V$RSRC_PLAN displays the names of all currently active resource plans.

Column Datatype Description
ID NUMBER Resource plan ID (a unique number, consistent across database shutdowns and startups). This is also the data dictionary object ID.
NAME VARCHAR2(32) Name of the resource plan
IS_TOP_PLAN VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether the resource plan is the current top plan (TRUE) or whether the resource plan is a subplan of the current top plan (FALSE)
CPU_MANAGED VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the resource plan has parameters that specify a policy for how the Resource Manager should schedule sessions to manage CPU usage (ON) or whether Resource Manager is not managing CPU usage (OFF)
INSTANCE_CAGINGFoot 1  VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether instance caging is enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF). Instance caging is enabled if the CPU_COUNT initialization parameter is set to a value other than 0 and Resource Manager is enabled.
PARALLEL_SERVERS_ACTIVEFootref 1 NUMBER Total number of active parallel servers on the instance
PARALLEL_SERVERS_TOTALFootref 1 NUMBER The value of PARALLEL_SERVERS_TARGET for the instance. Parallel statements are queued if the total number of active parallel servers exceeds this value.
PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MANAGEDFootref 1 VARCHAR2(32) State of parallel statement queuing:
  • OFF - Parallel statement queuing is disabled

  • STARTUP - Parallel statement queuing is enabled. This is a temporary state that can occur when an Oracle RAC database is undergoing configuration changes

  • FIFO - Parallel statement queuing is enabled. All parallel statements are managed in a single Oracle RAC FIFO queue

  • FULL - Parallel statement queuing is enabled. All parallel statements are managed in per-consumer group queues according to the current resource plan. This state is used when a resource plan that contains resource allocation directives (MGMT_P*) is enabled.

Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

See Also: