V$TEMPSEG_USAGE describes temporary segment usage.

Column Datatype Description
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) User who requested temporary space
USER VARCHAR2(30) This column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility. The value of this column is always equal to the value in USERNAME.
SESSION_ADDR RAW(4 | 8) Session address
SESSION_NUM NUMBER Serial number of session
SQLADDR RAW(4 | 8) Address of SQL statement
SQLHASH NUMBER Hash value of SQL statement
SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of SQL statement
TABLESPACE VARCHAR2(31) Tablespace in which space is allocated
CONTENTS VARCHAR2(9) Indicates whether tablespace is TEMPORARY or PERMANENT
SEGTYPE VARCHAR2(9) Type of sort segment:
  • SORT

  • HASH

  • DATA




SEGFILE# NUMBER File number of initial extent
SEGBLK# NUMBER Block number of the initial extent
EXTENTS NUMBER Extents allocated to the sort
BLOCKS NUMBER Extents in blocks allocated to the sort
SEGRFNO# NUMBER Relative file number of initial extent