V$STANDBY_LOG displays information about standby redo logs. Standby redo logs are similar to online redo logs, but standby redo logs are only used on a standby database that is receiving redo data from the primary database.

Column Datatype Description
GROUP# NUMBER Log group number
DBID VARCHAR2(40) Database ID of the primary database to which the standby redo logfile is assigned. If the standby redo logfile is unassigned, the value UNASSIGNED will be displayed.
THREAD# NUMBER Log thread number
SEQUENCE# NUMBER Log sequence number
BYTES NUMBER Size of the log (in bytes)
BLOCKSIZE NUMBER Block size of the logfile (512 or 4096)
USED NUMBER Number of bytes used in the log
ARCHIVED VARCHAR2(3) Archive status (YES) or (NO). See the STATUS column for further details.
STATUS VARCHAR2(10) Log status:
  • UNASSIGNED - If ARCHIVED is NO, then the standby redo log has been archived and is again available. If ARCHIVED is YES, then the standby redo log has never been used and is available.

  • ACTIVE - If ARCHIVED is NO, then the standby redo log is complete and waiting to be archived. If ARCHIVED is YES, then the standby redo log is currently being written to and is therefore not ready to be archived. For a given thread, there should be only one such log.

FIRST_CHANGE# NUMBER Lowest SCN in the log
FIRST_TIME DATE Time of the first SCN in the log
NEXT_CHANGE# NUMBER All redo records contained within this log will have an SCN lower than NEXT_CHANGE#. Only filled in once the log is complete. Also the lowest SCN of any redo record in the next log.
NEXT_TIME DATE All redo records contained within this log will have a timestamp lower than NEXT_TIME. Only filled in once the log is complete. Also the lowest timestamp of any redo record in the next log.
LAST_CHANGE# NUMBER Last change number made to this datafile. Set to NULL if the datafile is being changed.
LAST_TIME DATE Timestamp of the last change