequeue messages from queues accessible to the current user.

Related View

DBA_APPLY displays information about all apply processes in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
APPLY_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the apply process
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the queue from which the apply process dequeues
QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the queue from which the apply process dequeues
APPLY_CAPTURED VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the apply process applies captured messages (YES) or user-enqueued messages (NO)
RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the positive rule set used by the apply process for filtering
RULE_SET_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the positive rule set used by the apply process for filtering
APPLY_USER VARCHAR2(30)   User who is applying messages
APPLY_DATABASE_LINK VARCHAR2(128)   Database link to which changes are applied. If NULL, then changes are applied to the local database.
APPLY_TAG RAW(2000)   Tag associated with redo log records that are generated when changes are made by the apply process
DDL_HANDLER VARCHAR2(98)   Name of the user-specified data definition language (DDL) handler, which handles DDL logical change records (LCRs)
PRECOMMIT_HANDLER VARCHAR2(98)   Name of the user-specified pre-commit handler
MESSAGE_HANDLER VARCHAR2(98)   Name of the user-specified procedure that handles dequeued messages other than LCRs
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   Status of the apply process:



MAX_APPLIED_MESSAGE_NUMBER NUMBER   System change number (SCN) corresponding to the apply process high watermark for the last time the apply process was stopped using the DBMS_APPLY_ADM.STOP_APPLY procedure with the force parameter set to false. The apply process high watermark is the SCN beyond which no messages have been applied.
NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the negative rule set used by the apply process for filtering
NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the negative rule set used by the apply process for filtering
STATUS_CHANGE_TIME DATE   Time that the STATUS of the apply process was changed
ERROR_NUMBER NUMBER   Error number if the apply process was aborted
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)   Error message if the apply process was aborted
MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE VARCHAR2(10)   Reserved for internal use
PURPOSE VARCHAR2(19)   Purpose of the apply process:
  • Streams - An apply process in an Oracle Streams configuration

  • XStream Streams - An apply process in an Oracle Streams configuration with XStream capabilities enabled by the DBMS_XSTREAM_ADM.ENABLE_GG_XSTREAM_FOR_STREAMS procedure

  • XStream Out - An XStream outbound server in an XStream Out configuration

  • XStream In - An XStream inbound server in an XStream In configuration

  • AUDIT VAULT - An apply process in an audit vault configuration

  • CHANGE DATA CAPTURE - An apply process in a change data capture configuration

See Also:



ALL_APPLY_ERROR displays information about the error transactions generated by the apply processes that dequeue messages from queues accessible to the current user.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the ERROR_TYPE column is included in this view.

Related View

DBA_APPLY_ERROR displays information about the error transactions generated by all apply processes in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
APPLY_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the apply process at the local database which processed the transaction
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the queue at the local database from which the transaction was dequeued
QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the queue at the local database from which the transaction was dequeued
LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR2(22)   Local transaction ID for the error transaction
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   Database where the transaction originated
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR2(128)   Original transaction ID at the source database
SOURCE_COMMIT_SCN NUMBER   Original commit SCN for the transaction at the source database
MESSAGE_NUMBER NUMBER   Identifier for the message in the transaction that raised an error
ERROR_NUMBER NUMBER   Error number of the error raised by the transaction
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)   Error message of the error raised by the transaction
RECIPIENT_ID NUMBER   User ID of the original user that applied the transaction
RECIPIENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the original user that applied the transaction
MESSAGE_COUNT NUMBER   Total number of messages inside the error transaction
ERROR_CREATION_TIME DATE   Time that the error was created
SOURCE_COMMIT_POSITION RAW(64)   Original commit position for the transaction
ERROR_TYPE VARCHAR2(11)   NULL if the apply process can access all of the LCRs in the error transaction. When the ERROR_TYPE is NULL, manage the error transactions using the instructions in Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration.

EAGER ERROR if the apply process cannot access all of the LCRs in the error transaction. This error type typically means that the apply process was applying LCRs in a large transaction. When the ERROR_TYPE is EAGER ERROR, manage the error transaction using the instructions in "Managing Eager Errors Encountered by an Inbound Server".



This functionality is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

ALL_APPLY_ERROR_MESSAGES displays information about the individual messages in an error transaction generated by the apply processes that dequeue messages from queues accessible to the current user.

For XStream inbound servers, each message in an error transaction is an LCR.


  • Messages that were spilled from memory to hard disk do not appear in this view.

  • This view does not contain information related to XStream outbound servers.


