Property Description
Parameter type Integer
Default value There is no default value.
Range of values If MAX_SHARED_SERVERS is specified, then it should be greater than or equal to SHARED_SERVERS and less than PROCESSES.
Basic No

MAX_SHARED_SERVERS specifies the maximum number of shared server processes allowed to be running simultaneously. Setting this parameter enables you to reserve process slots for other processes, such as dedicated servers.

When you want to reduce the range of shared servers, you can reduce MAX_SHARED_SERVERS before reducing SHARED_SERVERS. If MAX_SHARED_SERVERS is lower than SHARED_SERVERS, then the number of shared servers will not vary but will remain at the constant level specified by SHARED_SERVERS. If MAX_SHARED_SERVERS is not specified, then a shared server process may be spawned as long as the number of free process slots is greater than 1 / 8 the maximum number of processes, or 2 if PROCESSES is less than 24.

See Also: