Property Description
Parameter type String
Syntax PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP = service_name | group_name
Default value There is no default value; parallel execution is enabled across all currently active instances.
Range of values Any service name or any group name specified in the INSTANCE_GROUPS parameter of any active instance
Oracle RAC Multiple instances can have different values.

PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP is an Oracle RAC parameter that you can specify in parallel mode only. Used in conjunction with services or with the INSTANCE_GROUPS parameter, it lets you restrict parallel query operations to a limited number of instances. Note that the INSTANCE_GROUPS parameter has been deprecated.

This parameter identifies the parallel instance group Oracle will use for spawning parallel execution processes. If used in conjunction with services, then parallel operations will spawn parallel execution processes only on instances defined in the service. If used in conjunction with INSTANCE_GROUPS, then parallel operations will spawn parallel execution processes only on instances that specify a matching group in their INSTANCE_GROUPS parameter.

If the value assigned to PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP is the name of a service or group that does not exist, then the operation runs serially. No parallelism is used.

See Also:

Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for more information on parallel query execution in a Real Application Clusters environment