V$PROXY_ARCHIVELOG_DETAILS contains information about all available archive log proxy copies.

Column Datatype Description
SESSION_KEY NUMBER Session identifier
COPY_KEY NUMBER Copy identifier
THREAD# NUMBER Redo thread number
SEQUENCE# NUMBER Redo log sequence number
RESETLOGS_CHANGE# NUMBER Resetlogs change number of the database when this log was written
RESETLOGS_TIME DATE Resetlogs time of the database when this log was written
HANDLE VARCHAR2(513) Proxy copy handle identifies the copy for restore
MEDIA VARCHAR2(65) Name of the media on which the copy resides. This value is informational only. It is not needed for restore.
MEDIA_POOL NUMBER Media pool in which the copy resides. This is the same value that was entered in the POOL operand of the Recovery Manager BACKUP command.
TAG VARCHAR2(32) Proxy copy tag
FIRST_CHANGE# NUMBER First change number in the archived log
NEXT_CHANGE# NUMBER First change number in the next log
FIRST_TIME DATE Timestamp of the first change
NEXT_TIME DATE Timestamp of the next change
OUTPUT_BYTES NUMBER Total output bytes written
OUTPUT_BYTES_DISPLAY VARCHAR2(4000) Displayable format for output bytes
KEEP DATE Indicates whether this backup set has a retention policy that is different than the value for the configure retention policy (YES) or not (NO)
KEEP_UNTIL VARCHAR2(11) If specified, then this is the date after which the backup becomes obsolete. If this column is NULL, then the backup never expires.
KEEP_OPTIONS VARCHAR2(4000) Additional retention options for this backup set:
  • LOGS - Indicates a long-term backup made with the LOGS keyword, which is now deprecated

  • BACKUP_LOGS - Indicates that the backup was made in open mode, so archived log backups must be applied to make it consistent

  • NOLOGS - Indicates a consistent backup made when the database was mounted

  • NULL - Indicates that this backup has no KEEP options and becomes obsolete based on the retention policy