DBA_APPLY_ERROR_MESSAGES displays information about the individual messages in all of the error transactions generated by all apply processes in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
MESSAGE_ID RAW(16)   Unique identifier of the message stored in the error queue
LOCAL_TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR2(22)   Local transaction ID for the error transaction
TRANSACTION_MESSAGE_NUMBER NUMBER   Message number of the message that raised the error

The message number is a sequence number for the messages in the transaction, starting with 1.

ERROR_NUMBER NUMBER   Error number of the error raised by the transaction

The error number is populated only for the LCR that raised the error. This field is NULL for the other LCRs in the transaction.

ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)   Error message of the error raised by the transaction

The error message is populated only for the LCR that raised the error. This field is NULL for the other LCRs in the transaction.


ALL_CAPTURE displays information about the capture processes that enqueue the captured changes into queues accessible to the current user.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the START_TIME and PURPOSE columns are included in this view.


DBA_CAPTURE displays information about all capture processes in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
CAPTURE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the capture process
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the queue used for staging captured changes
QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the queue used for staging captured changes
RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the positive rule set used by the capture process for filtering
RULE_SET_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the positive rule set
CAPTURE_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Current user who is enqueuing captured messages
START_SCN NUMBER   SCN from which the capture process will start to capture changes
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   Status of the capture process:



CAPTURED_SCN NUMBER   SCN of the last redo log record scanned
APPLIED_SCN NUMBER   SCN of the most recent message dequeued by the relevant apply processes. All changes below this SCN have been dequeued by all apply processes that apply changes captured by this capture process.
USE_DATABASE_LINK VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the source database name is used as the database link to connect to the source database from the downstream database (YES) or not (NO). If the capture process was created at the source database, then this column will be NULL.
FIRST_SCN NUMBER   SCN from which the capture process can be restarted
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   Global name of the source database
SOURCE_DBID NUMBER   Database ID of the source database
SOURCE_RESETLOGS_SCN NUMBER   Resetlogs SCN of the source database
SOURCE_RESETLOGS_TIME NUMBER   Resetlogs time of the source database
LOGMINER_ID NUMBER   Session ID of the Oracle LogMiner session associated with the capture process
NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the negative rule set used by the capture process for filtering
NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the negative rule set used by the capture process for filtering
MAX_CHECKPOINT_SCN NUMBER   SCN at which the last checkpoint was taken by the capture process
REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN NUMBER   Lowest SCN for which the capture process requires redo information to restart

Note: This SCN value does not necessarily correspond with a checkpoint SCN value.

LOGFILE_ASSIGNMENT VARCHAR2(8)   Logfile assignment type for the capture process:


STATUS_CHANGE_TIME DATE   Time that the status of the capture process was changed
ERROR_NUMBER NUMBER   Error number if the capture process was aborted
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)   Error message if the capture process was aborted
VERSION VARCHAR2(64)   Version number of the capture process
CAPTURE_TYPE VARCHAR2(10)   Type of the capture process:


CHECKPOINT_RETENTION_TIME NUMBER   Checkpoint retention time

Note: When the checkpoint retention time for a capture process is set to INFINITE, then the value displayed in this column is 4294967295.

START_TIME TIMESTAMP(6)   Time from which the capture process will start to capture changes
PURPOSE VARCHAR2(19)   Purpose of the capture process:
  • Streams - A capture process in an Oracle Streams configuration

  • XStream Streams - A capture process in an Oracle Streams configuration with XStream capabilities enabled by the DBMS_XSTREAM_ADM.ENABLE_GG_XSTREAM_FOR_STREAMS procedure

  • XStream Out - A capture process in an XStream Out configuration

  • AUDIT VAULT - A capture process in an audit vault configuration

  • CHANGE DATA CAPTURE - A capture process in a change data capture configuration

See Also:



ALL_XSTREAM_INBOUND displays information about the XStream inbound servers accessible to the current user.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the STATUS and COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY columns are included in this view.

Related View

DBA_XSTREAM_INBOUND displays information about all XStream inbound servers in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SERVER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the inbound server
QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the queue associated with the inbound server
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the queue associated with the inbound server
APPLY_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user who can connect to the inbound server and apply messages
USER_COMMENT VARCHAR2(4000)   User comment
CREATE_DATE TIMESTAMP(6)   Date when the inbound server was created
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   Status of the inbound server:
  • DISABLED - The inbound server is not running.

