V$AW_CALC reports on the effectiveness of various caches used by Oracle OLAP during dynamic aggregation.

Column Datatype Description
SESSION_ID NUMBER A unique numeric identifier for the session.
AGGREGATE_CACHE_HITS NUMBER The number of times a dimension member is found in the aggregate cache (a hit).

The number of hits for run-time aggregation can be increased by fetching data across the dense dimension

AGGREGATE_CACHE_MISSES NUMBER The number of times a dimension member is not found in the aggregate cache and must be read from disk (a miss).
SESSION_CACHE_HITS NUMBER The number of times the data is found in the session cache (a hit).
SESSION_CACHE_MISSES NUMBER The number of times the data is not found in the session cache (a miss).
POOL_HITS NUMBER The number of times the data is found in a page in the OLAP page pool (a hit).
POOL_MISSES NUMBER The number of times the data is not found in the OLAP page pool (a miss).
POOL_NEW_PAGES NUMBER The number of newly created pages in the OLAP page pool that have not yet been written to the workspace LOB.
POOL_RECLAIMED_PAGES NUMBER The number of previously unused pages that have been recycled with new data.
CACHE_WRITES NUMBER The number of times the data from the OLAP page pool has been written to the database cache.
POOL_SIZE NUMBER The number of kilobytes in the OLAP page pool.
CURR_DML_COMMAND VARCHAR2(64) The command currently being executed.
PREV_DML_COMMAND VARCHAR2(64) The command most recently completed.
AGGR_FUNC_LOGICAL_NA NUMBER The number of times the aggregation engine returns a logical NA because the AGGINDEX option is on and the composite tuple does not exist.
AGGR_FUNC_PRECOMPUTE NUMBER The number of times the aggregation engine finds a value in a position that it was called to calculate.
AGGR_FUNC_CALCS NUMBER The number of times the aggregation engine calculates a parent value based on the values of its children.