V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM provides descriptions of supported compression algorithms. It is used by the RMAN client.

Column Datatype Description
ALGORITHM_NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of the algorithm (for example, LOW, MEDIUM, DEFAULT, or HIGH)
INITIAL_RELEASE VARCHAR2(18) First Oracle Database release when this compression algorithm was available
TERMINAL_RELEASE VARCHAR2(18) Last Oracle Database release that supported using this compression algorithm to create new backups. Existing backups can always be restored, even if they use a deprecated compression algorithm.
ALGORITHM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(64) Description of the algorithm
ALGORITHM_COMPATIBILITY VARCHAR2(18) Required database compatibility level for the algorithm (for example, 11.2.0 for DEFAULT)
IS_VALID VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the algorithm is valid with regard to the compatibility setting (YES) or not (NO). The value is YES if ALGORITHM_COMPATIBILITY <= DATABASE_COMPATIBILITY.
REQUIRES_ACO VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the algorithm requires the Advanced Compression Option (YES) or not (NO)
IS_DEFAULTFootref 1 VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the algorithm is the default compression algorithm that RMAN uses to create compressed backup sets (YES) or not (NO)

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (