V$DNFS_CHANNELS displays information about the Oracle process connections (channels) open to NFS servers.

Column Datatype Description
PNUM NUMBER Oracle process number
SVRNAME VARCHAR2(255) NFS server name
PATH VARCHAR2(255) Network path to the NFS server specified by IP address or by name
LOCAL VARCHAR2(255) Local path on the database host specified by IP address or by name
CH_ID NUMBER Direct NFS channel identifier
SVR_ID NUMBER Direct NFS server identifier
SENDS NUMBER Send operations over the channel since the last select
RECVS NUMBER Receive operations over the channel since the last select
PINGS NUMBER Ping operations over the channel since the last select
RECOFoot 1  NUMBER Reconnects for the channel since the last select

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (