Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Security

Table 13-40 contains a summary of the commands for Oracle ACFS security.

You can run acfsutil help on all platforms to display help text. You can run acfsutil version on all platforms to display the Oracle ACFS version.

When the options are entered with commands on a Windows platform, use / instead of - with the option. For example, you can display help for acfsutil on a Linux platform with acfsutil -h. On a Windows platform, use acfsutil /h.

Note that a mount point on a Windows operating system can be a drive letter or a directory including the drive letter.

Table 13-40 Summary of commands for Oracle ACFS security

Command Description

acfsutil sec admin add

Adds a security administrator.

acfsutil sec admin password

Changes the password of a security administrator.

acfsutil sec admin remove

Removes a security administrator.

acfsutil sec batch

Runs a batch file.

acfsutil sec disable

Disables Oracle ACFS security.

acfsutil sec enable

Enables Oracle ACFS security.

acfsutil sec info

Displays Oracle ACFS file system security information.

acfsutil sec info file

Lists the security realms that a specified file or directory belongs to.

acfsutil sec init

Initializes Oracle ACFS file system security.

acfsutil sec load

Loads Oracle ACFS file system security metadata.

acfsutil sec prepare

Prepares an Oracle ACFS file system for security.

acfsutil sec realm add

Adds objects to an Oracle ACFS file system realm.

acfsutil sec realm clone

Clones an Oracle ACFS file system realm.

acfsutil sec realm create

Creates an Oracle ACFS file system realm.

acfsutil sec realm delete

Removes objects from an Oracle ACFS file system realm.

acfsutil sec realm destroy

Removes an Oracle ACFS file system realm.

acfsutil sec rule clone

Clones an Oracle ACFS file system security rule.

acfsutil sec rule create

Creates an Oracle ACFS file system security rule.

acfsutil sec rule destroy

Removes an Oracle ACFS file system security rule.

acfsutil sec rule edit

Updates an Oracle ACFS file system security rule.

acfsutil sec ruleset clone

Clones an Oracle ACFS file system security rule set.

acfsutil sec ruleset create

Creates an Oracle ACFS file system security rule set.

acfsutil sec ruleset destroy

Removes an Oracle ACFS file system rule set.

acfsutil sec ruleset edit

Updates an Oracle ACFS file system rule set.

acfsutil sec save

Saves Oracle ACFS file system security metadata.

acfsutil sec admin add


Adds a new security administrator for an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec admin add -h
acfsutil sec admin add admin

acfsutil sec admin add -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-41 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec admin add command.

Table 13-41 Options for the acfsutil sec admin add command

Option Description


Specifies a security administrator user name. The user specified must be an existing operating system user and a member of the security group specified with the acfsutil sec init command.

On Windows, a security administrator user name must be specified with a fully qualified domain user name in the form of domain_name\username.

Security administrators are common for all Oracle ACFS file systems in a cluster. A temporary password must be provided for the new security administrator. The password must conform to the format that is described in "acfsutil sec init".

The new security administrator can change the password with the acfsutil sec admin password command. For information, refer to "acfsutil sec admin password".

Security administrators are allowed to browse all directories in an Oracle ACFS file system whether they have the underlying operating system permissions and whether any realm checks allow it. This enables a security administrator to check the location of the files when securing them with Oracle ACFS security realms. However, a security administrator cannot view the contents of individual files without the appropriate operating system and security realm permissions.

Only an existing security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec admin add command.

Example 13-34 Using the acfsutil sec admin add command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec admin add sec_admin_three

acfsutil sec admin password


Changes the password of a security administrator for an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec admin password -h
acfsutil sec admin password

acfsutil sec admin password -h displays help text and exits.

The acfsutil sec admin password command changes the security password for the administrator that is running the command. When you run this command, you are prompted to enter a new password. The password must conform to the format that is described in "acfsutil sec init".

Every time a security administrator runs an acfsutil sec command, the administrator is prompted for the security administrator's password.


When prompting for the security administrator's password, the following text displays: Realm management password

The password required is the Oracle ACFS security administrator's password, not the operating system password of the user.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec admin password command.

Example 13-35 Using the acfsutil sec admin password command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec admin password

acfsutil sec admin remove


Removes a security administrator from an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec admin remove -h
acfsutil sec admin remove admin

acfsutil sec admin remove -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-42 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec admin remove command.

Table 13-42 Options for the acfsutil sec admin remove command

Option Description


Specifies an existing security administrator user name.

On Windows, the security administrator user name must be specified with a fully qualified user name in the form of domain_name\username.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec admin remove command.

Example 13-36 Using the acfsutil sec admin remove command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec admin remove sec_admin_three

acfsutil sec batch


Runs a specified batch file.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec batch -h
acfsutil sec batch batch_file

acfsutil sec batch -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-43 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec batch command.

Table 13-43 Options for the acfsutil sec batch command

Option Description


Specifies an existing batch file name. The batch file contains a list of acfsutil sec commands.

The batch file can only contain security realm management commands. Interactive commands are not recommended. The acfsutil sec admin add, acfsutil sec admin password, and acfsutil sec init commands are not supported in the batch file. Also, other acfsutil commands, such as acfsutil encr commands, are not allowed in the batch file. If a command in the batch file fails, subsequent commands in the batch file are not run.

The following are examples of commands that can be in a batch file:

acfsutil sec realm create my_realm1 -m /mnt1 -e off
acfsutil sec realm create my_realm2 -m /mnt2 -e off

Only a security administrator can run this command. When the command is run, the administrator is prompted once for a password.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec batch command.

Example 13-37 Using the acfsutil sec batch command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec batch my_batch_file

acfsutil sec disable


Disables Oracle ACFS security on a mount point or a realm in a mount point.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec disable -h
acfsutil sec disable -m mount_point [-S snap_name] [realm]

acfsutil sec disable -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-44 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec disable command.

Table 13-44 Options for the acfsutil sec disable command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies the name of the security realm in the Oracle ACFS file system.

-S snap_name

Disables security for the specified read-write snapshot.

The acfsutil sec disable -m mount_point command disables security functionality on the Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point. When security is disabled on the file system, security realms do not enforce realm authorization.

The acfsutil sec disable -m mount_point realm command disables security for a specific realm.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec disable command.

Example 13-38 Using the acfsutil sec disable command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec disable -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs my_realm

acfsutil sec enable


Enables Oracle ACFS security on a mount point or a realm in a mount point.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec enable -h
acfsutil sec enable -m mount_point [-S snap_name] [realm]

acfsutil sec enable -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-45 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec enable command.

Table 13-45 Options for the acfsutil sec enable command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies the name of the security realm.

-S snap_name

Enables security for the specified read-write snapshot.

The acfsutil sec enable -m mount_point command enables security functionality on the Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point. When security is enabled on the file system, security realms that have been enabled enforce realm authorization. You should run this command before enabling any individual security realm.

The acfsutil sec enable -m mount_point realm command enables security for a specific realm. The realm enforces authorization if security has been enabled on the file system.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


These example shows the use of the acfsutil sec enable command.

Example 13-39 Using the acfsutil sec enable command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec enable -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec enable -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs my_realm

acfsutil sec info


Displays information about Oracle ACFS security.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec info -h
acfsutil sec info -m mount_point
     [{-n [realm] | -l [rule] |-s [ruleset] |-c }] [-S snap_name]

acfsutil sec info -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-46 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec info command.

Table 13-46 Options for the acfsutil sec info command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-n realm

Displays information about the specified security realm. If the realm name is omitted, a list of all realms is displayed.

-l rule

Displays information about the specified rule. If the rule name is omitted, a list of all rules is displayed.

-s ruleset

Displays information about the specified rule set. If the rule set name is omitted, a list of all rule sets is displayed.


Lists all the command rules.

-S snap_name

Displays information about the realms, rules, and rule sets in the specified snapshot.

The acfsutil sec info command retrieves information about the list of realms, rules, and rule sets on the specified mount point. By specifying a particular realm, rule, or ruleset, you can retrieve information specific about the specified realm, rule, or ruleset. You can also display information about a specified snapshot.

If the -m option is specified without any other options, then the security enabled status and prepared status are displayed for the specified mount point.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec info command.

Example 13-40 Using the acfsutil sec info command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec info -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs -n my_realm

acfsutil sec info file


Lists the names of the Oracle ACFS security realms that the specified file or directory belongs to.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec info file -h
acfsutil sec info file -m mount_point path

acfsutil sec info file -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-47 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec info file command.

