V$WAITCLASSMETRIC displays metric values of wait classes for the most recent 60-second interval. A history of the last one hour will be kept in the system.

Column Datatype Description
BEGIN_TIME DATE Begin time of the interval
END_TIME DATE End time of the interval
INTSIZE_CSEC NUMBER Interval size (in hundredths of a second)
WAIT_CLASS# NUMBER Number of the class of the wait event
WAIT_CLASS_ID NUMBER Identifier of the class of the wait event
DBTIME_IN_WAIT NUMBER Percent of database time spent in the wait
TIME_WAITED NUMBER Time waited during the interval (in hundredths of a second)
WAIT_COUNT NUMBER Number of times waited
TIME_WAITED_FG NUMBER Amount of time (in hundredths of a second) spent in waits from this wait class in foreground sessions
WAIT_COUNT_FG NUMBER Number of times foreground processes waited