V$IOFUNCMETRIC displays I/O statistics information by database function for the most recent time interval period.

Column Datatype Description
BEGIN_TIME DATE Begin time for the metric value
END_TIME DATE End time for the metric value
INTSIZE_CSEC NUMBER Size of the time period
FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR2(18) Function name
SMALL_READ_MBPS NUMBER Single block megabytes read per second
SMALL_WRITE_MBPS NUMBER Single block megabytes written per second
LARGE_READ_MBPS NUMBER Multiblock megabytes read per second
LARGE_WRITE_MBPS NUMBER Multiblock megabytes written per second
SMALL_READ_IOPS NUMBER Single block read requests per second
SMALL_WRITE_IOPS NUMBER Single block write requests per second
LARGE_READ_IOPS NUMBER Multiblock read requests per second
LARGE_WRITE_IOPS NUMBER Multiblock write requests per second
AVG_WAIT_TIME NUMBER Average wait time (in milliseconds)