V$LOGSTDBY_TRANSACTION displays all transactions that are actively being processed by SQL Apply. The transaction identifiers shown in this view are those mined from the redo stream and correspond to transaction identifiers assigned at the primary database, and do not correspond to the transactions that are active at the logical standby database. For information regarding transactions active in the logical standby database, including those created as part of SQL Apply, query the V$TRANSACTION view at the logical standby database.

Column Datatype Description
PRIMARY_XIDUSN NUMBER Undo segment number of the transaction
PRIMARY_XIDSLT NUMBER Slot number of the transaction
PRIMARY_XIDSQN NUMBER Sequence number of the transaction
PRIMARY_XID RAW(8) Transaction ID
PRIMARY_START_SCN NUMBER Start system change number (SCN) base
PRIMARY_PARENT_XIDUSN NUMBER Undo segment number of the parent transaction
PRIMARY_PARENT_XIDSLT NUMBER Slot number of the parent transaction
PRIMARY_PARENT_XIDSQN NUMBER Sequence number of the parent transaction
PRIMARY_PARENT_XID RAW(8) Transaction ID of the parent transaction (PDML)
  • PL/SQL - Transaction was done as part of a supported PL/SQL procedure

  • Direct Path Load - Transaction is a direct path load

  • CTAS - Transaction contains at least one CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT operation

  • DDL - Transaction contains one or more DDL operations

  • PDML Child - Transaction is a child transaction

  • DML - Transaction contains only DML operations

MINING_STATUS VARCHAR2(32) Mining status:
  • ACTIVE - Transaction is still being mined by LogMiner. At least part of this transaction is ready to be applied or has already been applied.

  • COMPLETE - Transaction is complete and ready to be applied. LogMiner has finished mining.

  • ACTIVE - Transaction has been assigned to an apply server. It is in one of the following states:

    - The transaction is being actively applied

    - The transaction is being held by an apply server waiting for certain events to occur

    - The transaction is being held by an apply server waiting for subsequent parts of this transaction

  • NONE - Transaction has not yet been assigned to an apply server

SID NUMBER Session ID of the apply server's session; Null if APPLY_STATUS is NONE
SERIAL# NUMBER Serial number of the apply server's session; Null if APPLY_STATUS is NONE