  • DETACHED - The inbound server is running, but the XStream client application is not attached to it.

  • ATTACHED - The inbound server is running, and the XStream client application is attached to it.

  • ABORTED - The inbound server became disabled because it encountered an error.

COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the inbound server can receive only LCRs in committed transactions from the XStream client application. A committed transaction is an assembled, noninterleaving transaction with no rollbacks.

NO if the inbound server can receive LCRs in transactions that have not yet committed. This mode is for internal Oracle use only.


ALL_XSTREAM_INBOUND_PROGRESS displays information about the progress made by the XStream inbound servers accessible to the current user.



Related View

DBA_XSTREAM_INBOUND_PROGRESS displays information about the progress made by all XStream inbound servers in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SERVER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the inbound server
PROCESSED_LOW_POSITION RAW(64)   Position of the processed low transaction
APPLIED_LOW_POSITION RAW(64)   All messages with a commit position less than this value have been applied
APPLIED_HIGH_POSITION RAW(64)   Highest commit position of a transaction that has been applied
SPILL_POSITION RAW(64)   Position of the spill low watermark of the transactions currently being applied
OLDEST_POSITION RAW(64)   Earliest position of the transactions currently being applied
OLDEST_MESSAGE_NUMBER NUMBER NOT NULL Earliest message number of the transactions currently being applied
APPLIED_MESSAGE_NUMBER NUMBER NOT NULL Message number up to which all transactions have definitely been applied. This value is the low watermark for the inbound server. That is, messages with a commit message number less than or equal to this message number have definitely been applied, but some messages with a higher commit message number may also have been applied.
APPLIED_TIME DATE   Time at which the message with the message number displayed in the APPLIED_MESSAGE_NUMBER column was applied
APPLIED_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME DATE   Time at which the message with the message number displayed in the APPLIED_MESSAGE_NUMBER column was created at its source database
SPILL_MESSAGE_NUMBER NUMBER   Spill low watermark. Any message with a lower SCN has either been applied or spilled to disk. The XStream client application does not need to send LCRs with a lower SCN than the spill low watermark. Spilled messages may not have been applied yet.
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Database where the transaction originated


ALL_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND displays information about the XStream outbound servers accessible to the current user.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the STATUS, COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY, START_SCN, and START_TIME columns are included in this view.

Related View

DBA_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND displays information about all XStream outbound servers in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SERVER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the outbound server
CONNECT_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the user who can connect to the outbound server and process the outbound LCRs
CAPTURE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the Streams capture process
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   Database where the transaction originated
CAPTURE_USER VARCHAR2(30)   Current user who is enqueuing captured messages
QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the queue associated with the outbound server
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the queue associated with the outbound server
USER_COMMENT VARCHAR2(4000)   User comment
CREATE_DATE TIMESTAMP(6)   Date when the outbound server was created
STATUS VARCHAR2(8)   Status of the outbound server:
  • DISABLED - The outbound server is not running.

  • DETACHED - The outbound server is running, but the XStream client application is not attached to it.

  • ATTACHED - The outbound server is running, and the XStream client application is attached to it.

  • ABORTED - The outbound server became disabled because it encountered an error.

COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY VARCHAR2(3)   YES if the outbound server can send only LCRs in committed transactions to the XStream client application. A committed transaction is an assembled, noninterleaving transaction with no rollbacks.

NO if the outbound server can send LCRs in transactions that have not yet committed to the XStream client application. This mode is for internal Oracle use only.

START_SCN NUMBER   The SCN from which the outbound server's capture process started capturing changes when it was last started
START_TIME TIMESTAMP(6)   The time from which the outbound server's capture process started capturing changes when it was last started


ALL_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_PROGRESS displays information about the progress made by the XStream outbound servers accessible to the current user.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the OLDEST_POSITION column is included in this view.

Related View

DBA_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_PROGRESS displays information about the progress made by all XStream outbound servers in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
SERVER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the outbound server
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   Database where the transaction originated
PROCESSED_LOW_POSITION RAW(64)   Position of the low watermark transaction processed by the outbound server
PROCESSED_LOW_TIME DATE   Time when the processed low position was last updated by the outbound server
OLDEST_POSITION RAW(64)   The position of the earliest LCR that is required by the XStream client application


ALL_XSTREAM_RULES displays information about the XStream rules accessible to the current user.

Related View

DBA_XSTREAM_RULES displays information about all XStream server rules in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
STREAMS_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the Streams process
STREAMS_TYPE VARCHAR2(12)   Type of the Streams process:


STREAMS_RULE_TYPE VARCHAR2(6)   The Streams type of the rule:



RULE_SET_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the rule set
RULE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the rule set
RULE_SET_TYPE CHAR(8)   Type of the rule set:


RULE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the rule
RULE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the rule
RULE_TYPE VARCHAR2(3)   The type of the rule:
  • DML

  • DDL

RULE_CONDITION CLOB   Current rule condition
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   For table and schema rules, the schema name
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   For table rules, the table name
INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether to include tagged LCRs (YES) or not (NO)
SUBSETTING_OPERATION VARCHAR2(6)   For subset rules, the type of operation:



DML_CONDITION VARCHAR2(4000)   For subset rules, the row subsetting condition
SOURCE_DATABASE VARCHAR2(128)   The name of the database where the LCRs originated
ORIGINAL_RULE_CONDITION VARCHAR2(4000)   For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, the original rule condition when the rule was created
SAME_RULE_CONDITION VARCHAR2(3)   For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, indicates whether the current rule condition is the same as the original rule condition (YES) or not (NO)


DBA_APPLY displays information about all apply processes in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_APPLY.

See Also:



DBA_APPLY_ERROR displays information about the error transactions generated by all apply processes in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_APPLY_ERROR.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the ERROR_TYPE column is included in this view.



This functionality is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

DBA_APPLY_ERROR_MESSAGES displays information about the individual messages in all of the error transactions generated by all apply processes in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_APPLY_ERROR_MESSAGES.

For XStream inbound servers, each message in an error transaction is an LCR.


  • Messages that were spilled from memory to hard disk do not appear in this view.

  • This view does not contain information related to XStream outbound servers.


DBA_APPLY_SPILL_TXN displays information about the transactions spilled from memory to hard disk by all apply processes in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
APPLY_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the apply process that spilled one or more transactions
XIDUSN NUMBER NOT NULL Transaction ID undo segment number
XIDSLT NUMBER NOT NULL Transaction ID slot number
XIDSQN NUMBER NOT NULL Transaction ID sequence number
FIRST_SCN NUMBER NOT NULL SCN of the first message in the transaction
MESSAGE_COUNT NUMBER   Number of messages spilled for the transaction
FIRST_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME DATE   Source creation time of the first message in the transaction
SPILL_CREATION_TIME DATE   Time the first message was spilled
FIRST_POSITION RAW(64)   Position of the first message in this transaction

This column is populated only for an XStream inbound server.

TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR2(128)   Transaction ID of the spilled transaction


DBA_CAPTURE displays information about all capture processes in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_CAPTURE.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the START_TIME and PURPOSE columns are included in this view.

See Also:




This functionality is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR displays information about the users who have been granted privileges to be XStream administrators by procedures in the DBMS_XSTREAM_AUTH package.

Column Data Type NULL Description
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the user who has been granted privileges to be an XStream administrator
LOCAL_PRIVILEGES VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the user has been granted local XStream administrator privileges (YES) or not (NO)
ACCESS_FROM_REMOTE VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the user can be used for remote XStream administration through a database link (YES) or not (NO)


DBA_XSTREAM_INBOUND displays information about all XStream inbound servers in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_XSTREAM_INBOUND.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the STATUS and COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY columns are included in this view.


DBA_XSTREAM_INBOUND_PROGRESS displays information about the progress made by all XStream inbound servers in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_XSTREAM_INBOUND_PROGRESS.





This functionality is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

DBA_XSTREAM_OUT_SUPPORT_MODE displays information about the level of capture process support for the tables in the database.

Column Data Type NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Table owner
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Table name
SUPPORT_MODE VARCHAR2(6)   Capture process support level for the table:
  • FULL - A capture process can capture changes made to all of the columns in the table.

  • ID KEY - A capture process can capture changes made to the key columns and any other columns in the table that are supported by the capture process, except for LOB, LONG, LONG RAW, and XMLType columns.

  • NONE - A capture process cannot capture changes made to any columns in the table.


DBA_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND displays information about all XStream outbound servers in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the STATUS, COMMITTED_DATA_ONLY, START_SCN, and START_TIME columns are included in this view.


DBA_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_PROGRESS displays information about the progress made by all XStream outbound servers in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_PROGRESS.


Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (, the OLDEST_POSITION column is included in this view.


DBA_XSTREAM_RULES displays information about all XStream rules in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.