Table 13-47 Options for the acfsutil sec info file command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Specifies the path of the file or directory in the file system.

This command also displays the encryption status of files.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec info file command.

Example 13-41 Using the acfsutil sec info file command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec info file -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec init


Initializes Oracle ACFS security.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec init -h
acfsutil sec init -u admin -g admin_sec_goup

acfsutil sec init -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-48 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec init command.

Table 13-48 Options for the acfsutil sec init command

Option Description

-u admin

Specifies the first security administrator user name. The user specified must be an existing operating system user and a member of the operating system group specified by the -g option.

On Windows, the security administrator user name must be specified with a fully qualified user name in the form of domain_name\username.

-g admin_sec_group

Specifies the name of the security group for the administrator. The group specified must be an existing operating system group.

On Windows, the group name must be specified with a fully qualified domain group name in the form of domain_name\groupname. If the domain_name\groupname contains a space, then enclose the string in quotes (" ").

The acfsutil sec init command creates the storage necessary for security credentials and identifies an operating system user as the first security administrator. The command also identifies the operating system group that is the designated security group. All users that are security administrators must be members of the designated security group. Security administrators are common for all Oracle ACFS file systems.

The acfsutil sec init command is run once to set up Oracle ACFS security for each cluster and can be run from any node in the cluster. Other security commands can also be run from any node in a cluster.

Only the root user or Windows Administrator user can run this command. The user specifies a temporary password for the security administrator. The security administrator password must conform to the following format:

  • The maximum number of characters is 20.

  • The minimum number of characters is 8.

  • The password must contain at least one digit.

  • The password must contain at least one letter.

The new security administrator can change the password with the acfsutil sec admin password command. For information, refer to "acfsutil sec admin password".

Security administrators are allowed to browse all directories in an Oracle ACFS file system whether they have the underlying operating system permissions and whether any realm checks allow it. This enables a security administrator to check the location of the files when securing them with Oracle ACFS security realms. However, a security administrator cannot view the contents of individual files without the appropriate operating system and security realm permissions.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec init command.

Example 13-42 Using the acfsutil sec init command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec init -u grid -g asmadmin

acfsutil sec load


Loads Oracle ACFS security metadata into a file system identified by a mount point.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec load -h
acfsutil sec load -m mount_point -p file

acfsutil sec load -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-49 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec load command.

Table 13-49 Options for the acfsutil sec load command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-p file

Specifies the name of an existing saved security metadata file.

The acfsutil sec load command loads the security metadata in a saved XML file into the specified Oracle ACFS file system.

To run the acfsutil sec load command, the destination mount point must have a file system that has been prepared for security and does not contain any user-created security objects.

If the file system mounted on destination mount point contains security objects, then you must run acfsutil sec prepare -u to remove all previously created security objects on the file system. After successfully running acfsutil sec prepare -u, you must run acfsutil sec prepare to prepare the file system for security. After successfully running acfsutil sec prepare, you can run acfsutil sec load on the file system. For information about preparing security on or removing security from a file system, refer to "acfsutil sec prepare".

The acfsutil sec load command does not load system security realms from the backup file. System security realms are created with the acfsutil sec prepare command; acfsutil sec load does not recreate these realms. For information about the system-created security realms, refer to "acfsutil sec prepare".

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec load command.

Example 13-43 Using the acfsutil sec load command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec load -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs -p my_metadata_file.xml

acfsutil sec prepare


Prepares an Oracle ACFS file system for security features.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec prepare -h
acfsutil sec prepare [-u] -m mount_point

acfsutil sec prepare -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-50 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec prepare command.

Table 13-50 Options for the acfsutil sec prepare command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.


Backs out security for the specified mount point.

This command removes security from in the file system and reverts the file system to the state before acfsutil sec prepare was run on the file system.

This command removes all realm-secured files and directories from the realms and then destroys all Oracle ACFS security rules, rule sets and realms from the file system. However, the .Security directory and its contents, including log files and the security metadata backup files, are not deleted.

If you want to remove encryption and security is being used, then this command must be run before encryption is backed out. To back out encryption, refer to "acfsutil encr set".

The acfsutil sec prepare command must be run before any of the realm management commands. This command prepares the specified Oracle ACFS file system for security and by default turns security on for the file system.

This command creates the /mount_point/.Security, /mount_point/.Security/backup, and /mount_point/.Security/logs directories where mount_point is the option specified in the command line.

This command creates the following system security realms:

  • SYSTEM_Logs

    This is a system-created realm to protect the Oracle ACFS security log files in the directory .Security/realm/logs/ directory.

  • SYSTEM_SecurityMetadata

    This is a system-created realm to protect the Oracle ACFS metadata XML file in the directory .Security/backup/ directory.

  • SYSTEM_Antivirus

    This is a system-created realm that allows access for the antivirus software that is running on an Oracle ACFS file system. For every realm protected file or directory, the SYSTEM_Antivirus realm is evaluated when authorization checks are performed to determine if the SYSTEM_Antivirus realm allows access to the file or directory.

    To allow the antivirus process to access realm-protected files or directories, you must add the LocalSystem or SYSTEM group to the realm with the acfsutil sec realm add command, as shown in Example 13-45. If other antivirus processes are running as Administrator, then the user Administrator must be added to the SYSTEM_Antivirus realm to allow access to realm protected files and directories.

    If no Antivirus products have been installed, do not add any users or groups to the SYSTEM_Antivirus realm. Because users or groups added to the SYSTEM_Antivirus realm have READ and READDIR access, limit the users or groups added to this realm. You can restrict the time window when the users or groups of this realm can access the realm protected files or directories with time-based rules. You can also have application-based rules if you can identify the process name for the antivirus installation that scans the files.

    The SYSTEM_Antivirus realm can only perform the following operations on a file or directory: OPEN, READ, READDIR, and setting time attributes. To remove or delete files or directories, you may need to disable security to clean up the infected files.

    This realm is set up only for Windows systems.

  • SYSTEM_BackupOperators

    This is a system-created realm that can be used to authorize users that can back up realm-secured files and directories. You can add users, groups, rule sets, and command rules to this realm to provide fine-grain authorization for backing up realm-secured files and directories. A user must be added to this realm to back up realm-secured files and directories.

You can add users, groups, rule sets, and command rules to system-created realms with the acfsutil sec realm add command, the same as for user-created realms. However, adding files and directories to system realms is not recommended. You can use the acfsutil sec realm delete command to delete objects from the system-created realms.

System-created security realms cannot be removed by a security administrator with the acfsutil sec admin destroy command. These realms are only removed when security is backed out of a file system when executing the acfsutil sec prepare command with the -u option.

The acfsutil sec prepare –u command is not allowed if any snapshots exist in the file system.

Only a security administrator can run the acfsutil sec prepare command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec prepare command.

Example 13-44 Using the acfsutil sec prepare command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec prepare -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec realm add


Adds objects to an Oracle ACFS security realm.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec realm add -h
acfsutil sec realm add realm -m mount_point
     { [-u user, ...] [-G os_group,...]
     [-l commandrule:ruleset,commandrule:ruleset,...]
     [-e [-a {AES}] [-k {128|192|256} ] ]
     [-f [ -r] path ...] }

acfsutil sec realm add -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-51 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec realm add command.

Table 13-51 Options for the acfsutil sec realm add command

Option Description


Specifies the realm name to add.

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-u user

Specifies user names to add.

-G os_group

Specifies the operating system groups to add.

-l commandrule:ruleset

Specifies the filters to add. The commandrule switch is used to add one or more command rules to the realm with a rule set.

ruleset specifies the rule set associated with the command rule for this realm. Only one rule set can be included with each command rule.

For a list of command rules, refer to Table 13-52. To display a list of the command rules, use acfsutil sec info with the -c option. Refer to "acfsutil sec info".


Enables encryption on the realm. Turning encryption on for the realm causes all files contained in the realm to be encrypted. These files remain encrypted until they are no longer part of an encrypted realm.

Files that are encrypted are not re-encrypted to match the new specified encryption parameters.

-a {AES}

Specifies the encryption algorithm for the realm.

-k { 128|192|256}

Specifies the encryption key length.

-f [-r] path ...

Adds files specified by path to the realm. -r specifies a recursive operation. File paths must be separated by spaces and must be placed at the end of the command.

If a specified file is not realm secured, the file is encrypted or decrypted to match the encryption status for the realm.

The acfsutil sec realm add command adds objects to the specified realm. The objects to be added include users, groups, command rules, rule sets, and files. If the command encounters an error when adding an object, a message is displayed and the command continues processing the remaining objects.

Multiple entries can be added in a comma separated list when adding users, operating system groups, or command rules. Do not use spaces in the comma separated list. If spaces are added, then enclose the list in quotes.

If the -e option is specified, then encryption must have been initialized for the cluster and set on the file system. For more information, refer to "acfsutil encr init" and "acfsutil encr set".

If the entire mount point, which includes the .Security directory, is added to the realm then the security administrator operating system group should be added to the realm to maintain security logging and backing up operations.

The supported command rules are listed in Table 13-52. These command rules restrict or protect against file system operations on realm-secured files and directories.

Table 13-52 Command Rules

Rule Description


Protects against all file system operations on files and directories.


Restricts against additions to the end of a file. Restrictions include writes that start within the current file size, but proceed beyond the end of the file.


Protects from changing the group ownership on a file or directory.


Protects from changing the permissions on a file or directory.


Protects from changing the owner information of a file or directory.


Protects from creation of new file in a directory.


Protects from deletion of a file from a directory.


Restricts the extension operation of a file size. A file size may still be modifiable with other operations. EXTEND does not protect against a truncate followed by an append operation.


Denies any changes to the files and directories in the realm except changes to extended attributes as a result of commands such as acfsutil tag and acfsutil encr.

Includes the following protection for a file or directory: APPENDFILE, CHGRP, CHMOD, CHOWN, DELETEFILE, EXTEND, OVERWRITE, RENAME, RMDIR, TRUNCATE, and WRITE.

IMMUTABLE does not deny any changes to the atime attribute. The atime attribute changes when a user accesses the file.

Can be set to archive the files and directories in a security realm.


Restricts the creation of hard links to files.


Protects from the creation of new directory in a directory.


Protects a file from being memory mapped for a read operation using mmap() on Linux or using CreateFileMapping followed by MapViewOfFile() on Windows.


Protects a file from being memory mapped for a write operation. Setting MMAPWRITE also protects a file from mapping for read as the operating system maps a file for both read and write.


Protects from the opening of a file.


Prevents existing content in a file from being overwritten with a write operation whose start and end offsets are within the current file size.

If the operations on a file are truncate followed by append, OVERWRITE does not protect the file. To provide additional protection from both append and overwrite operations, use the WRITE command rule.


Restricts for a directory listing, except for use by the security administrator group.


Protects from reading the contents of a file. READ also protects against read operations using mmap(2).


Protects against renaming a file or directory.


Protects against removing a directory.


Restricts the creation of symbolic links in the directories protected by a security realm. When creating symbolic links, it does not matter whether the source file is protected by a security realm.


Restricts the truncation of a file.


Protects a file against the write system call. WRITE also protects against append and overwrite operations, plus write operations using mmap(2).

A file may still be modifiable with other file operations. To protect the file from other modifications, also use the TRUNCATE and DELETEFILE command rules.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


Example 13-45 shows the use of the acfsutil sec realm add command. The first acfsutil sec command adds a user group to a security realm. The second and third commands add the LocalSystem or SYSTEM group to the SYSTEM_Antivirus realm in a Windows environment.

Example 13-45 Using the acfsutil sec realm add command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm add my_security_realm -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs 
     -G my_os_group

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm add SYSTEM_Antivirus /m e: /G "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM"

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm add SYSTEM_Antivirus /m e: /G "SYSTEM"

acfsutil sec realm clone


Clones an Oracle ACFS security realm.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec realm clone -h
acfsutil sec realm clone realm -s src_mount_point new_realm
     [-e] [-f] [-G] [-l] [-u]
acfsutil sec realm clone realm -s src_mount_point
     [new_realm] -d destination_mount_point
     [-e] [-G] [-l] [-u]

acfsutil sec realm clone -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-53 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec realm clone command.

Table 13-53 Options for the acfsutil sec realm clone command

Option Description


Specifies the realm name to be cloned.

-s src_mount_point

Specifies the directory where the source file system is mounted.


Specifies the new realm name.

-d destination_mount_point

Specifies the directory for the destination mount point for the new realm.


Copy encryption attributes to the new realm.


Copy file objects to the new realm.


Copy operating system groups to the new realm.


Copy filters to the new realm.


