V$SYSTEM_EVENT displays information on total waits for an event. Note that the TIME_WAITED and AVERAGE_WAIT columns will contain a value of zero on those platforms that do not support a fast timing mechanism. If you are running on one of these platforms and you want this column to reflect true wait times, then you must set TIMED_STATISTICS to TRUE in the parameter file; doing this will have a small negative effect on system performance.

Column Datatype Description
EVENT VARCHAR2(64) Name of the wait event
TOTAL_WAITS NUMBER Total number of waits for the event
TOTAL_TIMEOUTS NUMBER Total number of timeouts for the event
TIME_WAITED NUMBER Total amount of time waited for the event (in hundredths of a second)
AVERAGE_WAIT NUMBER Average amount of time waited for the event (in hundredths of a second)
TIME_WAITED_MICRO NUMBER Total amount of time waited for the event (in microseconds)
TOTAL_WAITS_FG NUMBER Total number of waits for the event, from foreground sessions
TOTAL_TIMEOUTS_FG NUMBER Total number of timeouts for the event, from foreground sessions
TIME_WAITED_FG NUMBER Amount of time waited for the event (in hundredths of a second), from foreground sessions
AVERAGE_WAIT_FG NUMBER Average amount of time waited for the event (in hundredths of a second), from foreground sessions
TIME_WAITED_MICRO_FG NUMBER Amount of time waited for the event (in microseconds), from foreground sessions
EVENT_ID NUMBER Identifier of the wait event
WAIT_CLASS_ID NUMBER Identifier of the class of the wait event
WAIT_CLASS# NUMBER Number of the class of the wait event
WAIT_CLASS VARCHAR2(64) Name of the class of the wait event