ASMCMD Template Management Commands

This section describes the ASMCMD template management commands.

Table 12-48 provides a summary of the template management commands.

Table 12-48 Summary of ASMCMD template management commands

Command Description


Changes the attributes of a template.


Lists disk group templates.


Adds a template to a disk group.


Removes a template from a disk group.



Changes the attributes of a template.

Syntax and Description

chtmpl -G diskgroup { [--striping {coarse|fine}]
     [--redundancy {high|mirror|unprotected} ] [--primary {hot|cold}]
     [--secondary {hot|cold}]} template

Table 12-49 lists the syntax options for the chtmpl command.

Table 12-49 Options for the chtmpl command

Option Description

-G diskgroup

Name of the disk group.


Name of the template to change.

--striping {coarse | fine}

Striping specification, either coarse or fine.

--redundancy { high | mirror | unprotected}

Redundancy specification, either high, mirror, or unprotected.

--primary { hot | cold }

Intelligent Data Placement specification for primary extents, either hot or cold region.

--secondary { hot | cold }

Intelligent Data Placement specification for secondary extents, either hot or cold region.

At least one of these options is required: --striping, --redundancy, --primary, or --secondary.

For information about updating templates, see "Modifying a Disk Group Template".


The following is an example of the chtmpl command that updates the mytemplate template of the data disk group. The redundancy attribute is set to high and the striping attribute is set to fine.

Example 12-52 Using the ASMCMD chtmpl command

ASMCMD [+] > chtmpl -G data --redundancy high --striping fine mytemplate 



Lists all templates for all disk groups or the templates for a specified disk group.

Syntax and Description

lstmpl [--suppressheader] [-l] [-G diskgroup] [pattern]

Table 12-50 lists the syntax options for the lstmpl command.

Table 12-50 Options for the lstmpl command

Option Description

-G diskgroup

Specifies disk group name.


Suppresses column headings.


Displays all details.


Displays the templates that match pattern expression.

For information about template attributes, see "Template Attributes".


The following is an example of the lstmpl command. The example lists all details of the templates in the data disk group.

Example 12-53 Using the ASMCMD lstmpl command

ASMCMD [+] > lstmpl -l -G data

Group_Name  Group_Num  Name                 Stripe  Sys  Redund  PriReg  MirrReg  
DATA        1          ARCHIVELOG           COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          ASMPARAMETERFILE     COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          AUTOBACKUP           COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          BACKUPSET            COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          CHANGETRACKING       COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          CONTROLFILE          FINE    Y    HIGH    COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          DATAFILE             COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          DATAGUARDCONFIG      COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          DUMPSET              COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          FLASHBACK            COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          FLASHFILE            COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          MYTEMPLATE           FINE    N    HIGH    COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          OCRFILE              COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          ONLINELOG            COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          PARAMETERFILE        COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD     
DATA        1          TEMPFILE             COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD
DATA        1          XTRANSPORT           COARSE  Y    MIRROR  COLD    COLD



Adds a template to a disk group.

Syntax and Description

mktmpl -G diskgroup [--striping {coarse|fine}]
     [--redundancy {high|mirror|unprotected} ] [--primary {hot|cold}]
     [--secondary {hot|cold}] template

Table 12-51 lists the syntax options for the mktmpl command.

Table 12-51 Options for the mktmpl command

Option Description

-G diskgroup

Name of the disk group.


Name of the template to create.

--striping {coarse | fine}

Striping specification, either coarse or fine.

--redundancy { high | mirror | unprotected}

Redundancy specification, either high, mirror, or unprotected.

--primary { hot | cold }

Intelligent Data Placement specification for primary extents, either hot or cold region.

--secondary { hot | cold }

Intelligent Data Placement specification for secondary extents, either hot or cold region.

For information about adding templates, see "Adding Templates to a Disk Group".


The following is an example of the mktmpl command that adds the mytemplate template to the data disk group. The new template has the redundancy set to mirror and the striping set to coarse.

Example 12-54 Using the ASMCMD mktmpl command

ASMCMD [+] > mktmpl -G data --redundancy mirror --striping coarse mytemplate



Removes a template from a disk group.

Syntax and Description

rmtmpl -G diskgroup template

Table 12-52 lists the syntax options for the rmtmpl command.

Table 12-52 Options for the rmtmpl command

Option Description

-G diskgroup

Name of the disk group.


Name of the template to delete.

For information about template attributes, see "Template Attributes".


The following is an example of the rmtmpl command that removes the mytemplate template from the data disk group.

Example 12-55 Using the ASMCMD rmtmpl command

ASMCMD [+] > rmtmpl -G data mytemplate