V$NFS_OPEN_FILES displays information about all the files currently opened by clients at the NFS server.

Column Datatype Description
CLIENTID NUMBER Number identifying the client
OPENOWNEROPAQUE VARCHAR2(2000) All the files currently opened by clients at the NFS server
OPENSTATEID RAW(16) Open state ID of the open owner
FILEHANDLE RAW(32) FileHandle of the file that has been opened
OPENSEQUENCEID NUMBER Open sequence ID of open owner
OPENREAD VARCHAR2(5) TRUE if the file is open for READ operations; otherwise FALSE
OPENWRITE VARCHAR2(5) TRUE if the file is open for WRITE operations; otherwise FALSE
SHAREACCESS VARCHAR2(15) Sharing mode of the file (SharedReadWrite, SharedRead, SharedWrite)
SHAREDENY VARCHAR2(13) Deny mode of the file (DenyReadWrite, DenyRead, DenyWrite)
CONFIRMED VARCHAR2(5) TRUE if open is confirmed; otherwise FALSE