Copy users to the new realm.

The acfsutil sec realm clone makes a copy of the specified realm in the destination mount point. If the source and mount points are different and the new realm name is not specified, then the realm is cloned using the existing realm name in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by destination mount point. If the destination mount point is not specified, then the cloned realm is located in the source mount point and a new unique realm name must be specified.

If the -l option is specified and the destination mount point is different than the source mount point, then the rules and rule sets must be cloned first.

If the -e option is specified and the destination mount point is different than the source mount point, then encryption must be set on destination mount point. For more information, refer to "acfsutil encr set".

The -f option can only be used if the destination mount point is the same as the source mount point.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec realm clone command.

Example 13-46 Using the acfsutil sec realm clone command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm clone my_security_realm -s /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
      my_new_security_realm -d /u02/app/acfsmounts/myacfs -G

acfsutil sec realm create


Creates an Oracle ACFS security realm.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec realm create -h
acfsutil sec realm create realm -m mount_point
     -e { on -a {AES} -k {128|192|256} | off }
     [-o {enable|disable}] [-d "description"]

acfsutil sec realm create -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-54 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec realm create command.

Table 13-54 Options for the acfsutil sec realm create command

Option Description


Specifies the realm name.

-m mount_point

Specifies the mount point for the file system. A mount point is specified as a path on Linux/Unix.

-e {on|off}

Specifies encryption on or off for the realm.

-a {AES}

Specifies the encryption algorithm.

-k { 128|192|256}

Specifies the encryption key length.

-o {enable|disable}

Specifies where security is on or off for the realm.

-d "description"

Specifies a realm description.

The acfsutil sec create realm creates a new realm in the specified Oracle ACFS file system. The new realm name must be unique in the file system identified by the mount point.

A maximum of 500 Oracle ACFS security realms can be created, including any default system realms created by the acfsutil sec prepare command.

The realm is enabled by default unless the -o disable option is specified.

If the -e on option is specified, then encryption must have been initialized for the cluster and set on the file system. For more information, refer to "acfsutil encr init" and "acfsutil encr set".

If the -e off option is specified, you cannot specify the -a and -k options.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec realm create command.

Example 13-47 Using the acfsutil sec realm create command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm create my_security_realm -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
     -e on -a AES -k 192 -o enable

acfsutil sec realm delete


Deletes objects from an Oracle ACFS security realm.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec realm delete -h
acfsutil sec realm delete realm -m mount_point
     { [-u user, ...] [-G os_group,...]
     [-l commandrule:ruleset,commandrule:ruleset,...]
     [-f [ -r] path,...] ] [-e ] }

acfsutil sec realm delete -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-55 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec realm delete command.

Table 13-55 Options for the acfsutil sec realm delete command

Option Description


Specifies the realm name.

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-u user

Specifies user names to delete.

-G os_group

Specifies the operating system groups to delete.

-l commandrule:ruleset

Specifies the filters to delete from the realm. To display a list of the command rules, use acfsutil sec info with the -c option. ruleset specifies the rule set associated with the command rule for this realm.

-f [-r] path ...

Deletes files specified by path from the realm. -r specifies a recursive operation. File paths must be separated by spaces.

If this is the last realm securing the file, the file is encrypted or decrypted to match the file system level encryption state.


Disables encryption on the realm.

When disabling encryption, this option decrypts any files in the realm that do not belong to any other encrypted realms. If a file is part of another realm which is encrypted or if encryption is turned on for the file system, then the file remains encrypted.

The acfsutil sec realm delete command removes objects from the specified realm. The objects to be deleted include users, groups, rule sets, and files. If the command encounters an error when deleting an object, a message is displayed and the command continues processing the remaining objects.

Multiple entries can be added in a comma separated list when adding users, operating system groups, or command rules. Do not use spaces in the comma separated list. If spaces are added, then enclose the list in quotes.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec realm delete command.

Example 13-48 Using the acfsutil sec realm delete command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm delete my_security_realm -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
     -f -r /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs/myoldfiles/*.log

acfsutil sec realm destroy


Destroys an Oracle ACFS security realm.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec realm destroy -h
acfsutil sec realm destroy realm -m mount_point

acfsutil sec realm destroy -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-56 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec realm destroy command.

Table 13-56 Options for the acfsutil sec realm destroy command

Option Description


Specifies the realm name.

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil sec destroy realm removes a security realm from the specified Oracle ACFS file system. Destroying the realm does not destroy the objects in the realm; this command simply removes the security associated with the realm from the objects.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec realm destroy command.

Example 13-49 Using the acfsutil sec realm destroy command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec realm destroy my_security_realm -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec rule clone


Clones a security rule.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec rule clone -h
acfsutil sec rule clone rule -s src_mount_point new_rule
acfsutil sec rule clone rule -s src_mount_point
     [new_rule] -d mount_point

acfsutil sec rule clone -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-57 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec rule clone command.

Table 13-57 Options for the acfsutil sec rule clone command

Option Description


Specifies the existing name of the rule. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-s src_mount_point

Specifies the directory where the source file system is mounted.

-d mount_point

Specifies the directory for the destination mount point of the file system.


Specifies the new name of the rule. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

If the source and mount points are different and the new rule name is not specified, then the rule is cloned using the existing rule name in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by destination mount point. If the destination mount point is not specified, then the cloned rule is located in the source mount point and a new unique rule name must be specified.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec rule clone command.

Example 13-50 Using the acfsutil sec rule clone command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec rule clone my_security_rule -s /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
      my_new_security_rule -d /u02/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec rule create


Creates a security rule.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec rule create -h
acfsutil sec rule create rule -m mount_point
     -t rule_type rule_value
     [-o {ALLOW|DENY}]

acfsutil sec rule create -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-58 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec rule create command.

Table 13-58 Options for the acfsutil sec rule create command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the rule. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-t rule_type rule_value

Specifies a rule type and a rule value. The rule type can be application, hostname, time, or username. The rule value depends on the type of rule. The valid rule types and values are described in this section.

-o option

Specifies options preceded by -o. The option specified can be ALLOW or DENY. The default value is DENY.

The acfsutil sec rule create command creates a new rule in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point. The new rule can be added to a rule set and that rule set can be added to a security realm.

A maximum of 500 Oracle ACFS security rules can be created.

The rule types and associated rule values are:

  • application

    This rule type specifies the name of an application which is allowed or denied access to the objects protected by a realm.

  • hostname

    This rule type specifies the name of a machine from which a user accesses the objects protected by a realm. Access from a node can be allowed or denied using this rule. The hostname should be one of the cluster node names and not any other external nodes which could have mounted the Oracle ACFS file system as a network File System (NFS) mount.

  • time

    This rule type specifies the time interval in the form start_time,end_time. This time interval specifies access to a realm. Access can be allowed or denied to objects protected by a realm only during certain times of the day by setting this rule in a realm. The time is based on the local time of the host.

  • username

    This rule type specifies the name of a user to be added or deleted from a realm. This option can be used to deny access for any user that belongs to a security group that is part of a realm.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec rule create command.

Example 13-51 Using the acfsutil sec rule create command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec rule create my_security_rule -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
      -t username security_user_one -o ALLOW

acfsutil sec rule destroy


Removes a security rule.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec rule destroy -h
acfsutil sec rule destroy rule -m mount_point

acfsutil sec rule destroy -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-59 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec rule destroy command.

Table 13-59 Options for the acfsutil sec rule destroy command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the rule. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil sec rule destroy command removes a rule from the rule sets in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point. A rule set is not destroyed if all the rules are destroyed. The empty rule set must be explicitly destroyed.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec rule destroy command.

Example 13-52 Using the acfsutil sec rule destroy command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec rule destroy my_security_rule -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec rule edit


Updates a security rule.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec rule edit -h
acfsutil sec rule edit rule -m mount_point
     { [-t rule_type rule_value ] [-o {ALLOW|DENY}] }

acfsutil sec rule edit -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-60 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec rule edit command.

Table 13-60 Options for the acfsutil sec rule edit command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the rule. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-t rule_type rule_value

Specifies a rule type and a rule value. The rule type can be application, hostname, time, or username. Rule value depends on the type of rule. For information on the rule type and rule value, refer to "acfsutil sec rule create".

-o option

Specifies options preceded by -o. The option specified can be ALLOW or DENY.

The acfsutil sec rule edit updates a rule.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec rule edit command.

