V$ENCRYPTED_TABLESPACES displays information about the tablespaces that are encrypted.

Column Datatype Description
TS# NUMBER Tablespace number
ENCRYPTIONALG VARCHAR2(7) Encryption algorithm:
  • NONE

  • 3DES168

  • AES128

  • AES192

  • AES256

ENCRYPTEDTS VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the tablespace is encrypted (YES) or not (NO)
ENCRYTPEDKEYFoot 1  RAW(32) Encrypted version of the tablespace key for the encrypted tablespace
MASTERKEYIDFootref 1 RAW(16) ID of the master key that was used to encrypt the tablespace key
BLOCKS_ENCRYPTEDFootref 1 NUMBER Number of tablespace blocks that have been encrypted during the lifetime of this instance
BLOCKS_DECRYPTEDFootref 1 NUMBER Number of tablespace blocks that have been decrypted during the lifetime of this instance

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (