V$IOSTAT_FUNCTION displays disk I/O statistics for database functions (such as the LGWR and DBWR).

Column Datatype Description
FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR2(18) Function name:
  • RMAN

  • DBWR

  • LGWR

  • ARCH

  • XDB

  • Streams AQ

  • Data Pump

  • Recovery

  • Buffer Cache Reads

  • Direct Reads

  • Direct Writes

  • Smart Scan

  • Archive Manager

  • Others

SMALL_READ_MEGABYTES NUMBER Number of megabytes read via single block read requests
SMALL_WRITE_MEGABYTES NUMBER Number of megabytes written via single block write requests
LARGE_READ_MEGABYTES NUMBER Number of megabytes read via multiblock read requests
LARGE_WRITE_MEGABYTES NUMBER Number of megabytes written via multiblock write requests
SMALL_READ_REQS NUMBER Number of single block read requests
SMALL_WRITE_REQS NUMBER Number of single block write requests
LARGE_READ_REQS NUMBER Number of multiblock read requests
LARGE_WRITE_REQS NUMBER Number of multiblock write requests
NUMBER_OF_WAITS NUMBER Number of synchronous I/O waits by functionality
WAIT_TIME NUMBER Total synchronous I/O wait time (in milliseconds)