Example 13-53 Using the acfsutil sec rule edit command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec rule edit my_security_rule -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
      -t username security_user_three -o ALLOW

acfsutil sec ruleset clone


Clones a security rule set.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec ruleset clone -h
acfsutil sec ruleset clone ruleset -s mount_point new_ruleset
acfsutil sec ruleset clone ruleset -s mount_point
     [new_ruleset] -d mount_point

acfsutil sec ruleset clone -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-61 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command.

Table 13-61 Options for the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command

Option Description


Specifies the existing name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-s mount_point

Specifies the directory where the source file system is mounted.

-d mount_point

Specifies the directory for the destination mount point of the file system.


Specifies the new name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

If the source mount point is different from destination mount point, the rules in the rule set must be cloned first.

If the source and mount points are different and the new rule set name is not specified, then the rule set is cloned using the existing rule set name in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by destination mount point. If the destination mount point is not specified, then the cloned rule set is located in the source mount point and a new unique rule set name must be specified.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command.

Example 13-54 Using the acfsutil sec ruleset clone command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec ruleset clone 
      my_security_ruleset -s /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs
      my_new_security_ruleset -d /u02/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec ruleset create


Creates a security rule set.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec ruleset create -h
acfsutil sec ruleset create rule_set -m mount_point
     [-o {ALL_TRUE|ANY_TRUE}]

acfsutil sec ruleset create -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-62 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec ruleset create command.

Table 13-62 Options for the acfsutil sec ruleset create command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-o option

Specifies options preceded by -o. The option specified can be ALL_TRUE or ANY_TRUE. The default value is ALL_TRUE.

The acfsutil sec ruleset create command creates a new rule set in the specified mount point.

A maximum of 500 Oracle ACFS security rule sets can be created.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec ruleset create command.

Example 13-55 Using the acfsutil sec ruleset create command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec ruleset create 
       my_security_ruleset -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs -o ANY_TRUE

acfsutil sec ruleset destroy


Removes a security rule set.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec ruleset destroy -h
acfsutil sec ruleset destroy rule_set -m mount_point

acfsutil sec ruleset destroy -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-63 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec ruleset destroy command.

Table 13-63 Options for the acfsutil sec ruleset destroy command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil sec ruleset destroy command removes a rule set from the Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point. Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec ruleset destroy command.

Example 13-56 Using the acfsutil sec ruleset destroy command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec ruleset destroy 
       my_security_ruleset -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil sec ruleset edit


Updates a security rule set.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec ruleset edit -h
acfsutil sec ruleset edit rule_set -m mount_point
    { [-a rule,...] [-d rule,...] [-o {ALL_TRUE|ANY_TRUE}]}

acfsutil sec ruleset edit -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-64 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec ruleset edit command.

Table 13-64 Options for the acfsutil sec ruleset edit command

Option Description


Specifies the name of the rule set. If the name contains a space, enclose in quotes (" ").

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-a rule

Specifies the rule to add.

-d rule

Specifies the rule to remove.

-o option

Specifies options preceded by -o. The option specified can be ALL_TRUE or ANY_TRUE.

The acfsutil sec ruleset edit command updates a rule set in the Oracle ACFS file system specified by the mount point.

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec ruleset edit command.

Example 13-57 Using the acfsutil sec ruleset edit command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec ruleset edit 
       my_security_ruleset -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs 
       -a my_new_rule -o ANY_TRUE

acfsutil sec save


Saves Oracle ACFS file system security metadata.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil sec save -h
acfsutil sec save -m mount_point -p file

acfsutil sec save -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-65 contains the options available with the acfsutil sec save command.

Table 13-65 Options for the acfsutil sec save command

Option Description

-m mount_point

Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

-p file

Specifies a file name to store the security metadata. The file is saved in the /mount_point/.Security/backup/ directory.

The acfsutil sec save command saves the security metadata for an Oracle ACFS file system to an XML file. By default, the file is saved in the /mount_point/.Security/backup directory.

This file can be backed up as a regular file by a backup application. System realms protect this file and allow only members of these realms to access this file and prevent all other users including the root user and system administrator from access. For information about the system-created security realms, refer to "acfsutil sec prepare".

Only a security administrator can run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil sec save command.

Example 13-58 Using the acfsutil sec save command

$ /sbin/acfsutil sec save -m /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs -p my_metadata_file.xml